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Major update reorganizes entire haplogroup I2 tree

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Z125 block split, new branches in Barclay group: 2020-12-05 tree for I-CTS11338

Click here to download our 2020-12-05 draft tree for I-CTS11338

A new Big Y-700 result is CTS12809+ and CTS8693+, but Z125- and negative for approximately 20 additional SNPs. All of these SNPs were formerly considered to be equivalent. 

Our tree shows CTS10530 as equivalent to Z125. The I-CTS12809 sample has a CTS10530- result and the I-CTS787* sample has only two reads at this position, both negative. The FTDNA tree shows CTS10530 as equivalent to CTS787, maybe FTDNA will correct this.

This update also shows new branches in the Barclay/Scottish cluster: a new I-FT409425 level and a new I-FT156865 branch.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-CTS11338
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for I-CTS11338
Click here for YFull's I-CTS11338 (I-Z105) tree
Click here for a brief description of the I-CTS11338 haplogroup

Saturday, November 14, 2020

2020-11-13 draft tree for I-Y4252

 Click here to download our 2020-11-13 tree for I-Y4252

A new Big Y-700 for a Swedish man resolved a block of four SNPs: A10035 and BY33208 occurred first, and A10034 and Y23458 are more recent. The wider I-A10033 haplogroup has an almost completely Scandinavian/continental European distribution with only one sample known from northeastern England.

This update shows some additional branches in other parts of the I-Y4252 tree, these are based on samples with English origin.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-Y4252
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for I-Y4252
Click here for YFull's I-Y4252 tree
Click here for a brief description of the I-Y4252 haplogroup

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

New 5000 year old branch below I-Y14718: 2020-11-10 tree for I-Y11222

Click here to download our 2020-11-10 draft tree for I-Y11222

This update shows a new branch called I-Y85303, it's below I-Y14718. It's only slightly younger than I-Y14718 as a whole, which has a MRCA date of 5200 years ago according to YFull's calculation. All known members of I-Y85303 have British origin, they belong to two very distantly related groups.

This update also shows:

  • a new branch called I-FT88076, it's specific to an English family.
  • a new level called I-Y54965, it's above I-PH3133. All of these families have origin from Northern Ireland and from the northern part of the Republic of Ireland
  • two new branches below I-Y14722, these are part of the M26-France cluster. Recently I have noticed an increase in Big Y samples from Europe, these people order Big Y-700 as their first test at FTDNA. They order from FTDNA's European affiliate (iGENEA) or directly from FTDNA.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-Y11222
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for I-Y11222
Click here for YFull's I-Y11222
Click here for a brief description of the I-Y11222 haplogroup

Thursday, November 5, 2020

A Yorkshire sample at the base of the Isles-C haplogroup: 2020-11-05 tree for I-Y3723

Click here to download our 2020-11-05 tree for I-Y3723

The Isles-C haplogroup is very characteristic of central-western Ireland. All members of this haplogroup share a large block of approximately 20 SNPs and they also share several distinctive STR marker values.

This update shows a new sample from Yorkshire, England: he is A544/Y5460+ and FGC14453/Y5456+, but he is Y5455/FGC14452- Y5450- and ancestral (negative) for approximately 17 additional SNPs

He also has some key marker values that are diagnostic for Isles-C: DYS572=11 or 12 (he has 11) and DYS444=10.

But he has some other marker values that aren't typical of Isles-C, for example he has DYS385=11-16, the 11 is typical of other branches of Isles I-Y3723, the other Isles-C men have a 12.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

A new level in the Lindsay family haplotree: 2020-10-28 tree for I-FT11343

Click here to download our 2020-10-28 draft tree for I-FT11343 

I-FT11343 contains only men named Lindsay, Lindsay, Lindesay or men with different surnames who very likely had a Lindsay paternal ancestor several generations ago. There have been at least 43 Big Ys for I-FT11343.

This update shows two new branches below I-Y99301:

  • I-Y215390 which contains two samples. I expect that FTDNA will add this branch to their haplotree and Big Y Block Tree soon, but maybe they will choose a different SNP to name this branch.
  • I-BY47557 which contains at least 15 samples. Maybe FTDNA and YFull won't add the I-BY47557 level because it occurs in a region that is very similar to another Y chromosome. The two I-Y215390 samples have clear BY47557- results

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

A major new branch below I-S20602: 2020-10-26 tree for I-CTS10228

 Click here to download our 2020-10-26 draft tree for I-CTS10228

This update shows a new branch immediately below I-S20602. It's called I-FT80992 and it contains only two samples, one from Germany and one from Hungary.

There are five previously known branches below I-S20602: four large branches: I-S17250, I-Y4460, I-Z17855 and I-Y18331, and one small branch: I-FT76511. This update also shows a new branch below I-FT76511, it's called I-FT256359 and it contains samples from Serbia and from Bosnia and Herzegovina.

This update shows shows an additional new branch called I-BY161829, it's a downstream branch specific to a Greek family. 

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

A major new branch based on FTDNA and Dante Lab samples: 2020-10-14 tree for I-Z17855

Click here to download our 2020-10-14 draft tree for I-Z17855

This update shows a new branch immediately below I-Z17855. This branch is characterized by a single SNP: ChrY position 3272203 C to T. This SNP unites two existing branches: I-BY116090 and I-Y68571.

The I-BY116090 branch contains a Dante Lab sample from Serbia, and a FTDNA Big Y-500 sample with ancestry from Istanbul, Turkey. At ChrY position 3272203, the Serbian man has a positive T+ result, but this position wasn't sampled in the Turkish man's Big Y-500 test.

The I-Y68571 branch contains three samples, I think they all have ancestry from Russia. The newest sample has Big Y-700 results and a positive T+ result at position 3272203. The other two men did earlier Big Y-500 tests which didn't sample this position.

YFull already shows the I-BY116090 branch, and the Russian with Big Y-700 results has ordered the YFull analysis of his BAM file. Probably YFull will add the upstream branch at position 3272203 at the next update. FTDNA doesn't include the I-BY116090 branch and won't add the upstream branch because FTDNA doesn't include data from Dante Lab samples.

This update also shows three new branches in different parts of the I-Z17855 haplotree.

Click here to find our previous I-Z17855 tree
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for I-Z17855
Click here for YFull's I-Z17855 tree
Click here for a brief description of the I-Z17855 haplogroup

Monday, October 12, 2020

Our first tree specific to the Driscoll family: 2020-10-12 draft tree for I-A13665

Click here to download our 2020-10-12 draft tree for I-A13665

For reasons of space we have created a tree specific to I-A13665. This haplogroup contains a large family named Driscoll/O'Driscoll from southwestern County Cork, Ireland. 

I-A13665 was formerly found on our I-Y12072 tree. In the future our I-Y12072 tree will show only Y12072+ PF4135- branches. 

I-A13665 is part of the I-PF4135 haplogroup which had a large expansion approximately 1700 years ago. All subbranches of I-PF4135 have some members from County Cork, and maybe I-PF4135 originated there. We have created another new tree for the Y12072+ PF4135+ A13665- branches.

I-A13665 had a common ancestor who lived approximately 1300 years ago according to YFull's calculation. In fact, I-A13665 contains two immediate child branches: an unnamed I-A13665* branch  which contains a single sample and the large I-Y31631 branch which contains the large Driscoll family.

The donor of the I-A13665* sample was born in France and he traces his family to the early 1800s in the Indre department in central France.

This update shows several new branches and some new SNP information for existing branches.

Our first tree specific to I-PF4135: our draft tree dated 2020-10-12

Click here to download our 2020-10-12 draft tree for I-PF4135

For reasons of space we have created a tree specific to I-PF4135 which is sometimes nicknamed Isles-A.

The PF4135+ A13665+ branches will be shown on their own tree, click here to download our I-A13665 (Driscoll family) draft tree.

The Y12072+ PF4135- branches will be shown on our I-Y12072 tree.


This I-PF4135 tree shows several updates:

  • in the I-A11115 haplogroup, we show the I-Y63669 branch and the more specific I-Y62883 branch. All known members of I-Y63669 have paternal origin from the Isle of Man. The I-Y62883 branch contains three samples from the Kinley family, the  I-Y63669* sample has a different surname
  • in I-A12075, we show a downstream branch called I-Y128944. One of the members is American with a paternal grandfather born in Germany. I-PF4135 is heavily Irish and British otherwise.
  • also in I-A12075, we show two new branches below I-Y12059 (Munro family)
  • I-BY105765 is a new branch that contains two descendants of the "Old John Hash" family of colonial Pennsylvania/Virginia, USA. It's part of the uncommon I-FGC39003 branch.
  • I-A17708 (also known as I-I-Z45261) contains another large American family (members are named Adkins, Mullins, Sloan etc). We show several new branches.
We also show new Big Y-700 samples in existing branches, and we show new SNP information for many existing branches.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

New branch in Swiss-German I-Y141742 haplogroup: 2020-09-13 draft tree for I-A17273

 Click here to download our 2020-09-13 draft tree for I-A17273 

This update shows a new branch called I-Y154884, it's part of the larger I-Y141742 haplogroup (also known as I-BY89956)

I-M26 contains many branches which are found in German-speaking regions, especially in southwestern Germany and Switzerland. But I-Y141742 is probably the branch which had the largest recent expansion, I know of several people living in Switzerland who belong to this branch according to their Y37 etc. markers, and many other in the USA etc. 

Click here to find our previous tree for I-A17273
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for I-A17273
Click here for YFull's I-A17273 tree
Click here for a brief description of the I-A17273 haplogroup

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

New branches in mostly German I-BY130413 group and in large I-CTS11851 group: 2020-09-05 tree for I-L160

 Click here to download our 2020-09-05 draft tree for I-L160

This tree shows two new branches in the uncommon I-BY130413 haplogroup:

I-BY78466 contains samples from Bavaria (Germany) and from Austria. This is maybe the only known branch of I-M26 from these areas, although other branches of I-M26 are very typical of Switzerland and southwestern Germany.

I-FT49809 contains two samples with uncertain origin: one is from Cuba and the other is American from an adopted paternal line, maybe with an English origin.

This tree also shows a downstream branch in the large I-CTS11851 haplogroup (also known as the DYS462=13 cluster). The new branch is called I-S6087 and it contains a sample with German origin and a sample with Portuguese origin.

Click here to find our previous I-L160 tree
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for I-L160
Click here for YFull's I-L160 tree
Click here for a brief description of the I-L160 haplogroup

Saturday, September 5, 2020

A third sample in the rare I-FT270447/A26390 haplogroup (parent of I-FT270316): 2020-09-03 draft tree for I-S17250

 Click here to download our 2020-09-03 draft tree for I-S17250

I-FT270447/A26390 is a small branch immediately below I-S17250 (also known as I-Y3548).

There are three known I-FT270447 samples: a Big Y-700 sample from Bosnia and Herzegovina, a Big Y-700 sample which maybe has Polish origin, and a Dante Lab? sample which also has Polish origin (he is already on the YFull tree).

All three samples share FT270447/A26390.

The two Big Y-700 samples (BiH and Poland?) share two additional SNPs: FT270316 and FT269253 (we don't show FT269253 on this tree, we will add it). These two samples belong to the I-FT270316 branch, while the Dante Lab sample (Poland) belongs to an I-FT270447* branch.

Because FTDNA doesn't have access to the Dante Lab sample, FTDNA considers FT270316, FT269253, and FT270447 to be equivalent, and FTDNA's tree shows only one branch, named I-FT270316.

Because YFull doesn't include the recent Big Y-700 result with Polish origin, the YFull tree doesn't include FT270316 and FT269253. YFull's tree shows only one branch, named I-FT270447/A26390.


This tree also shows a new I-BY98908 haplogroup below I-A16981

Click here to find our previous I-S17250 tree
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for I-Y3548 (I-S17250)
Click here for YFull's I-S17250 tree
Click here for a brief description of the I-S17250 haplogroup

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

2020-08-25 draft tree for I-PH908

 Click here to download our 2020-08-25 draft tree for I-PH908

  • an I-PH908* sample from Albania
  • I-Y55893 and more specific I-Y45843 branch (part of I-A356/Z16983)
  • A second I-P41.2/M359.2 Big Y sample
  •  new I-FT275645/Y200082 haplogroup
  • I-BY189748 is the parent of I-BY190900
  • new I-BY186407 branch

2020-08-25 draft tree for I-FT16449

 Click here to download our 2020-08-25 draft tree for I-FT16449

  • There are three known samples in the I-FT240062 haplogroup, two FTDNA Big Y-700 samples and one Dante Lab sample. The two FTDNA samples are FT354262+, but the Dante Lab sample is maybe negative, or maybe this position was not tested. This SNP occurs in the centromere region
  • I-Y109702 is now the parent of I-Y99608. The three I-Y109702 samples have origin from Germany, Poland and Bohemia
  • I-A22771 is the parent of I-A22770. A DanteLab sample is A22771+ A22770-

Sunday, August 23, 2020

A new continental European branch: 2020-08-23 draft tree for I-Y4252

 Click here to download our 2020-08-23 draft tree for I-Y4252

This update shows a new branch called I-ZS9184, it contains two Big Y-700 samples, one from the Netherlands and one with paternal ancestry from Hannover, Germany. These Big Ys were completed several months ago, but FTDNA added this branch very recently. ZS9184 occurs in a Y chromosome region that is sometimes considered unsuitable for phylogeny.

This update also shows a new branch called I-FT355585, it's part of the "Western-Isles" cluster (I-BY63871).

And this update shows a new branch called I-FT303575 and the more specific I-FT353020 branch.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-Y4252
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for I-Y4252
Click here for YFull's I-Y4252 tree
Click here for a brief description of the I-Y4252 haplogroup

A Big Y sample parallel to the large Terry family: 2020-08-23 draft tree for I-FGC56815

 Click here to download our 2020-08-23 tree for I-FGC56815

This update shows a new branch called I-BY33217*,  it contains a single Big Y-700 sample. I-BY33217* is the sibling branch of I-BY33210 which contains the large Terry family from the USA. 

All known members of I-FGC56815 have likely English paternal origin.

Click here to download our previous tree for I-FGC56815
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for I-FGC56815
Click here for YFull's I-FGC56815
Click here for a brief description of the I-FGC56815 haplogroup

Thursday, July 16, 2020

2020-07-16 draft tree for I-A17273 (part of I-M26)

Click here to download our 2020-07-16 draft tree for I-A17273

This update shows a new branch called I-BY129449. It contains three samples, they have Portuguese, Spanish and Irish "Anglo-Norman" ancestry. I-BY129449 is the sister branch of the Swiss German I-BY89956 branch. Everyone in these branches has the distinctive marker value DYS390=22.

This update also shows a new branch called I-BY93095, it contains two members of an Irish family. This branch is part of I-A19395 which is widespread in northern Europe.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-A17273
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for I-A17273
Click here for YFull's I-A17273 tree
Click here for a brief description of the I-A17273 haplogroup

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

A new branch in the non-British I-A10033 haplogroup: 2020-07-15 tree for I-Y4252

Click here to download our 2020-07-15 draft tree for I-Y4252

This tree update shows a new branch called I-BY88267, it's part of the larger I-A10034 and I-A10033 branches. I-A10033 is the only known common branch of I-L233 that's restricted to Continental Europe. It has two subbranches: I-A10034 (Denmark, northern Germany etc) and I-Y60701 (Croatia, Albania).

This tree also shows a new sample in I-BY63871 (the "Western Isles" cluster) and it shows a new SNP named FT248808 which is equivalent to Y33765.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-Y4252
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for I-Y4252
Click here for YFull's I-Y4252 tree
Click here for a brief description of the I-Y4252 haplogroup

More samples for some Irish families: 2020-07-15 tree for I-Y4665 (Isles-D2)

Click here to download our 2020-07-15 tree for I-Y4665 (Isles-D2)

This tree shows a third Big Y sample for a Flynn family and a fifth Big Y sample for a Morrissey family.  I-Y4665 is very typical of Ireland, especially central-western Ireland. The I-Y4665 Flynn family is one of dozens of Flynn families in Ireland, and probably many Flynn families in other haplogroups are much larger.  There are also several Morrissey families but maybe the I-Y4665 Morrissey family is the largest Morrissey family.

Click here to see John Grenham's Irish surname mapping site

Click here for our previous tree for I-Y4665
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for I-Y4665
Click here for YFull's I-Y4660 tree, which is another name for I-Y4665

Monday, July 13, 2020

Two new branches in Isles-B1: 2020-07-13 tree for I-Y14612

Click here to download our 2020-07-13 draft tree for I-Y14612

This update shows two new branches in Isles-B1, and it includes new SNP information for existing branches. The exact placement of some these SNP should be considered subject to change, because some branches are represented by Big Y-500 results only, which didn't sample most FT series SNPs.

The core Isles-B1 group is I-Y14603, and I think all known I-Y14603 men have paternal ancestry from Britain. (We can often predict I-Y14603 membership from Y37, Y67 or Y111 STR marker results).

But I-Y14603 is closely related to branches from Swedish and Germany: I-Y14606* contains a Swedish-American and a Swede, I-Y14610* contains a Swedish-American, I-Y139346 contains two families from northeastern Germany. The larger I-S2742 haplogroup is a complex mixture of British branches and Scandinavian/Continental European branches.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-Y14612
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for  I-Y14612, Y14607 is currently equivalent to Y14612
Click here for YFull's I-Y14339 tree, Y14339 is currently equivalent to Y14612
Click here for a brief description of the I-Y14612 haplogroup

Friday, July 10, 2020

A new sample in the rare Isles-D4 branch: 2020-07-07 tree for I-S2703

Click here to download our 2020-07-07 draft tree for I-S2703

This update shows a new sample in I-PH3480 (nicknamed "Isles-B4"). I-PH3480 can be identified by the distinctive STR marker value DYS388=11, almost all I-L161 "Isles" men have DYS388=13. Most known I-PH3480 man have English ancestry, and there is one scientific sample from Ireland.

This update also shows a new branch called I-FT182394, it's based on a Big Y sample and sample PGP64 from the publicly shared Personal Genome Project data. These two samples and another Big Y sample are part of the I-S2624 haplogroup. The two Big Y samples have the same surname, and probably PGP64 is also from this family.

This update also shows new SNP information in existing branches.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-S2703
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for  I-S2703
Click here for YFull's I-Y3749 tree, Y3749 is currently equivalent to S2703
Click here for a brief description of the I-S2703 haplogroup

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Our first tree specific to I-FT16449 (part of I-PH908): 2020-07-08

Click here to download our first draft tree specific to I-FT16449

I-FT16449 is a large haplogroup that's part of the larger I-PH908 (Dinaric South) haplogroup. FTDNA's public haplotree and Big Y Block tree includes I-FT16449. But YFull doesn't include FT16449, it is inside a so-called X-transposed region which is very similar (99,5%) to a region on the X chromosome. This also means that FT16449 is not suitable for individual SNP testing.

As shown on our draft tree, I-FT16449 has the characteristic STR marker values DYS561=16 and DYS712>22.

This update shows many new branches below I-FT16449

  • I-FT36524 
  • a new I-FT19919 haplogroup below I-Y126296. The I-FT19919 branch isn't shown on the FTDNA public haplotree/Big Y Block Tree
  • There may be a new unnamed haplogroup below I-Y189253, characterized by the mutation ChrY:10951827 T to C. Two Big Y-700 samples share this variant but a Dante Lab sample doesn't have this variant reported in his VCF file.
  • A new I-BY171718 haplogroup above I-Y144303, previously BY171718, Y144303 and several other SNPs were considered to be equivalent
  • A new I-FT166563 branch, the two samples are closely related
This tree also shows some new SNP information in existing branches

Many new branches in the I-FT177529 haplogroup cascade: 2020-07-02 tree for I-PH908

Click here to download our 2020-07-02 tree for I-PH908

  • This update shows many new branches in the I-FT177529 haplogroup cascade (part of I-FT14506).
  • new I-FT41224* branch (also part of I-FT14506)
  • I-FT25907 is a new haplogroup below I-Y56203 (also part of I-FT14506). I-FT25907 already appears on the YFull tree, it's based on one Big Y-700 (FTDNA) sample and one Dante Lab sample
  • new I-Y45843 branch below I-A493/Z16982  
  • new I-S10860 branch below I-A20333
This update also shows new SNP information in some existing branches.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

A Serbian sample in a Spanish haplogroup: 2020-07-01 tree for I-Z113

Click here to download our 2020-07-01 tree for I-Z113

This update shows a new I-Z113* sample, he has paternal ancestry from Serbia. His common ancestor with the rest of the I-Z113 men lived approximately 1550 years ago, according to YFull's calculation.

I-Z113 is most common in Spain, Portugal and France, especially far southwestern France. There are a few samples from England, and there is one sample from western Bulgaria, this man hasn't done a Big Y test, his STR markers don't match the Serbian man closely.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-Z113
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for I-Z113
Click here for YFull's I-Z113 tree
Click here for a brief description of the I-Z113 haplogroup

New sample from Tunisia: 2020-07-01 tree for I-CTS11338

Click here to download our 2020-07-01 draft tree for I-CTS11338

This update shows a new Big Y-700 sample who has paternal ancestry from Tunisia. He belongs to a downstream branch of I-PF4190 and shares several SNPs with some scientific samples from Sardinia. I-PF4190 is the largest group of I-M26 men in Sardinia.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-CTS11338
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for I-CTS11338
Click here for YFull's I-CTS11338 (I-Z105) tree
Click here for a brief description of the I-CTS11338 haplogroup

Monday, June 29, 2020

New I-FT303300 branch: 2020-06-29 tree for I-Y3118

Click here to download our 2020-06-29 draft tree for I-Y3118

This tree shows a new branch called I-FT303300, there are two known samples, they both have Russian paternal ancestry.

This update also shows some new samples in existing branches.

Our tree shows I-Y25010 below I-FT40113. This is based on FTDNA's haplotree/Big Y Block tree. There are two known I-Y25010 samples, one of them is a member of the I-P37 project, he did a Big Y-500 which didn't cover the FT40113 position. The other  I-Y25010 sample isn't a member of the I-P37 project and he has no result displayed for FT40113, but maybe FTDNA found a few positive reads.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-Y3118
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for I-Y3118
Click here for YFull's I-Y3118 tree
Click here for a brief description of the I-Y3118 haplogroup

Thursday, June 25, 2020

A new branch in I-A16681: 2020-06-26 tree for I-S17250

Click here to download our 2020-06-26 draft tree for I-S17250

This update shows a new branch called I-Y160614, it's part of the I-A16681 haplogroup and much larger I-BY128 haplogroup. The two I-Y160614 samples have paternal ancestry from Hungary and Russia.

This update also shows a new I-A16681* sample and a new I-A14973* sample.

Click here to find our previous I-S17250 tree
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for I-Y3548 (I-S17250)
Click here for YFull's I-S17250 tree
Click here for a brief description of the I-S17250 haplogroup

Sunday, June 21, 2020

New branches in Isles-C2 and Isles-C3: 2020-06-21 tree for I-Y5455

Click here to download our 2020-06-21 draft tree for I-Y5455 (Isles-C)

This tree shows two new branches and additional SNP information in other branches.

Click here to download our previous tree for I-Y5455
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for I-Y5455
Click here for YFull's I-Y5450 tree, which is another name for I-Y5455
Click here for a brief description of the I-Y5455 haplogroup

A new branch in I-S7708 (Isles-D3): 2020-06-21 tree for I-Y3723

Click here to download our 2020-06-21 draft tree for I-Y3723

This update shows a new branch in I-S7708 (Isles-D3), and it shows many additional FT series SNPs that are equivalent to S7708.

Our first tree specific to I-Y4665 (Isles-D2): 2020-06-21

Click here to download our first draft tree specific to I-Y4665 (Isles-D2) dated 2020-06-21

For reasons of space we have created a new tree for I-Y4665. We can now show much more SNP information.

This update shows two new branches, both part of I-A10741.

Membership in I-Y4665 can often be predicted with only Y12 STR markers. Almost all I-Y4665 men have paternal ancestry from Ireland, and some are maybe from Scotland. But we recently found a man with ancestry from central Poland who almost certainly belongs to I-Y4665

Click here for our previous tree for I-Y3723 which included information on I-Y4665
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for I-Y4665
Click here for YFull's I-Y4660 tree, which is another name for I-Y4665

Another sample in the English I-BY175050 branch: 2020-06-19 tree for I-F1295

Click here to download our 2020-06-19 tree for I-F1295

I-BY175050 is a major haplogroup: YFull calls it I-BY174945 and calculates that it was formed 5800 years ago and had a MRCA 4600 years ago.

This update shows a 4th sample for I-BY175050. All of these samples have English ancestry but maybe this will change with more testing.

This update also shows some new phyloequivalent SNPs in other branches.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-F1295
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for I-F1295
Click here for YFull's I-F1295 tree
Click here for a brief description of the I-F1295 haplogroup

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Many updates for rare "France" "Northern France" and "Alpine" branches: 2020-06-15 tree for I-S21825

Click here to download our 2020-06-15 draft tree for I-S21825

I-S21825 is one of the major branches of I-P37, but I-S21825 isn't very common. I-S21825 contains the I-L233 "Western" branch, and some other branches that are much rarer:

  • I-L1294 which was formerly nicknamed I-P37.2* "France", this group has the distinctive marker value DYS388=9. This group is found in Spain, France, Great Britain and western Germany. This group is easily recognized by STR markers, and scientific studies have found several examples, click here to find our previous I-L1294 tree with more information. But I can find only two I-L1294 men at FTDNA who have recent continental European ancestry: one lives in northern Spain and one lives in northwestern Germany, neither is a member of the I-P37 project at FTDNA.
  • I-L880 which is nicknamed "Northern France", there are two Big Y samples, one with French ancestry and one with northwestern German ancestry. According to YFull's calculation, the MRCA of these two samples lived approximately 6000 years ago. FTDNA recently added new information to their haplotree, and we include it on this draft tree: some people are Y28222+ but L880-, these SNPs were formerly considered equivalent. I don't know what samples FTDNA used to create this I-Y2822* branch, maybe a scientific sample?
  • I-A8689 is nicknamed "Alpine", the known samples are from southern Germany, Austria, northeastern Germany, Albania, Romania and southwestern Anatolia (Turkey). This branch has a fairly recent MRCA and it's most closely related to the larger I-L233 "Western" branch.

This I-S21825 tree contains information about all of these branches, except I-L233.

Click here to find our previous I-S21825 tree
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for I-S21825
Click here for YFull's I-S21825 tree

Monday, May 25, 2020

2020-05-23: Our first tree specific to I-Y3118

Click here to download our 2020-05-23 draft tree for I-Y3118

For reasons of legibility, we have created a new tree specific to I-Y3118

  • I-BY37317 is a new branch immediately below I-Y3118. FTDNA added I-BY37317 to its haplotree recently, but the relevant Big Ys were completed in 2018 and 2019. Two samples: one from Montenegro and one from Syria.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-Y4460 which included information about I-Y3118
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for I-Y3118
Click here for YFull's I-Y3118 tree
Click here for a brief description of the I-Y3118 haplogroup

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Many updates: 2020-05-22 tree for I-Y4460

Click here to download our 2020-05-22 draft tree for I-Y4460

This tree shows several new branches:

  • I-BY37317 
  • I-Y70430 is split into an I-Y70430* branch and a more specific I-Y73542 branch
  • I-BY33671
  • I-BY199341
For reason of legibility we will create a new tree for the large I-Y3118 branch.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-Y4460
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for I-Y4460
Click here for YFull's I-Y4460 tree
Click here for a brief description of the I-Y4460 haplogroup

some SNP blocks split thanks to Big Y-700 tests: 2020-05-20 tree for I-S17250

Click here to download our 2020-05-20 draft tree for I-S17250

I-BY142076 is a branch immediately below I-S17250. There are only three samples in I-BY142076, they have ancestry from Belarus and maybe surrounding areas: a recent Big Y-700 result (not in the I-P37 project) is BY142076+ BY177515+ but he is ancestral for Y40662 and 10 equivalent SNPs. The two members of I-Y40662 have Big Y-500 results only.

I-FT33727 is a new branch immediately below I-A815. I-FT33727 contains two closely related men (Hungarian ancestry) in the more specific I-Y83661 branch, previously they had Big Y-500 results. One of the Hungarian men upgraded to Big Y-700 and he learned that he shared two SNPs  (FT33727 and FT34568) with a Polish-ancestry man who was previously placed in an unnamed I-A815* branch.

I-A16681 contains 4 Big Y samples, one recently upgraded to Big Y-700. Two samples share an additional SNP: BY55257, and we have created a more specific I-BY55257 branch. A third sample has only Big-500 results and BY55257 wasn't sampled. A fourth sample has Big Y-700 results but he's not a member of the I-P37 project.

Click here to find our previous I-S17250 tree
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for I-Y3548 (I-S17250)
Click here for YFull's I-S17250 tree
Click here for a brief description of the I-S17250 haplogroup

Lindsay family details and a comparison of YFull and FTDNA's trees: 2020-05-20 tree for I-FT11343

Click here to download our 2020-05-20 draft tree for I-FT11343

The I-FT11343 haplogroup has a common ancestor who lived approximately 1,000 years ago, and very likely he was named Lindsay. All I-FT11343 men are named Lindsay/Lindsey/Lindesay or similar, or are very likely paternally descended from Lindsay men.

This update shows a new branch called I-BY189035, it's part of I-FT97878. On our previous trees, BY189035 and FT97878 were considered to be equivalent. There are now four I-FT97878 samples, two of them belong to the more specific I-BY189035 haplogroup. All 4 men are American and their Lindsay ancestors have been in the USA since the 1700s, maybe they are all descended from the same immigrant Lindsay ancestor. YFull estimates that their common ancestor lived 400 years ago.

If you look at our tree, you will see that the I-FT97878 and I-BY189035 branches are a small, specific and recent part of I-FT11343. The Lindsay family is large and it has been expanding continuously for approximately 1000 years.

This update also shows some new SNP information for other branches, indicated in red

Click here for YFull's I-Y36039 tree which includes the I-FT113343 haplogroup, but see this note:

There are some important differences between our draft tree/FTDNA's tree and the YFull tree. This is because the YFull tree doesn't contain all the Big Y samples from FTDNA. And some of the samples at YFull are from Big Y-500 tests, in some cases men have completed an update to Big Y-700 but they haven't sent their new BAM file to YFull.

The YFull tree shows a branch called I-Y36039, and YFull shows Y36039, FT113343, A16520, A16521, A16524, Y168200, FGC48786/YP5849 as equivalent SNPs.

In fact A16520, A16521, A16524, Y168200, FGC48786/YP5849 are equivalent (and some new FT series SNPs are also equivalent), but I-Y36039 is a more specific haplogroup, and I-FT113343 is an even more specific haplogroup. You can see these details on our project's I-A8462 tree and on FTDNA's I-A8462 tree, click here for our latest post about I-A8462

When you compare the trees, this I-FT11343 draft tree and FTDNA's I-FT11343 haplotree/Big Y Block tree contain YFull's I-Y138968 branch and YFull's large I-F25958 branch. But YFull's  I-Y36040 branch is in fact FT11343- (and I-Y36040 contains no Lindsay men). Eventually people will send new BAM and VCF files to YFull, and YFull will update its tree.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-FT11343
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for I-FT11343
Click here for a brief description of the I-FT11343 haplogroup

Monday, May 4, 2020

A branch specific to a Scottish family in Isles-B5: 2020-05-02 tree for I-A8742

Click here to download our 2020-05-02 tree for I-A8742

This update shows a new branch called I-FT40017, it's specific to a family with paternal origin from Scotland. I-FT40017 is part of the Isles-B5 cluster (I-BY37270, also called I-BY37269). YFull estimates that the common ancestor of I-BY37269 lived approximately 4300 years ago, and at this point all known I-BY37269 men have British paternal origin.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-A8742
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for I-A8742
Click here for YFull's I-A8742 tree
Click here for a brief description of the I-A8742 haplogroup

Monday, April 27, 2020

An I-M26 cluster from Turkic Russia: 2020-04-26 tree for I-Y11222

Click here to download our 2020-04-26 draft tree for I-Y11222

This update shows a new branch called I-BY93072, it contains two Big Y samples, one has French Canadian ancestry and the other is from Republic of Bashkortostan (Bashkiria) in the Russian Federation. Their most recent common paternal ancestor lived more than 4000 years ago.

This is a very small haplogroup: there are no known men with STR markers that match the French Canadian man. And the man from Bashkortostan has only two matches, they are from the Chuvash Republic and the Republic of Tatarstan. These men have several differences in their Y37 and Y67 STR markers and their common paternal ancestor lived several hundred years ago. Bashkortostan, Tatarstan and Chuvashia are adjacent republics in the Russian Federation, and at least two of the three men trace their paternal ancestry to Turkic peoples (Bashkirs and Tatars).
In general I-M26 is very typical of Sardinia, Spain, Portugal, France and western Europe. I-M26 is almost unknown in Eastern Europe and most of Central Europe, I am aware of only these I-M26 samples:

  • there is a Jewish branch from Poland, Lithuania, Russia etc, they belong to I-PF6950 
  • there is an anonymous scientific sample from Greece, he also belongs to I-PF6950 but he's not closely related to the Jewish branch
  • there are two samples from Bosnia and Herzegovina, they have Muslim paternal ancestry, maybe they belong to I-PF4190 which probably originated in Sardinia. It's possible that they are from the same family
  • I know only one sample from Hungary/Romania, he believes he has ethnic German paternal ancestry and in fact he probably belongs to the I-Z27416 branch with some men from southwestern Germany (this branch is shown on the I-Y11222 tree linked above)
  • I only know one sample from Austria and one from Bavaria, they are distantly related to each other (MRCA more than 1500 years ago?), they belong to I-BY130413 which is one of the PF4088+ CTS11338- branches
  • there is one man with ethnic German paternal ancestry from Slovakia
  • there is one sample from Finland, others from Poland, and Sweden, they probably all  belong to I-A19395 which is also found in Germany and Great Britain and Ireland. These Finnish, Polish and Swedish men all have ancestry from areas settled by Germans or Swedes, but it's not clear how closely these men are related to each other.
  • there are a few additional I-M26 men from Germany, Poland and Sweden who probably are A19395-
  • Update July 2020: there is man from Serbia with M26+ Z113+ Big Y-700 results. There is another man from western Bulgaria with Z113+ results from an individual SNP test. They aren't closely related according to their Y-STR markers. I-Z113 is the largest recent branch of I-M26, it has a MRCA who lived 1550 years ago according to YFull's calculation, and almost all known I-Z113 samples are from Spain, Portugal and France.
If you draw a line from Venice north to Rostock, Germany, I think these are the only samples I know from more easterly regions. I-M26 is very typical of western Germany and Switzerland and the list of those samples would be very long.
This tree also shows a third sample in I-Y45584 (FTDNA calls this branch I-BY151272). Two of the samples have Big Y-500 results and one has Big Y-700 results, and we didn't find any downstream SNPs shared by only 2 of the 3 men. All three samples have Irish paternal ancestry

I-M26 is very typical of Ireland, I-M26 is much more common in Ireland than in Great Britain. But the I-M26 men in Ireland belong to many different branches of I-M26.  I-Y45584 and its neighbor I-S2699 are probably the largest branches of I-M26 that are found in Ireland, and we can use STR markers to predict that many other Irish-ancestry men belong to I-Y45584 and I-S2699. But many other Irish men belong to other branches of I-M26, for example the I-PF6950, I-PF4190 and I-A19395 branches mentioned above, and many other branches.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-Y11222
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for I-Y11222
Click here for YFull's I-Y11222
Click here for a brief description of the I-Y11222 haplogroup

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Another update for the Barclay cluster: 2020-04-21 tree for I-CTS11338

Click here to download our 2020-04-21 tree for I-CTS11338

I-BY67299 includes many men with Scottish/northern English ancestry, they are named Barclay/Barkley, Williamson, Falconer, McLaughlin, Rose, Gray etc. I-BY67299 isn't closely related to any other branch, as is shown by the large block of SNPs that are equivalent to BY67299.

There have now been six Big Ys for this branch. This I-CTS11338 draft tree now largely agrees with FTDNA's haplotree, for the I-BY67299 section at least.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-CTS11338
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for I-CTS11338
Click here for YFull's I-CTS11338 (I-Z105) tree
Click here for a brief description of the I-CTS11338 haplogroup

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

French-Canadian Big Y match to a Frenchman: 2020-04-13 tree for I-A8742 (Isles-B5)

Click here to download our 2020-04-13 draft tree for I-A8742

This update shows a new branch called I-BY160643. One of the members has French-Canadian paternal ancestry, he did the Big Y-500 test several years ago. Genealogy records in Quebec and in some areas of France are very good, and he was able to trace his paternal line back to France, and he was able to identify a male-line descendant of the same family who was born in France only 20 miles from the town of the ancestor who went to Canada. He arranged for a Y37 test for the Frenchman, and when they matched he arranged for an upgrade to Big Y-700.

The French-Canadian man and the French man have different surnames, it was common in Quebec for surnames to be changed, but these changes were recorded in the baptism, marriage records etc.

These two men have a number of unique variants/SNPs that's consistent with a common ancestor who lived approximately 500 years ago.

At this point all other men in I-A8742 have British paternal ancestry. But I-A8742 is rare and there has been little DNA testing in France.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-A8742
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for I-A8742
Click here for YFull's I-A8742 tree
Click here for a brief description of the I-A8742 haplogroup

Monday, April 13, 2020

Branches from Scotland, Spain and Sardinia? 2020-04-12 tree for I-CTS11338

Click here to download our 2020-04-12 draft tree for I-CTS11338
***Update***Click here to download our 2020-04-13 draft tree for I-CTS11338

This tree shows a new I-FT106773* branch in the Barclay cluster from Scotland. This branch is not shown yet on the FTDNA haplotree.

This tree shows the I-FT107553 branch from Spain, it is parallel to large I-Z113 branch which is found in Spain, Portugal, France and Great Britain.

This tree shows a new Big Y-700 sample in the I-PF4190 branch. The person tested is American with an unknown European country of paternal origin. He belongs to the downstream I-PF4390 branch, and he shares PF4390 and nine equivalent SNPs with Paolo Francalacci's Sardinian samples 576-647, but he doesn't belong to any more specific haplogroup found in Sardinia.
***Update*** As shown on our tree dated 2020-04-13, the new American sample shares two additional SNPs with some of the Sardinian samples, these SNPs are more specific than PF4390

Click here to find our previous tree for I-CTS11338
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for I-CTS11338
Click here for YFull's I-CTS11338 (I-Z105) tree
Click here for a brief description of the I-CTS11338 haplogroup

Friday, April 10, 2020

I-S17250 now has 5 named branches (and one unnamed branch): 2020-04-08 tree for I-S17250

Click here to download our 2020-04-08 draft tree for I-S17250 (I-Y3548)

I-S17250 (I-Y3548) now has 5 named immediate child branches:

  • I-PH908 also known as Dinaric South, a very large branch
  • I-Y4882
  • I-BY128/Y5596
  • I-Y40662 which contains only two known samples
  • I-A26390 which is the newest branch

I-A26390 contains two known samples. One sample has Bosnian Serb paternal ancestry from northeastern Bosnia and Herzegovina, he did the Big Y-700 test at Family Tree DNA and he plans to order the YFull.com analysis. The second sample has paternal ancestry from southeastern Poland, he tested at another lab (YSeq.net?) and he has already completed the YFull analysis. The two men share another SNP named M9313.

There is a sixth unnamed I-S17250* branch. It is unnamed because it contains only a single known sample, this man has ancestry from Korcula island, Croatia.

If you look at the YFull tree you will see another branch immediately below I-S17250, this branch is named I-MF2888 and it contains two samples, one from Montenegro and one from Germany. But in fact the I-MF2888 branch is part of I-PH908. YFull considers that the German sample has ambiguous results for PH908, and the Montenegrin sample is from a Big Y-500 test that didn't sequence the PH908 region. But both samples have received PH908+ results from other tests: the Montenegrin man did the Big Y-700 upgrade but he hasn't sent his new BAM file to YFull, and the German sample has PH908+ results from YSeq

Click here to find our previous I-S17250 tree
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for I-Y3548 (I-S17250)
Click here for YFull's I-S17250 tree
Click here for a brief description of the I-S17250 haplogroup

A new sample in Isles-D3/D99: 2020-04-08 tree for I-Y3723

Click here to download our 2020-04-08 draft tree for I-Y3723

This update shows a new sample in Isles-D3/D99 (which is called I-S7708 at FTDNA, and I-Y69224 at YFull). Like all/most I-S7708 men, he has paternal ancestry from Scotland. YFull estimates that the MRCA of this group lived 1550 years ago.

As shown on our tree, the placement of some FT series SNPs is uncertain, because these SNPs occur in regions that weren't sequenced in Big Y-500 tests, and many of the branches of I-S7708 have only Big Y-500 samples.

This update also shows some new SNP information in the I-A22306 (Isles-D1) branch

Click here to find our previous tree for I-Y3723
Click here for a brief description of the I-Y3723 haplogroup

FTDNA has finally added the major I-FT129122 (I-Y137878) branch: 2020-04-08 tree for I-L160

Click here to download our 2020-04-08 draft tree for I-L160

In September 2019 we added the I-Y137878 branch to our draft tree and YFull added it in December 2019. This is one of 3 immediate descendant branches of I-PF4088. But I-Y137878 is quite small and only a few families are known to belong to this branch, they have English and Spanish origin. They all share some distinctive marker values: DYS447=20 or lower, and DYS425=10.

FTDNA placed one of the first samples in an I-PF088* branch, and the other sample in an I-CTS8386 branch below I-PF4088. But now that there are three samples, FTDNA has corrected their haplotree and created a new I-FT129122 branch (this is equivalent to I-Y137878). The two English samples are in the more specific I-CTS8386 branch.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-L160
Click here for a brief description of the I-L160 haplogroup

Friday, April 3, 2020

Major new branch in I-L233 "Western": 2020-04-02 draft tree

Click here to download our 2020-04-02 draft tree for I-L233 

For reasons of space we have created a new tree for the large I-Y4252 branch. We already have a tree for the smaller I-A8462 branch, and additional trees for subbranches of I-Y4252 and I-A8462.
Click here to find our new tree for I-Y4252

This update shows a major discovery in the I-L233 haplogroup. Until now, all known L233+ men have been either A8462+ or Y4252+. But a recent Big Y-700 result was L233+ and A8462- Y4252-. He was also Y4197- FGC56775- FGC80022- Y4258-, previously these SNPs had been considered equivalent to L233. He was derived (positive) for approximately 121 SNPs that are still considered equivalent to L233.

I-L233 now has two child branches: I-Y4197 with 148 Big Y samples and I-L233* with 1 Big Y sample. And I-Y4197 has two child branches: I-A8462 and I-Y4252. Previously I-L233 was the immediate parent of of  I-A8462 and I-Y4252.

The new I-L233* sample has Scottish ancestry and he shares a few distinctive marker values with some other I-L233. They all probably have paternal ancestry from Scotland or northern England

The characteristic marker values of the L233+ Y4197- group are:
Y-GATA-H4=9 (normal value for I-L233 is 10)
DYS464=11-14-15-15 (normal value for I-L233 is 11-14-14-15)
DYF395S1=16-16 (normal value for I-L233 is 16-17)
DYS617=13 (normal value for I-L233 is 14)
DYS434=9 (normal value for I-L233 is 10)

Of course it's possible that there are additional L233+ Y4197- men with different marker patterns. But based on many previous Big Ys, SNP packs, SNP panels, Genographic 2.0 tests, individual SNP tests, almost all L233+ men are Y4197+ and belong to either A8462+ or Y4252+ (most of them belong to Y4252+).

At FTDNA's I-P37 project, you will see some people with I-Y4197 results on our Y-DNA classic and colorized STR results pages, these people did a version of the Genographic 2.0 test that included Y4197.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-L233 which included information on I-Y4252

Click here to for a brief description of the I-L233 haplogroup

Thursday, April 2, 2020

First draft tree specific to I-Y4252 (2020-04-02)

Click here to download our first draft tree specific to I-Y4252

For reasons of space, we have created a new tree specific to I-Y4252.

I-Y4252 contains most of the I-L233 "Western" haplogroup. I-L233 had a MRCA who lived 2000 years ago according to YFull's latest calculation.

At this point, all known L233+ Y4252- men have British paternal origin, while the L233+ Y4252+ group contains men from Great Britain and Ireland, and from Continental Europe and Scandinavia. But maybe this simply reflects the much higher percentage of British origin men who have done Y-DNA tests (L233+ Y4252- is uncommon even in Britain).

This update shows a new branch called I-BY210124, it's found in SE Europe (Croatia and Albania). It's part of the larger I-A10033 branch which is maybe the most common branch of I-L233, and which is nearly always found in Continental Europe and Scandinavia (only 2 British families are known).

This update shows a new level called I-FT94277, it's the parent of the previously known I-A15050 branch.

This tree also shows a new sample in the I-BY160207 "Western-Isles" branch, this branch has exclusively British origin according to current knowledge.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-L233 which included I-Y4252
Click here for a brief description of the I-Y4252 haplogroup

Monday, March 23, 2020

New Hungarian branch: 2020-03-22 tree for I-S17250

Click here to download our 2020-03-22 draft tree for I-S17250

This update shows a new branch called I-BY206162, it's part of I-A2423. There are two samples and they both have Hungarian paternal ancestry, one is from southern Slovakia on the border with Hungary.

This update also shows a sample from southern Poland in I-FT42350 (also part of I-A2423), and a sample from Sweden in I-A815*.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-S17250
Click here for a brief description of the I-S17250 haplogroup

Sunday, March 22, 2020

2 new branches, one thanks to a Dante Labs sample: 2020-03-21 tree for I-Y4882

Click here to download our 2020-03-21 draft tree for I-Y4882

This update shows a new branch called I-FT109380, it's part of I-A1328. There are two known samples in I-FT109380, one did the Big Y-700 at FTDNA and the other did a test at Dante Labs.

This update also shows a new branch called I-FGC64964. There are two known samples, both have paternal ancestry from Slovakia.

This update also shows a new sample in the I-Y100616 branch.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-Y4882
Click here for a brief description of the I-Y882 haplogroup

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

several new branches: 2020-03-18 tree for I-PH908

Click here to download our 2020-03-18 draft tree for I-PH908

This update shows 5 new branches:

  • I-Y45843 Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • I-BY153567 is now the parent of I-BY154460. There is one known I-BY154460* sample, he did individual SNP tests at YSeq and received BY153567+, BY152858-, BY154460- results
  • I-S10860 Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • I-FT36524 (Belarus and Russia ). This is a new haplogroup immediately below I-FT16449.
  • I-FT25907 (Serbia/Montenegro) based on a FTDNA sample and a Dante Lab sample (his origin is unknown to me)
This update also shows a new sample (Germany ancestry) in the I-MF2888 haplogroup, and two closely related samples (Bulgaria ancestry) in the I-FT16449* haplogroup.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-PH908
Click here for a brief description of the I-PH908 haplogroup

I-S20602 now has 5 named branches: 2020-03-18 tree for I-CTS10228

Click here to download our 2020-03-18 tree for I-CTS10228

I-S20602 now has 5 named branches:

  • I-FGC12098 is the newest branch, it is shown on this tree update. There are two known members, one has ancestry from southern Poland and one has paternal ancestry from northeastern Bosnia and Herzegovina. The two men share at least 6 SNPs below I-FGC12098, and maybe FTDNA and YFull will choose different SNPs to name this branch
  • I-S17250 is the most common branch. It prevails in Central Europe (Poland, Hungary, Germany, Slovakia, Czech Republic, part of Ukraine) and Southeastern Europe. This haplogroup encompasses a part of Dinaric North cluster and the whole Dinaric South cluster (which is I-PH908)
  • I-Y4460 prevails in eastern and northeastern Europe (Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Baltic countries). All persons from this haplogroup are in the Dinaric North cluster.
  • I-Z17855 can be found in mostly in Bulgaria, also in Serbia, Greece, Hungary and Ukraine. This haplogroup is also in the Dinaric North cluster.
  • I-Y18331 is mainly found in Greece, it also contains the Jewish diaspora cluster and a small number of additional samples from Chuvashia, Ukraine and elsewhere.
I-S20602 has a sixth branch, but this branch is unnamed because it contains only a single known family with ancestry from Germany.

This update also shows two new samples in the I-Y18331 branch. One is a member of the Jewish Diaspora cluster, and the other belongs to I-Y66192*, he has ancestry from western Macedonia
As a reminder, the Dinaric cluster was initially identified as a pattern of Y-DNA STR markers. If we define this cluster as the group with DYS565=9, then Dinaric is equivalent to I-CTS10228 which has a TMRCA of 3800 years ago according to YFull's estimate. (TMRCA is "time to most recent common ancestor").

But in fact almost all I-CTS10228 men belong to the more specific I-S20602 haplogroup which has a TMRCA of 2100 years ago according to YFull's calculation. So when we are talking about the rapid expansion of the Dinaric group across Eastern and Central Europe, we are talking about I-S20602.

The I-S20602 SNP has another name: YP196, the SNP was given different names by two different labs. S20602 and YP196 both refer to the same mutation at the same Y chromosome position: hg38 Chr Y: 15971418 A to C. We can refer to this SNP as YP196/S20602 and we can refer to this haplogroup as I-YP196/S20602.

There are 5 SNPs that are known to be equivalent to YP196/S20602. These are different mutations that occur at different positions on the Y chromosome. One of these SNPs is Y3120/FGC12085: Chr Y: 21671886 G to A. We call YP196/S20602 equivalent to Y3120/FGC12085 because everyone who has tested both SNPs has exactly the same result for both SNPs: everyone is either positive for both SNPs or negative for both SNPs, no one is positive for one SNP and negative for the other SNP.

YFull refers to the I-S20602 haplogroup by a different name: I-Y3120. As mentioned, S20602 and Y3120 are different SNPs but they are equivalent SNPs.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-CTS10228
Click here for a brief description of the I-CTS10228 haplogroup

Monday, March 9, 2020

New samples and new SNPs in I-CTS11851: 2020-03-08 tree for I-L160

Click here to download our 2020-03-08 draft tree for I-L160

This update shows some new samples and some new SNPs in I-CTS11851 (also known as the DYS462=13 cluster)

Click here to find our previous tree for I-L160
Click here for a brief description of the I-L160 haplogroup

I-A8462 is still strictly British: 2020-03-09 draft tree for I-A8462

Click here to download our 2020-03-09 draft tree for I-A8462

This tree shows additional samples and subbranches in most major branches of I-A8462:

I-BY145783 is a new branch below I-A16520. The two known members of I-BY145783 have Scottish ancestry/surnames. One of them is named Murray, but he's not closely related to Murrays in other branches of I-A16520.

I-Y168200 is a new level in the tree, immediately below I-A16520. I-Y168200 contains the I-A16522 branch and the large I-FT11343 branch (Lindsay/Lindsey family)

I-FT20647 is a new branch below I-A16522. I-FT20647 contains two members of the Stanley family

I-Y87397 is a new branch below I-A14892. All members of I-Y87397 have likely English ancestry.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-A8462
Click here for a brief description of the I-A8462 haplogroup

Saturday, March 7, 2020

More branches with both Continental European and British members: 2020-03-06 tree for I-L233

Click here to download our  2020-03-06 draft tree for I-L233

Most I-L233 men belong to the major I-Y4252 branch which had a rapid "star-like" expansion approximately 1950 years ago, according to YFull's calculation.

Until recently, most of these branches had been found to occur only in Great Britain and sometimes Ireland. But thanks to several recent Big Y tests, we have found that many of the major branches of I-Y4252 contain both British and Continental European members. And as our tree shows, in most cases there are very few downstream SNPs shared by the  British and Continental European members, which means that their most recent common ancestor lived only slightly more recently than the MRCA of I-Y4252 as a whole.

This update shows a new member in the I-FT137092 branch. The I-FT137092 branch now contains members with northern German, Dutch and Newfoundland (likely English?) ancestry.

This update shows a new BY149840 branch, it's part of I-A19485. The I-A19485 branch now contains members with English and Polish ancestry.

This update also a new branch called I-Y33765, it's now the parent of the I-Y33761 branch. The I-Y33765 branch now contains one Swedish family and one English family, and the I-Y33761 branch is specific to the English family.

Finally, this update shows two new I-Y4252* samples, one has ancestry from northern Germany and the other has likely British ancestry.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-L233
Click here for a brief description of the I-L233 haplogroup

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Many updates in Isles-D1, D2, C/D...2020-03-05 tree for I-Y3723

Click here to download our 2020-03-05 tree for I-Y3723

I-Y3723 contains all of the Isles-C and Isles-D clusters. Almost all members of I-Y3723 have British or Irish origin.

This tree shows a new branch called I-BY62644, it's part of the larger I-A22306 haplogroup. I-A22306 is more or less equivalent to the Isles-D1 cluster. There have been only three Big Y results for I-A22306.

This tree shows a new sample in I-S7714, which is the Isles-D3/Isles-D99 cluster.

This tree shows a new branch called I-FT109708, it's part of I-A10514. This branch doesn't have a good nickname, we sometimes call it the "Todd cluster" because many of the first Big Y results were closely related to the Todd family from Northern Ireland.

This tree shows many new branches in Isles-D2 (I-FGC7156/I-Y4665).

As a reminder, the Isles-C branches (I-Y5455) have been moved to their own tree, click here.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-Y3723
Click here for a brief description of the I-Y3723 haplogroup

Friday, February 21, 2020

I-Y55233 is a new level in the I-Z113 tree: 2020-02-20 update

Click here to download our 2020-02-20 draft tree for I-Z113

The largest branch of I-Z113 is I-FT59019. This update shows a new level below I-FT59019.

At this point, all I-FT59019 men belong to either the existing I-SK678 branch or to the new I-Y55233 branch. And each of these branches have several subbranches.

Big Y tests report only a few reads for the Y55233 position.

This update also corrects the Y2181 SNP name, on our previous tree it was written CTS2181 erroneously.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-Z113
Click here for a brief description of the I-Z113 haplogroup

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Finally, a Big Y sample in a branch with the 1000 Genomes Puerto Rico samples: 2020-02-12 tree for I-Z113

Click here to download our 2020-02-12 draft tree for I-Z113

This draft tree shows several updates:

A new Big Y-700 result for a man with El Salvador ancestry is CTS3203+ Z97+ Z107+ Z110+ etc. Previously these SNPs had only been found in two anonymous samples from Puerto Rico, these two men were part of the 1000 Genomes project.

The Puerto Rican men share at least 9 additional SNPs with each other, the El Salvador man has negative results for some of these SNPs, and no result was reported for other SNPs. There is another man in the I-P37 project with Puerto Rico ancestry, his Genographic 2.0 test reported CTS2303+ Z97+ Z107+ results.

(Update 2020-02-21: This draft tree shows a branch called I-CTS2181 but this name is incorrect. The correct name is I-Y2181. We have already corrected the name on our 2020-02-20 tree which is available on this blog. So far the only known members of this branch are the two 1000 Genomes samples, Y2181 wasn't tested in the Genographic 2.0 test).

FTDNA's Big Y Block Tree and Haplotree show I-Z110 as a parallel branch to I-CTS3203. This is incorrect, Z110 and CTS3203 are currently equivalent SNPs as shown on our I-Z113 tree linked above and on YFull's I-Z113 tree (click here)

FTDNA's Big Y Block Tree and Haplotree show Z113, Z27246 and FT59019 as equivalent SNPs. This is incorrect, the El Salvador man is Z113+ Z27246+ but FT59019-. Almost all other Z113+ Z27246+ mean are FT59019+. 

We now know that I-Z113 has three immediate child branches: the large I-FT59019 branch, the small I-CTS3203 branch, and an I-Z113* branch which currently contains a single sample with Spanish paternal ancestry.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-Z113
Click here for a brief description of the I-Z113 haplogroup

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Several new branches and a new STR pattern: 2020-02-12 tree for I-PH908

Click here to download our 2020-02-12 tree for I-PH908

This tree shows several new branches/splits in the I-Y126296 haplogroup (part of I-FT16449). These branches were discovered by comparing some FTDNA Big Y-700 results to three people who tested at Dante Labs.

This tree also shows some new downstream haplogroups in various parts of the I-PH908 tree

and a new haplogroup immediately below I-PH908:

Finally, this tree shows a new STR marker pattern: three haplogroups below I-FT14506 share the distinctive STR marker value DYS726=12. But we haven't found any SNP that corresponds to this grouping.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-PH908
Click here for a brief description of the I-PH908 haplogroup

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Another German in the Sardinian I-PF4190 branch: 2020-02-06 tree for I-CTS11338

Click here to download our 2020-02-06 tree for I-CTS11338

I-PF4190 is the largest branch of I-M26 on the island of Sardinia, approximately 75% of the I-M26 men in Sardinia belong to I-PF4190. Paolo Francalacci sequenced the Y chromosomes of 1200 Sardinia men, 464 of them belonged to I-M26 and 345 of these belonged to I-PF4190.

Francalacci was able to create a tree based on these sequences, his I-PF4190 tree had approximately 147 branches and hundreds or low thousands of SNPs.

This I-CTS11338 tree is based on commercial NGS Y chromosome sequences (the Big Y etc). Our shows only 5 branches in I-PF4190 and approximately 50 SNPs. I-PF4190 has a MRCA who lived approximately 4100 years ago. I  think this shows how much is remaining to be discovered about the Y-DNA tree.

This tree shows a new sample for a German-ancestry man. When we see non-Sardinian men in I-PF4190, they often have German ancestry. He's not closely related to previous I-PF4190 German samples

For reasons of space we have moved the I-Z113 branch to a tree of its own, click here to find our first I-Z113 tree.


Click here to find our previous tree for I-CTS11338
Click here for a brief description of the I-CTS11338 haplogroup

Our first tree specific to I-Z113

Click here to download our 2020-02-06 draft tree for I-Z113

For reasons of space, we have created a tree specific to I-Z113.

I-Z113 is maybe the most common branch of I-M26 outside of Sardinia. The MRCA of I-Z113 lived approximately 1600 years ago, according to YFull's calculation. I-Z113 is found in Spain, Portugal, the Azores and France, and there are also a few I-Z113 men from England.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-CTS11338 which included I-Z113
Click here for a brief description of the I-Z113 haplogroup

Monday, February 3, 2020

Monday, January 27, 2020

A continental branch and a branch within Western-Isles: 2020-01-26 tree for I-L233

Click here to download our 2020-01-26 tree for I-L233

These tree shows the following updates:

A new branch called I-FT137092 both samples have European ancestry, one from Hanover, Germany and the other from the Netherlands.  Both Big Ys were partly sponsored by the I-P37 project General Fund. The parallel branch I-FT85135 contains a single family from England.

I-Y138217 is the Western-Isles cluster, all known members have British ancestry and they share two distinctive marker values:

This update splits I-Y138217 into two branches:
I-BY160207 contains two families
I-BY91094 contains two members of the large Slayden/Slatten etc. family

Click here to find our previous tree for I-L233
Click here for a brief description of the I-L233 haplogroup

Thursday, January 23, 2020

It's hard to compare Big Y-500 to Big Y-700: 2020-01-22 tree for I-Y4882

Click here to download our 2020-01-22 draft tree for I-Y4882

I-A1328 is a major branch below I-Y4882. On our previous trees, A1328 had one equivalent SNP: Y15928. This update shows that Y15928 is below A1328 and two newly discovered SNPs are equivalent to A1328. The new SNPs are named FT16342 and FT27092.

We show FT16342 and FT27092 as equivalent to A1328 but it's possible that one or both SNPs are slightly higher in the haplotree, we couldn't check these SNPs in the I-A12505 haplogroup. But other branches like I-A10230, I-A7358 etc. are all FT16342- and FT27092-.

Most members of I-A1328 have only Big Y-500 results and in general SNPs with FT prefixes are not sampled in Big Y-500 tests. We recommend that people with Big Y results send us their VCF link and that everyone with Big Y or other NGS results order the YFull.com analysis.

This update also shows a new branch called I-FT28683, it's the parent of the previously known I-BY42257/Y141127 branch. Most I-BY42257/Y141127 samples have Big Y-500 results which don't cover the FT28683 position. But one BY42257+/Y141127+ man did the the Big Y-700 test and received FT28683+ results.

We show another new branch below I-FT28683, it's called I-BY153754. It contains two samples, one with Big Y-500 results (Hungary ancestry) and a new Big Y-700 sample (Ukraine ancestry). FTDNA's Big Y Block tree currently shows four participants in I-Z16969*, one of these participants is the Hungary-ancestry man. The other three participants are not members of the I-P37 project.

Maybe FTDNA and/or YFull will update their trees and we will learn more about these SNPs and branches.

Click here to find our previous I-Y4882 tree
Click here for a brief description of the I-Y4882 haplogroup

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Another old Irish family: 2020-01-17 tree for I-Y11222

Click here to download our 2020-01-17 draft tree for I-Y11222

This tree shows a branch called I-Y63713, it contains the Healy family from southwestern Ireland, and some other families that probably had Healy paternal ancestry several generations ago. Based on the number of SNPs/variants in each sample, the common ancestor of this family lived many hundreds of years ago.

For example, the most recent sample (indicated in red) has 15 private variants and he shares another 4 variants with only one other sample. That's 19 variants that occurred after the MRCA of the 4 samples, and this MRCA was very likely named Healy or its equivalent in the Irish language.

According to this tree, the two I-Y63713* samples don't share any downstream variants. But they share the rare STR marker value DYS458=12 with each other and with some other Healy men. And if they both upgrade to Big Y-700 I think there's a good chance that they will find some shared variants.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-Y11222
Click here for a brief description of the I-Y11222 haplogroup