Click here to download our 2019-03-08 tree for I-Y3723
This tree shows three new Big Y-700 results and some minor SNP updates, all indicated in red.
In Isles-C2, the I-Y128131 branch was already on our tree. This result shows a second sample in the branch. In fact, there are three known Big Y results but only two are I-P37 project members.
In Isles-D2, this tree shows a new branch called I-Y88162, it hasn't been added to the FTDNA tree. YFull will add this branch to their tree soon, maybe they will call it by another name.
In Isles-D2, this tree shows a new branch called I-FGC7210. There are three known samples in this branch. Two samples are from the same man: he did a Big Y-500 test at FTDNA and a test at Full Genomes Corp. The third sample is from another man. The two men share at least two SNPs: FGC7210 and FGC7198. We will update this tree soon.
Click here to find our previous I-Y3723 tree
Click here for a brief description of the I-Y3723 haplogroup
Friday, March 22, 2019
Monday, March 18, 2019
A branch parallel to the I-CTS11851 cluster: 2019-03-17 tree for I-L160
Click here to download our 2019-03-17 tree for I-L160
This tree shows a major new branch in I-L160 (which is part of I-M26). It's one of many M26+...L160+ PF4088+ but CTS11338- branches. These PF4088+ CTS11338- branches were poorly known for many years, except for a few STR marker clusters. One of the largest known PF4088+ CTS11338+ branches is I-CTS11851, it was formerly nicknamed the DYS462=13 cluster. The people in I-CTS11851 share a common ancestor who lived approximately 2600 years ago, and they are CTS11851+ Y24017+ Y23154+ CTS2755+ and they share approximately 22 additional equivalent SNPs.
The new Big Y-700 result is Y24017+ Y23154+ CTS2755+ but he is negative for CTS11851 and all of the other SNPs.
He belongs to a cluster of men with distinctive STR marker values, most of these men have paternal ancestry from the 1600s or 1700s in the southeastern USA, and they have many different surnames. But this cluster also includes a man from Australia who has more recent ancestry from England, and he shares a surname with some of the American men. I think these men probably all share a common ancestor who lived in England in the last 350-700 years, and the name of that common ancestor, and the name of the more recent man who crossed the Atlantic and founded the American family is the same as the Australian/American shared surname.
Click here to find our previous tree for I-L160
Click here for a brief description of the I-L160 haplogroup
This tree shows a major new branch in I-L160 (which is part of I-M26). It's one of many M26+...L160+ PF4088+ but CTS11338- branches. These PF4088+ CTS11338- branches were poorly known for many years, except for a few STR marker clusters. One of the largest known PF4088+ CTS11338+ branches is I-CTS11851, it was formerly nicknamed the DYS462=13 cluster. The people in I-CTS11851 share a common ancestor who lived approximately 2600 years ago, and they are CTS11851+ Y24017+ Y23154+ CTS2755+ and they share approximately 22 additional equivalent SNPs.
The new Big Y-700 result is Y24017+ Y23154+ CTS2755+ but he is negative for CTS11851 and all of the other SNPs.
He belongs to a cluster of men with distinctive STR marker values, most of these men have paternal ancestry from the 1600s or 1700s in the southeastern USA, and they have many different surnames. But this cluster also includes a man from Australia who has more recent ancestry from England, and he shares a surname with some of the American men. I think these men probably all share a common ancestor who lived in England in the last 350-700 years, and the name of that common ancestor, and the name of the more recent man who crossed the Atlantic and founded the American family is the same as the Australian/American shared surname.
Click here to find our previous tree for I-L160
Click here for a brief description of the I-L160 haplogroup
Big Y-700 shows many upstream SNPs but few private variants? Updated I-L161 tree
Click here to download our 2019-03-16 tree for I-L161
On our previous tree for I-L161 we showed a new branch called I-BY53880. This branch is part of I-Y13338 which is known exclusively from continental Europe (Germany, Poland, Spain and Bulgaria and in one instance, from southern Iraq.
This tree shows another I-BY53880 result. We now show three Big Ys for this branch: two are from an American family with likely German paternal ancestry, these are both Big Y-700 results. The third person is from a different family, he lives in Germany and he has Big Y-500 results.
The new Big Y-700 tests are finding many new variants/SNPs as shown in red on this tree. But the two American men differ at only two variants. Their common ancestor probably lived in the 1700s.
Click here for a brief description of the I-L161 haplogroup
On our previous tree for I-L161 we showed a new branch called I-BY53880. This branch is part of I-Y13338 which is known exclusively from continental Europe (Germany, Poland, Spain and Bulgaria and in one instance, from southern Iraq.
This tree shows another I-BY53880 result. We now show three Big Ys for this branch: two are from an American family with likely German paternal ancestry, these are both Big Y-700 results. The third person is from a different family, he lives in Germany and he has Big Y-500 results.
The new Big Y-700 tests are finding many new variants/SNPs as shown in red on this tree. But the two American men differ at only two variants. Their common ancestor probably lived in the 1700s.
Click here for a brief description of the I-L161 haplogroup
4 Big Ys for the Isles-B1 Nance family: updated I-Y14612 tree
Click here to download our 2019-03-18 tree for I-Y14612
There are now _4_ Big Ys for the American Nance family, they probably share a common ancestor who lived in Virginia in the 1600s or 1700s. They share A17999, Z45269 and many other SNPs that aren't in other families. And three of the men share a single additional SNP called Z45268/Y48314, the fourth Nance man is ancestral (negative) at this position.
Click here to find our previous tree for I-Y14612
Click here for a brief description of the I-Y14612 haplogroup
There are now _4_ Big Ys for the American Nance family, they probably share a common ancestor who lived in Virginia in the 1600s or 1700s. They share A17999, Z45269 and many other SNPs that aren't in other families. And three of the men share a single additional SNP called Z45268/Y48314, the fourth Nance man is ancestral (negative) at this position.
Click here to find our previous tree for I-Y14612
Click here for a brief description of the I-Y14612 haplogroup
Wednesday, March 6, 2019
Comparison of 2 Big Y-700s and 2 Big Y-500s: 2019-03-05 tree for I-Y11222
Click here to download our 2019-03-05 tree for I-Y11222
There are now four Big Ys for I-S2699. According to YFull's calculation based on two Big Y-500 results, the common ancestor of I-S2699 lived approximately 1200 years ago. All of the members have Irish paternal ancestry as far as can be determined,
Two new Big Y-700 tests have been completed, and we now have learned of two subbranches.
Click here to find our previous tree for I-Y11222
Click here for a brief description of the I-Y11222 haplogroup
There are now four Big Ys for I-S2699. According to YFull's calculation based on two Big Y-500 results, the common ancestor of I-S2699 lived approximately 1200 years ago. All of the members have Irish paternal ancestry as far as can be determined,
Two new Big Y-700 tests have been completed, and we now have learned of two subbranches.
Click here to find our previous tree for I-Y11222
Click here for a brief description of the I-Y11222 haplogroup
Tuesday, March 5, 2019
Many Big Y-700s for Driscoll family: 2019-03-03 tree for I-Y12072 (Isles-A and related branches)
Click here to download our 2019-03-03 tree for I-Y12072
Beginning in February 2019, all Big Ys completed at FTDNA are Big Y-700s, this test sequences additional regions of the Y chromosome compared to the Big Y-500 test. More novel variants and named SNPs are being reported in Big Y-700 results, but it's difficult to place many variants in the haplotree because these regions were not tested by the Big Y-500.
But the large Driscoll family (I-A13665) has already completed at least 4 Big Y-700s, and we can say that three variants from Big Y-700 are approximately equivalent to A14359 which was already known from Big Y-500 tests. And at least 4 Big Y-700s have been completed in other branches of I-Y12072 and we can say that FT3422 is approximately equivalent to PF4135.
This tree also shows a new branch called I-BY176167, it's part of I-A14359, and part of the wider I-A13665 Driscoll family.
We have added I-A9877 to the tree, it's part of I-Y12072 (the Munro family and relatives).
All of the additions are indicated in red.
Click here to find our previous tree for I-Y12072
Click here for a brief description of the I-Y12072 haplogroup
Beginning in February 2019, all Big Ys completed at FTDNA are Big Y-700s, this test sequences additional regions of the Y chromosome compared to the Big Y-500 test. More novel variants and named SNPs are being reported in Big Y-700 results, but it's difficult to place many variants in the haplotree because these regions were not tested by the Big Y-500.
But the large Driscoll family (I-A13665) has already completed at least 4 Big Y-700s, and we can say that three variants from Big Y-700 are approximately equivalent to A14359 which was already known from Big Y-500 tests. And at least 4 Big Y-700s have been completed in other branches of I-Y12072 and we can say that FT3422 is approximately equivalent to PF4135.
This tree also shows a new branch called I-BY176167, it's part of I-A14359, and part of the wider I-A13665 Driscoll family.
We have added I-A9877 to the tree, it's part of I-Y12072 (the Munro family and relatives).
All of the additions are indicated in red.
Click here to find our previous tree for I-Y12072
Click here for a brief description of the I-Y12072 haplogroup
Monday, March 4, 2019
7 new Big Ys, a new branch, a new STR pattern: 2019-03-03 tree for I-PH908
Click here to download our 2019-03-03 tree for I-PH908 (the Dinaric South cluster)
For a few years we have known about an important STR marker pattern in I-PH908 (Dinaric South):
Many Dinaric South men from the former Yugoslavia and adjacent areas have the marker value DYS561=16. This is the normal value for I-CTS10228 (Dinaric) as a whole. When a Dinaric South man with DYS561=16 does Big Y, it's likely that he won't share any variants below I-PH908 and his haplogroup will be I-PH908*. But as more men do Big Y, we are starting to find more shared SNPs and name more branches.
Many Dinaric South men from other areas (Central Europe, Germany etc) have the distinctive marker value DYS561=15. Men with this value are likely to belong to a large named branch of I-PH908, for example I-A356/Z16983.
Of course there is much geographic overlap and Dinaric South men with DYS561=16 are sometimes found in Germany and some Dinaric South men with DYS561=15 are found in SE Europe.
Here is another important STR marker pattern:
Most Dinaric South men have DYS557=16 or 15. When we see Dinaric South men with the unusually high DYS557=17 (or even 18), they often belong to the more specific branches I-Y52621, I-Y56203 or I-BY189804. These branches are all part of the larger group with DYS561=16.
This tree shows a new branch called I-BY135769, the two known members have ancestry from Poland and Russia. FTDNA hasn't added this branch to their haplotree yet. This branch has DYS561=16 and DYS557=16/15.
This tree also shows several new Big Ys that belong to already-known branches, and it shows updated SNP information for many branches. All of this is indicated in red.
Click here to find the previous tree for I-PH908
Click here to find a brief description of the I-PH908 haplogroup
For a few years we have known about an important STR marker pattern in I-PH908 (Dinaric South):
Many Dinaric South men from the former Yugoslavia and adjacent areas have the marker value DYS561=16. This is the normal value for I-CTS10228 (Dinaric) as a whole. When a Dinaric South man with DYS561=16 does Big Y, it's likely that he won't share any variants below I-PH908 and his haplogroup will be I-PH908*. But as more men do Big Y, we are starting to find more shared SNPs and name more branches.
Many Dinaric South men from other areas (Central Europe, Germany etc) have the distinctive marker value DYS561=15. Men with this value are likely to belong to a large named branch of I-PH908, for example I-A356/Z16983.
Of course there is much geographic overlap and Dinaric South men with DYS561=16 are sometimes found in Germany and some Dinaric South men with DYS561=15 are found in SE Europe.
Here is another important STR marker pattern:
Most Dinaric South men have DYS557=16 or 15. When we see Dinaric South men with the unusually high DYS557=17 (or even 18), they often belong to the more specific branches I-Y52621, I-Y56203 or I-BY189804. These branches are all part of the larger group with DYS561=16.
This tree shows a new branch called I-BY135769, the two known members have ancestry from Poland and Russia. FTDNA hasn't added this branch to their haplotree yet. This branch has DYS561=16 and DYS557=16/15.
This tree also shows several new Big Ys that belong to already-known branches, and it shows updated SNP information for many branches. All of this is indicated in red.
Click here to find the previous tree for I-PH908
Click here to find a brief description of the I-PH908 haplogroup
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