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Major update reorganizes entire haplogroup I2 tree

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

A major new branch below I-S20602: 2020-10-26 tree for I-CTS10228

 Click here to download our 2020-10-26 draft tree for I-CTS10228

This update shows a new branch immediately below I-S20602. It's called I-FT80992 and it contains only two samples, one from Germany and one from Hungary.

There are five previously known branches below I-S20602: four large branches: I-S17250, I-Y4460, I-Z17855 and I-Y18331, and one small branch: I-FT76511. This update also shows a new branch below I-FT76511, it's called I-FT256359 and it contains samples from Serbia and from Bosnia and Herzegovina.

This update shows shows an additional new branch called I-BY161829, it's a downstream branch specific to a Greek family. 


  1. Is this man from Germany the one who has already been tested as S20602*/Y3120* at some other (Baltic) project? Sorry if this is an invasion of privacy.

  2. Yes, it's the same man. His results are visible to the public at the Baltic Sea project. You can see his new I-FT80992 haplogroup designation at the Baltic Sea project.
