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Major update reorganizes entire haplogroup I2 tree

Monday, October 28, 2019

New branches: 2019-10-27 tree for I-Y4460

Click here to download our 2019-10-27 draft tree for I-Y4460

This tree shows two new branches:

  • I-BY137420, the samples are from Russia and an unspecified country
  • I-FT8963, the samples are from Poland and an unspecified country

This tree also shows I-BY94806 as a subgroup of I-FT40113. These branches were formerly considered to be parallel branches. There are at least 7 samples in these branches, they are from Poland, Russia, Ukraine and unspecified countries.

Finally this tree shows a new Big Y-700 result (Russia) in the I-A6106 haplogroup.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-Y4460
Click here for a brief description of the I-Y4440 haplogroup

New branch in DYS413=19-22 cluster: 2019-10-26 tree for I-Y11222

Click here to download our 2019-10-26 draft tree for I-Y11222

This tree shows a new branch called I-FT53174, it's part of the larger I-A14285 haplogroup. I-A14285 is also known as I-Y62258, and we formerly called it the DYS413=19-22 cluster after its most distinctive STR marker value.

The new Big Y result has DYS413=22-22, but very likely this line had the 19-22 in earlier generations.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-Y11222
Click here for a brief description of the I-Y11222 haplogroup

Friday, October 25, 2019

Another major British branch below I-PF4189: 2019-10-24 tree for I-CTS11338

Click here to download our 2019-10-24 tree for I-CTS11338

I-PF4189 is a major branch of the I-M26 halogroup. It's well known that I-M26 is very common in Sardinia, approximately 35-40% of men in Sardinia belong to I-M26. But of the I-M26 men in Sardinia, approximately 75% belong to I-PF4189, more specifically to I-PF4190. Very few men from other parts of Europe belong to I-PF4190, we have found several from Germany, one from France, and one family from Ireland (likely Norman or other Continental European ancestry hundreds of years ago).

You can see on this draft tree that I-PF4189 has three known child branches:
I-PF4190 (see paragraph above)

I-A19487 and I-A12373 both have only British origin, according to current knowledge. But Great Britain and Ireland are much better sampled than other parts of the world, and maybe we will find additional samples in other countries.

This tree includes a new branch below I-A19487, it's called I-BY67299. This branch includes Scottish-origin families including some named Barclay, and it's most recent common ancestor with the rest of I-A19487 lived approximately 3,000 years ago.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-CTS11338
Click here for a brief description of the I-CTS11338 haplogroup

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

New branch below I-Y12072, new branch parallel to Driscoll family: 2019-10-17 tree for I-Y12072

Click here to download our 2019-10-17 tree for I-Y12072

This update shows the new I-FT145775 branch, one of the known members is from Germany and the other is American with likely English paternal ancestry. This branch was already known, but now that there are two Big Ys for this branch it can be named. The two men share at least 24 additional SNPs that are currently equivalent to FT145775.

This tree shows a new branch immediately below I-A13665. Because only one man is known to belong to this branch, we can't confirm the SNPs and we call this branch I-A13665*.  The I-A13665* man has paternal ancestry from central France.

All other known men in I-A13665 belong to the more specific I-Y31631 branch, and they all are named Driscoll or O'Driscoll, or they very likely have a paternal ancestor named Driscoll at some point in the past. Y31631 is in a region which is very similar (97%) to other two regions in the Y chromosome, it can not be tested as an individual SNP.

FTDNA shows Y31631 as equivalent to A13665, this is incorrect.

FTDNA shows Y85926 as equivalent to the downstream SNP A14539, this is incorrect. This draft tree shows Y85926 in the correct position: equivalent to A13665.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-Y12072
Click here for a brief description of the I-Y12072 haplogroup

2019-10-03 draft tree for I-L161

Click here to download our 2019-10-03 draft tree for I-L161

This update includes no new branches and no new Big Y results. But this updates shows that we have created a new tree for the more specific I-A8742 haplogroup, click here to find it.

This tree also shows three new FT-series SNPs (indicated in red), they are equivalent to A1150. The FT prefix indicates that these SNPs were named by FTDNA based on Big Y-700 results (and the BY prefix indicates SNPs that were named by FTDNA based on Big Y-500 results).

Click here to find our previous tree for I-L161
Click here for a brief description of the I-L161 haplogroup

Our first draft tree for I-A8742 (part of I-L161 "Isles")

Click here to download our 2019-10-03 draft tree for I-A8742

For reasons of legibility, we have created a new draft tree specifically for the I-A8742. This  haplogroup has a most recent common ancestor who lived approximately 6400 years ago, according to YFull's calculation. But it's a small haplogroup, and all known I-A8742 members have paternal origin from Great Britain and France.

I-A8742 includes Ken Nordtvedt's Isles-B5 cluster and some other branches that don't match the cluster very well. But even Isles-B5 was poorly defined by STR marker patterns. And I-A8742 is part of the larger I-A1150 haplogroup which includes the Isles-B3 cluster and additional branches that don't match Isles-B3 very well.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-L161, which included information on I-A8742
Click here for a brief description of the I-A8742 haplogroup

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Two new Big Y-700 samples in I-Z17855: 2019-10-14 tree for I-CTS10228

Click here to download our  2019-10-14 draft tree for I-CTS10228

This tree includes two new Big Y-700 results (indicated in red). Both belong to the I-Z17855 haplogroup. One has ancestry from Bulgaria and belongs to an I-Z17855* branch, and the other has ancestry from Moldova and belongs to an I-Y39505* branch.

This tree also includes two FT-series SNPs (indicated in red), these were discovered thanks to Big Y-700 results.

Click here to find our previous I-CTS10228 tree
Click here for a brief description of the I-CTS10228 haplogroup

Two new branches: 2019-10-14 tree for I-PH908

Click here to download our 2019-10-14 draft tree for I-PH908

This update shows two new branches:

I-BY169115 which is part of I-A356/Z16983. The two known members of I-BY169115 have paternal ancestry from Serbia and central Italy. I-BY169115 is on the FTDNA haplotree and Big Y Block Tree.

I-FT138628 which is of I-FT16449.  The two known members of I-FT138628 have paternal ancestry from Serbia and northwestern Bulgaria.  I-FT138628 is not on the FTDNA haplotree and Big Y Block Tree.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-PH908
Click here for a brief description of the I-PH908 haplogroup

Monday, October 14, 2019

More details about a German branch in I-S2742 ("Isles"): 2019-10-14 draft tree for I-A2230

Click here to download our 2019-10-14 draft tree for I-A2230

I-S2742 is a large haplogroup that contains most of Ken Nordtvedt's Isles-B cluster. I-S2742 has many branches and it's found in Great Britain and Ireland, but also in Germany, Poland, Sweden etc.

I-A2230 is a small part of I-S2742, the remainder of I-S2742 can be found on our I-S2703 tree and other trees.

This update shows more details about I-BY175113 which at present contains two ethnic German families, one from eastern Hungary/Romania and the other possibly from Switzerland.

Click here to find our previous I-A2230 tree
Click here for a brief description of the I-A2230 haplogroup

Friday, October 11, 2019

FGC56883 is maybe immediately below Y4252: 2019-10-11 draft tree for I-L233

Click here to download our 2019-10-11 draft tree for I-L233

As mentioned in our previous post about I-L233, the major I-Y4252 haplogroup contains 22 immediate descendant branches. 14 branches are named (I-A7111 for example) and 8 branches are unnamed because these branches each contain only a single Big Y result at present.

There is a SNP that maybe is shared by 9 of these branches, it's called FGC56883. If this is true, then I-Y4252 has only 14 immediate descendant branches: I-FGC56883 and 13 additional branches. There doesn't seem to be any geographic pattern: I-FGC56883 contains some branches that have been found only in Great Britain and some branches that have been found in both Britain and continental Europe, but the Y4252+ FGC56883- group also contains some branches that have been found only in Great Britain and some branches that have been found in both Britain and continental Europe.

Unfortunately FGC56883 occurs inside a palindrome region and probably it won't be added to the official trees at FTDNA and at YFull etc.  And FGC56883 doesn't give clear results in Big Y testing.

There is one group where FGC56883 is clearly negative C-:
I-Y32652 aka I-A15076,
I-Y86483 aka I-Y94320 ,
and some I-Y4252* samples

And another group where FGC56883 has approximately equal number of positive T+ and negative C- reads or even greater number of positive T+ reads:
I-Y32657 aka I-A15050
and some I-Y4252* samples

Click here to find our previous tree for I-L233
Click here for a brief description of the I-L233 haplogroup

SNPs to define the beginning of the surname era: 2019-10-11 tree for I-Y4882

Click here to download our 2019-10-11 draft tree for I-Y4882

Our previous trees showed a branch called I-V2860, it contained two men with the same surname, they have ancestry from Poland. Our previous trees showed 17 SNPs as equivalent to V2860, one of these SNPs is named Y100616.

But this update shows a new Big Y result for another man with Polish ancestry. This result split the I-V2860 haplogroup. Now there is an upstream branch called I-Y100616 which contains all three men, and a redefined I-V2860 branch which contains only the two men with the same surname.

This update shows another branch called I-A21222 (also known as I-BY42258), it contains three men with the same German surname (one of these men is not a member of the I-P37 project). It's part of the upstream branch called I-BY42257. Previously BY42257, A21222, BY42258 and many other SNPs were considered to be equivalent. Thanks to a recent Big Y for a Russian man, we know that BY42257 is the oldest and most widespread of these SNPs. (this paragraph was edited on 2019-10-31)

Click here to find our previous tree for I-Y4882
Click here for a brief description of the I-Y4882 haplogroup

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

New German/English branches below I-Y4252: 2019-09-28 tree for I-L233

Click here to download our 2019-09-28 draft tree for I-L233

This update shows two new branches below I-Y4252, they are named I-BY82831 and I-BY117344. Each of these branches contains one German-ancestry man and one English-ancestry man.

At the moment I-Y4252 contains 22 immediate descendant branches. 14 branches are named, and 8 branches are unnamed because they contain only a single Big Y sample. The Big Y-700 test hasn't revealed any new SNPs immediately below I-Y4252 that could resolve these 22 branches into fewer haplogroups immediately below I-Y4252.

I-Y4252 had its initial expansion approximately 1800 years ago according to YFull's current calculation (previously the MRCA age was slightly older). If this expansion occurred in continental Europe and some branches later arrived in Great Britain, we would expect to see more branches in continental Europe and fewer branches in Britain. But currently we see the opposite: there are many branches that have been found only in Britain/Ireland.

I think this is probably because British and Irish-ancestry men are highly over represented in the Big Y customer database, even compared to countries like the Netherlands, Germany and Denmark. As more men do tests, I think we will see that most of the branches that are currently British-only will contain some continental European men, and that's exactly what we are seeing with I-BY82831 and I-BY117344 and with earlier discoveries like I-BY65456.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-L233
Click here for a brief description of the I-L233 haplogroup