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Major update reorganizes entire haplogroup I2 tree

Monday, December 23, 2019

2019-12-22 draft tree for I-CTS10228

Click here to download our 2019-12-22 draft tree for I-CTS10228

This tree shows the following updates:

  • A new branch called I-Y81696, it contains two Big Y samples, they are the only known CTS10228+ and S20602- men. This update also resolves the position of several SNPs that are equivalent to CTS10228 and S20602, compare to our 2019-10-14 I-CTS10228 tree. The two I-Y81696 men both have paternal ancestry from southwestern Germany/neighboring areas of France, and they share the distinctive marker value DYS565=9 with the I-S20602 men.
  • we have created a new draft tree specifically for the major I-Z17855 branch, click here
  • a new branch called I-Y87441, it's part of the Jewish Dinaric cluster
  • as a reminder, there are only two known I-S20602* men. FTDNA lists a third man (kit 117308) as I-S20602*, but in fact he has Y18331+ results according to his Big Y-500 and his Big Y-700 upgrade. His Big Y-700 reported only 7 reads for Y18331, all 7 reads were positive A+ reads. He has Greek paternal ancestry, like almost all men in I-Y18331

Click here to find our previous draft tree for I-CTS10228
Click here for a brief description of the I-CTS10228 haplogroup

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Our first draft tree specific to I-Z17855 (dated 2019-12-22)

Click here to download our first draft tree specific to I-Z17855 (dated 2019-12-22)

This tree shows the following updates:

  • 2 new I-Z17855* samples, they have paternal ancestry from Bulgaria and Ukraine
  • a new branch called I-BY210265 immediately below I-Z17855. One of the I-BY210265 samples has paternal ancestry from Serbia and the other has Greek ancestry from Edirne/Adrianople, Turkey (European Turkey near the border with Greece and Bulgaria)
  • a new branch called I-FT154835, one sample has Serbian ancestry from the Dvor, Croatia area and the other has Romanian ancestry
  • some additional SNP information for existing branches

Click here to find our previous tree for I-CTS10288, which included I-Z17855
Click here for a brief description of the I-Z17855 haplogroup

2019-12-22 tree for I-L160

Click here to download our 2019-12-22 tree for I-L160

This tree shows the following updates:

  • a new I-V1686 branch, it's parallel to the large I-CTS11851branch. The families in this branch have Mexican/Spanish and English paternal ancestry. V1686 and other V series SNPs in this branch were first discovered in an anonymous I2 sample in Trombetta et al: Regional Differences in the Accumulation of SNPs on the Male-Specific Portion of the Human Y Chromosome Replicate Autosomal Patterns: Implications for Genetic Dating. The article and supplementary material can be found here: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0134646
  • a new I-Y83613* branch which contains some families from County Kerry in southwestern Ireland, they have English and Irish surnames. They share a MRCA who lived a few hundred years ago with the more specific I-FT18829 branch which contains the large Allen family from Virginia, USA
  • a new I-BY205153 branch (English origin). The two samples in this branch aren't closely related to each other and we can't find any other families that might belong to this branch based on STR marker patterns
  • a third sample in I-A19455

Click here to find our previous tree for I-L160
Click here for a brief description of the I-L160 haplogroup

Saturday, December 21, 2019

2019-12-21 tree for I-A2230

Click here to download our 2019-12-21 tree for I-A2230

There are now four completed Big Ys for I-BY175113 and we can refine the placement of many SNPs

  • The  I-BY175113* branch contains one sample with English ancestry, he's a distant STR match to another English-origin family
  • The I-BY174728* branch contains an American with ethnic German ancestry from western Romania
  • The I-BY174996 branch contains two German-American men. They have the same surname but they aren't closely related
The men in the German branches don't have any obvious STR matches with other families

Click here to find our previous tree for I-A2230
Click here for a brief description of the I-A2230 haplogroup

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Minor updates: 2019-12-02 tree for I-Y4882

Click here to download our 2019-12-02 draft tree for I-Y4882

This tree shows a new branch called I-FGC82983/Y152101.  The two members are closely related and they have paternal ancestry from northwestern Russia. One did his test at FGC and the other at FTDNA. Both men have ordered the YFull.com analysis. YFull will add this branch to their tree soon, but maybe they will choose a different SNP to name this branch.

This tree also shows a new placement for FT66517. Formerly it was equivalent to B474/Y16473.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-Y4882
Click here for a brief description of the I-Y4882 haplogroup