This tree shows the following updates:
- A new branch called I-Y81696, it contains two Big Y samples, they are the only known CTS10228+ and S20602- men. This update also resolves the position of several SNPs that are equivalent to CTS10228 and S20602, compare to our 2019-10-14 I-CTS10228 tree. The two I-Y81696 men both have paternal ancestry from southwestern Germany/neighboring areas of France, and they share the distinctive marker value DYS565=9 with the I-S20602 men.
- we have created a new draft tree specifically for the major I-Z17855 branch, click here
- a new branch called I-Y87441, it's part of the Jewish Dinaric cluster
- as a reminder, there are only two known I-S20602* men. FTDNA lists a third man (kit 117308) as I-S20602*, but in fact he has Y18331+ results according to his Big Y-500 and his Big Y-700 upgrade. His Big Y-700 reported only 7 reads for Y18331, all 7 reads were positive A+ reads. He has Greek paternal ancestry, like almost all men in I-Y18331
Click here to find our previous draft tree for I-CTS10228
Click here for a brief description of the I-CTS10228 haplogroup