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Major update reorganizes entire haplogroup I2 tree

Thursday, July 16, 2020

2020-07-16 draft tree for I-A17273 (part of I-M26)

Click here to download our 2020-07-16 draft tree for I-A17273

This update shows a new branch called I-BY129449. It contains three samples, they have Portuguese, Spanish and Irish "Anglo-Norman" ancestry. I-BY129449 is the sister branch of the Swiss German I-BY89956 branch. Everyone in these branches has the distinctive marker value DYS390=22.

This update also shows a new branch called I-BY93095, it contains two members of an Irish family. This branch is part of I-A19395 which is widespread in northern Europe.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-A17273
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for I-A17273
Click here for YFull's I-A17273 tree
Click here for a brief description of the I-A17273 haplogroup

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

A new branch in the non-British I-A10033 haplogroup: 2020-07-15 tree for I-Y4252

Click here to download our 2020-07-15 draft tree for I-Y4252

This tree update shows a new branch called I-BY88267, it's part of the larger I-A10034 and I-A10033 branches. I-A10033 is the only known common branch of I-L233 that's restricted to Continental Europe. It has two subbranches: I-A10034 (Denmark, northern Germany etc) and I-Y60701 (Croatia, Albania).

This tree also shows a new sample in I-BY63871 (the "Western Isles" cluster) and it shows a new SNP named FT248808 which is equivalent to Y33765.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-Y4252
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for I-Y4252
Click here for YFull's I-Y4252 tree
Click here for a brief description of the I-Y4252 haplogroup

More samples for some Irish families: 2020-07-15 tree for I-Y4665 (Isles-D2)

Click here to download our 2020-07-15 tree for I-Y4665 (Isles-D2)

This tree shows a third Big Y sample for a Flynn family and a fifth Big Y sample for a Morrissey family.  I-Y4665 is very typical of Ireland, especially central-western Ireland. The I-Y4665 Flynn family is one of dozens of Flynn families in Ireland, and probably many Flynn families in other haplogroups are much larger.  There are also several Morrissey families but maybe the I-Y4665 Morrissey family is the largest Morrissey family.

Click here to see John Grenham's Irish surname mapping site

Click here for our previous tree for I-Y4665
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for I-Y4665
Click here for YFull's I-Y4660 tree, which is another name for I-Y4665

Monday, July 13, 2020

Two new branches in Isles-B1: 2020-07-13 tree for I-Y14612

Click here to download our 2020-07-13 draft tree for I-Y14612

This update shows two new branches in Isles-B1, and it includes new SNP information for existing branches. The exact placement of some these SNP should be considered subject to change, because some branches are represented by Big Y-500 results only, which didn't sample most FT series SNPs.

The core Isles-B1 group is I-Y14603, and I think all known I-Y14603 men have paternal ancestry from Britain. (We can often predict I-Y14603 membership from Y37, Y67 or Y111 STR marker results).

But I-Y14603 is closely related to branches from Swedish and Germany: I-Y14606* contains a Swedish-American and a Swede, I-Y14610* contains a Swedish-American, I-Y139346 contains two families from northeastern Germany. The larger I-S2742 haplogroup is a complex mixture of British branches and Scandinavian/Continental European branches.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-Y14612
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for  I-Y14612, Y14607 is currently equivalent to Y14612
Click here for YFull's I-Y14339 tree, Y14339 is currently equivalent to Y14612
Click here for a brief description of the I-Y14612 haplogroup

Friday, July 10, 2020

A new sample in the rare Isles-D4 branch: 2020-07-07 tree for I-S2703

Click here to download our 2020-07-07 draft tree for I-S2703

This update shows a new sample in I-PH3480 (nicknamed "Isles-B4"). I-PH3480 can be identified by the distinctive STR marker value DYS388=11, almost all I-L161 "Isles" men have DYS388=13. Most known I-PH3480 man have English ancestry, and there is one scientific sample from Ireland.

This update also shows a new branch called I-FT182394, it's based on a Big Y sample and sample PGP64 from the publicly shared Personal Genome Project data. These two samples and another Big Y sample are part of the I-S2624 haplogroup. The two Big Y samples have the same surname, and probably PGP64 is also from this family.

This update also shows new SNP information in existing branches.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-S2703
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for  I-S2703
Click here for YFull's I-Y3749 tree, Y3749 is currently equivalent to S2703
Click here for a brief description of the I-S2703 haplogroup

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Our first tree specific to I-FT16449 (part of I-PH908): 2020-07-08

Click here to download our first draft tree specific to I-FT16449

I-FT16449 is a large haplogroup that's part of the larger I-PH908 (Dinaric South) haplogroup. FTDNA's public haplotree and Big Y Block tree includes I-FT16449. But YFull doesn't include FT16449, it is inside a so-called X-transposed region which is very similar (99,5%) to a region on the X chromosome. This also means that FT16449 is not suitable for individual SNP testing.

As shown on our draft tree, I-FT16449 has the characteristic STR marker values DYS561=16 and DYS712>22.

This update shows many new branches below I-FT16449

  • I-FT36524 
  • a new I-FT19919 haplogroup below I-Y126296. The I-FT19919 branch isn't shown on the FTDNA public haplotree/Big Y Block Tree
  • There may be a new unnamed haplogroup below I-Y189253, characterized by the mutation ChrY:10951827 T to C. Two Big Y-700 samples share this variant but a Dante Lab sample doesn't have this variant reported in his VCF file.
  • A new I-BY171718 haplogroup above I-Y144303, previously BY171718, Y144303 and several other SNPs were considered to be equivalent
  • A new I-FT166563 branch, the two samples are closely related
This tree also shows some new SNP information in existing branches

Many new branches in the I-FT177529 haplogroup cascade: 2020-07-02 tree for I-PH908

Click here to download our 2020-07-02 tree for I-PH908

  • This update shows many new branches in the I-FT177529 haplogroup cascade (part of I-FT14506).
  • new I-FT41224* branch (also part of I-FT14506)
  • I-FT25907 is a new haplogroup below I-Y56203 (also part of I-FT14506). I-FT25907 already appears on the YFull tree, it's based on one Big Y-700 (FTDNA) sample and one Dante Lab sample
  • new I-Y45843 branch below I-A493/Z16982  
  • new I-S10860 branch below I-A20333
This update also shows new SNP information in some existing branches.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

A Serbian sample in a Spanish haplogroup: 2020-07-01 tree for I-Z113

Click here to download our 2020-07-01 tree for I-Z113

This update shows a new I-Z113* sample, he has paternal ancestry from Serbia. His common ancestor with the rest of the I-Z113 men lived approximately 1550 years ago, according to YFull's calculation.

I-Z113 is most common in Spain, Portugal and France, especially far southwestern France. There are a few samples from England, and there is one sample from western Bulgaria, this man hasn't done a Big Y test, his STR markers don't match the Serbian man closely.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-Z113
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for I-Z113
Click here for YFull's I-Z113 tree
Click here for a brief description of the I-Z113 haplogroup

New sample from Tunisia: 2020-07-01 tree for I-CTS11338

Click here to download our 2020-07-01 draft tree for I-CTS11338

This update shows a new Big Y-700 sample who has paternal ancestry from Tunisia. He belongs to a downstream branch of I-PF4190 and shares several SNPs with some scientific samples from Sardinia. I-PF4190 is the largest group of I-M26 men in Sardinia.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-CTS11338
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for I-CTS11338
Click here for YFull's I-CTS11338 (I-Z105) tree
Click here for a brief description of the I-CTS11338 haplogroup