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Major update reorganizes entire haplogroup I2 tree

Thursday, March 25, 2021

I-Z16973 is an important new level below I-Y3106: 2021-03-25 tree for I-Y4460

 Click here to download our 2021-03-25 draft tree for I-Y4460

Update 2021-03-28: We communicated with YFull, and YFull will add this level to their tree. Click here to see the live version of the YFull I-Y3106 tree.

Our updated I-Y4460 draft tree shows a new level called I-Z16973, it's immediately below I-Y3106.

Four branches of  I-Y3106 have Z16973+ results:

  • I-Y3118
  • I-FT10545
  • I-FT78951
  • I-Y47356 
Three branches of I-Y3106 have Z16973- results:
  • I-A6106
  • I-S8201
  • I-BY53671
Z16973 occurs in the DYZ19 repeat region, and maybe FTDNA won't add it to its tree. But Z16973 gives consistent results.

This update also shows a new branch called I-BY111745, it's part of I-BY53671


  1. @Bernie, it's great. You prove, that communication with YFULL even faster/better/effective rather than with FTDNA :)

    BTW, will FT10545 be same matter of communication with YFULL? or they don't have that SNP or/and can't add to the tree?

    As I see YFULL check snp gives at least for myself 41A reads, so I assume YFULL do have that SNP, so why they don't show on the tree? According this blog Y4460 draft, FT10545 is a paternal SNP for FT9301 and Y91535. Both FT9301 and Y91535 are shown on the on YFULL tree, now, under Z16973. So I assume FT10545 is paternal for both, but is somewhere descendant SNP beneath Z16973? Is there any complexity we don't see?

  2. @Andrii.
    the others in the I-FT9301 and I-Y91535 haplogroups have only one or two positive reads for FT10545.
    The I-FT10545 is paternal haplogroup to I-FT9301 and I-Y91535 and it is downstream of the I-Z16973.

  3. FYI. Here is quote to Thomas Krahn from YSEQ, he answered my 2 questions:


    BigY is not re-evaluated or re-run at any time. They just look again at the mistakes they have made before and sometimes fix them. The quality of Sanger sequencing reads is so clear that a re-evaluation is not necessary, since we'd have noticed a novel mutation on the sequencing trace immediately They are just a few hundred bases long. You can be sure that everything that was covered is identical to the reference sequence unless reported.

    Generally we're glad to add information to the panel's tree when it makes sense. It doesn't matter if we updated it just recently. It's actually usual that at those occasions experts have a second look and give further suggestions to improve it.
    The region around Y3106 is 98.1% identical to the X chromosome. We know this since Lawrence Mayka has requested this SNP in 2015 that's why adding it to any Y tree is unacceptable. Vince Tilroe did definitely a good job to choose B57 instead.
    I don't think we even need to discuss Z16973 which is in the DYZ19 region. But if you find anything useful, we're glad to add it.
