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Major update reorganizes entire haplogroup I2 tree

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

April 3, 2019 tree for I-Y4460 (belated post)

Click here to download our 2019-04-03 tree for I-Y4460

We updated this draft tree on April 3rd, but I neglected to post it.

This tree shows several updates:

  • a second I-Y4460* result. The two men have ancestry from Syria and Ukraine.
  • a seventh I-Y3118* result, for an American with likely Hungarian ancestry
  • a new I-BY80448 haplogroup which is below I-A21812
  • a new I-Y11624 haplogroup which is below I-Y10622
  • Two I-Y3118 men share a single variant that was reported in their Big Y-700 tests. Some I-Y3118 men have ancestral results for this SNP. Maybe this is a new branch below I-Y3118, but it needs further verification
  • a new I-Y39232 branch, the two members are known cousins
Click here to find our previous tree for I-Y4460
Click here for a brief description of the I-Y4460 haplogroup

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Several more Big Ys for the Lindsay family, and a new branch: 2019-04-24 tree for I-A8462

Click here to download our 2019-04-24 tree for I-A8462

This tree shows 5 new Big Y-700 results for the large Lindsay family, and a new branch called I-BY58390.

Note: we updated this tree a few hours after the original post. The most current tree is dated 2019-04-24, it shows the BY58390 SNP as equivalent to Y138968

click here to find our previous tree for I-A8462
click here for a brief description of the I-A8462 haplogroup

Another Big Y for the DYS413=19-22 cluster: 2019-04-22 tree for I-Y11222

Click here to download our 2019-04-22 tree for I-Y11222

This tree shows a new Big Y-700 result for one of the largest clusters within I-Y11222. This cluster is characterized by the distinctive marker value DYS413=19-22. Most of the known members are from Great Britain, but a few are from continental Europe.

YFull estimates that the MRCA of this cluster lived approximately 3400 years ago. The cluster is currently called I-BY37467 at YFull, and it's called I-Y62258 at FTDNA.

The three previous Big Y-500 results are BY37467+ but the new Big Y-700 result is BY37467-.  FTDNA has updated its haplotree to show this new branch, and YFull will update its haplotree soon. There is another Big Y in progress for this cluster.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-Y11222
Click here for a brief description of the I-Y11222 haplogroup

Thursday, April 18, 2019

More PF4088+ CTS11338- branches: 2019-04-18 tree for I-L160

Click here to download our 2019-04-18 tree for I-L160

This tree shows two new branches, they are both part of the PF4088+ CTS11338- set of branches. This part of the I-M26 tree was poorly known before the advent of Big Y testing.

One of the new branches is I-A24294, it's part of I-CTS11851 which has had a big expansion in the last ~2000 years. The two members of I-A24294 are from Brazil and Colombia (the Colombian man was part of the 1000 Genomes Project).

The other branch is I-BY130413*. Thanks to a recent Big Y for an American man (Irish or British ancestry?), we know that BY130413 is older than several other SNPs that were formerly considered equivalent: A19300,  BY37328 etc. The A19300+ men have ancestry from Germany.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-L160
Click here for a brief description of the I-L160 haplogroup

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

A new branch in Disles: 2019-04-17 tree for I-L621

Click here to download our 2019-04-17 tree for I-L621

This tree shows a new branch called I-Y85772, it's part of what we nickname "Disles".

Disles includes all of the L621+ but CTS10228- branches, and "Dinaric" includes all of the L621+ and CTS10228+ branches. The name Disles comes from D for Dinaric and Isles for the British Isles. Many of the Disles branches are especially common in Britain and Ireland.

The Y67 marker pattern for Dinaric and Disles is similar but only Dinaric has the very distinctive value DYS565=9. The Disles branches all have DYS565=11 which is typical for all of I-P37.

Each branch of Disles has its own distinctive marker pattern and we can predict that some other people belong to these branches, even if they haven't done SNP testing. At the present time, all known Disles men can be placed in one of the branches on this I-L621 tree based on the pattern of their Y67 markers.

The new I-Y85772 branch contains two families, one from southwestern Germany and one from Sweden. They are not closely related, probably their common ancestor lived more than 2000 years ago.

The I-A17060 branch contains a few families from Britain and one American family which claims southwest German ancestry. This branch is called I-BY37319 at FTDNA and I-Y45825 at YFull.

The I-CTS10936* branch contains only one known family, they are American and believe their ancestor was from Germany or Luxembourg, or an adjacent area.

The I-Y50479 branch contains two families, one from southern Poland and one is American with ancestors from southwestern Germany. This branch is called I-Y44771 at FTDNA and I-Y44940 at YFull.

The I-FGC20479 branch contains 50-100 known families, all from Great Britain and Ireland. There are many known subbranches. Many of these branches are especially typical of the northern part of Ireland and Scotland.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-L621
Click here for a brief description of the I-L621 haplogroup

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

FT14506 may be an important SNP below PH908: 2019-04-03 tree for I-PH908

Click here to download our 2019-04-03 tree for I-PH908

At the present time, I-PH908 has approximately 28 immediate subbranches, 12 branches are named and 16 are called I-PH908*. This is approximately equivalent to one man who had 28 surviving sons, and each of these sons founded a male line that has survived until the present day.

But the Big Y-500 test does not have high enough resolution to detect SNPs that occurred at each generation. It's more likely that the founder of PH908 had fewer sons with surviving male lines, and that some of these 28 lineages are from expansions in the second, third or fourth generation after the most recent common ancestor of I-PH908.

The Big Y-700 test sequences more regions of the Y chromosome, and maybe we will find some SNPs that can help resolve the 28 branches into a tree with more structure. One possible new SNP is called FT14506.

Some I-PH908 men have FT14506+ results, and others have FT14506- results as indicated on this updated tree.

At this point, the men with FT14506+ results all have the STR marker value DYS561=16, as mentioned in previous posts (click here), DYS561 seems to divide I-PH908 into two groups.

But not all men with DYS561=16 are FT14506+, there is one I-PH908* man with DYS561=16 who is FT14506- (this FT14506 result isn't shown on the tree).

People in several different branches of I-PH908 are testing FT14506 at YSeq.net and we will learn more soon.
This tree also shows three new branches, indicated in red

Click here to find our previous tree for I-PH908
Click here for a brief description of the I-PH908 haplogroup

New branches in I-Y18331 and I-Z17855: 2019-04-02 tree for I-CTS10228

Click here to download our 2019-04-02 tree for I-CTS10228   (link corrected 2019-04-07)

This tree shows a new branch called I-Y153039, the two members are closely related and have the same Greek surname. This branch is part of I-Y18331 which is almost completely Greek.

This tree shows a new branch called I-BY190177, the two members have ancestry from Bulgaria and Romania. This branch is part of I-Z17855 which is especially typical of Bulgaria and nearby areas.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-CTS10228
Click here to see a brief description of the I-CTS10228 haplogroup

2 new branches and some samples from other companies: 2019-04-03 tree for I-Y4882

Click here to download our 2019-04-03 tree for I-Y4882

There are currently 663 completed Big Ys for I-P37 at FTDNA, more than 600 are members of the I-P37 project.

But I know of only a few Next Generation Y chromosome sequences from other testing companies:
two from Full Genomes Corp. (FGC)
two from Dante
one from Human Longevity Inc.
And of course there are many I-P37 sequences from scientific studies.

In some cases the same person has done a Big Y and a test at another company. Most of the people who have tested at other companies have ordered the YFull.com analysis (YFull permits a person who has tested at two or more companies to submit BAMs from all the companies).  And some of these people have independently shared their results with us.

This tree shows a new I-A10230* branch with one sample.

This tree shows a new branch in the I-PLE01 region:
PLE14, PLE04, PLE05, and BY30326 occurred first
and PLE01, PLE16 and many other SNPs occurred more recently.
You can also see the new PLE branches on the YFull tree, and eventually FTDNA will update its haplotree.

Click here to see our previous tree for I-Y4882
Click here to see a brief description of the I-Y4882 haplogroup

A new branch in I-BY128/Y5596: 2019-04-02 tree for I-S17250

Click here to download our 2019-04-02 tree for I-S17250

This tree shows two new branches in I-BY128/Y5596. Like all branches on this tree, they are part of Dinaric North (You can see Dinaric South on our more specific I-PH908 tree).

One new branch is called I-BY184129/Y159624, it's part of the recently discovered BY183912/Y159653 branch. There are three known families in these branches, two are from Greece and Russia and the third is American with possibly English ancestry.

This update also shows a new Big Y-700 result in the I-A2423/Y12911 branch, also part of I-BY128/Y5596. The Big Y samples in I-A2423 have ancestry from Slovakia, Hungary, western Ukraine, and Russia.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-S17250
Click here for a brief description of the I-S17250 haplogroup

New English and Scottish branches: 2019-04-03 tree for I-L161

Click here to download our 2019-04-03 tree for I-L161

This update shows a new branch called I-A23615, the two known families have paternal origin from England. It's part of the larger I-BY60222 haplogroup which also includes a French Canadian family. In general, I-BY60222 is uncommon and we don't see any other families who might belong to this branch.

This update also shows a new branch called I-BY37264, all known families have British, mostly Scottish origins. The previously known I-BY37256 branch is part of  I-BY37264. These are all part of Isles-B5, and we can predict that many other families belong to these branches.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-L161
Click here for a brief description of the I-L161 haplogroup

Norwegians, Germans and English in I-A2293 (Isles-B2): 2019-04-02 tree for I-S2703

Click here to download our 2019-04-02 tree for I-S2703

I-S2742 is a major haplogroup and in previous years, most known I-S2742 men had British paternal origin, but a few were from Germany and Poland, and these European men seemed to be confined to one or two specific branches. Now we are finding Norwegian, Swedish and other European men in many different branches of I-S2742.

This update shows a new Big Y-500 in the I-A2293 branch. I-A2293 contains men living in England and American men with likely English origin. But the new Big Y is for an American with likely Norwegian origin, and there's a Big Y-700 not shown on this tree for an American with German origin. And two men who live in Norway have done SNP testing that places them in I-A2293.

This tree also shows some additional SNP information about other branches

Click here to find our previous tree for I-S2703
Click here for a brief description of the I-S2703 haplogroup

A new branch in Isles-D2: 2019-04-03 tree for I-Y3723

Click here to download our 2019-04-03 tree for I-Y3723

This tree shows a new branch called I-FGC7210, it's part of Isles-D2 (also known as I-Y4665 and some other names) and more specifically it's part of I-Y5280. The two families that are known to belong to this branch both have paternal ancestry from County Limerick, Ireland.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-Y3723
Click here for a brief description of the I-Y3723 haplogroup

More I-Y4252* branches: 2019-04-02 tree for I-L233

Click here to download our  2019-04-02 tree for I-L233

This update shows a new Big Y-500 and a new Big Y-700, both are ancestral for all SNPs below Y4252 and they represent newly discovered branches. For the moment we call them I-Y4252*, but eventually we will find more members of these branches and we will give them a more specific name.

We currently have 11 named branches below I-Y4252 and 10 unnamed branches that are currently called I-Y4252*, 21 immediate child branches in total. It's possible that the Big Y-700 test will discover new SNPs that will group some of these branches together.

This tree also shows a new I-A10034 sample, his ancestry is from Germany, all known members of I-A10034 have ancestry from Germany, Denmark etc. except for one man born in northeastern England.

This tree shows a new branch called I-BY60350, the two members have the same surname and probably share a common ancestor who lived in the 1700s.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-L233
Click here for a brief description of the I-L233 haplogroup