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Major update reorganizes entire haplogroup I2 tree

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

A new level in the Lindsay family haplotree: 2020-10-28 tree for I-FT11343

Click here to download our 2020-10-28 draft tree for I-FT11343 

I-FT11343 contains only men named Lindsay, Lindsay, Lindesay or men with different surnames who very likely had a Lindsay paternal ancestor several generations ago. There have been at least 43 Big Ys for I-FT11343.

This update shows two new branches below I-Y99301:

  • I-Y215390 which contains two samples. I expect that FTDNA will add this branch to their haplotree and Big Y Block Tree soon, but maybe they will choose a different SNP to name this branch.
  • I-BY47557 which contains at least 15 samples. Maybe FTDNA and YFull won't add the I-BY47557 level because it occurs in a region that is very similar to another Y chromosome. The two I-Y215390 samples have clear BY47557- results

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

A major new branch below I-S20602: 2020-10-26 tree for I-CTS10228

 Click here to download our 2020-10-26 draft tree for I-CTS10228

This update shows a new branch immediately below I-S20602. It's called I-FT80992 and it contains only two samples, one from Germany and one from Hungary.

There are five previously known branches below I-S20602: four large branches: I-S17250, I-Y4460, I-Z17855 and I-Y18331, and one small branch: I-FT76511. This update also shows a new branch below I-FT76511, it's called I-FT256359 and it contains samples from Serbia and from Bosnia and Herzegovina.

This update shows shows an additional new branch called I-BY161829, it's a downstream branch specific to a Greek family. 

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

A major new branch based on FTDNA and Dante Lab samples: 2020-10-14 tree for I-Z17855

Click here to download our 2020-10-14 draft tree for I-Z17855

This update shows a new branch immediately below I-Z17855. This branch is characterized by a single SNP: ChrY position 3272203 C to T. This SNP unites two existing branches: I-BY116090 and I-Y68571.

The I-BY116090 branch contains a Dante Lab sample from Serbia, and a FTDNA Big Y-500 sample with ancestry from Istanbul, Turkey. At ChrY position 3272203, the Serbian man has a positive T+ result, but this position wasn't sampled in the Turkish man's Big Y-500 test.

The I-Y68571 branch contains three samples, I think they all have ancestry from Russia. The newest sample has Big Y-700 results and a positive T+ result at position 3272203. The other two men did earlier Big Y-500 tests which didn't sample this position.

YFull already shows the I-BY116090 branch, and the Russian with Big Y-700 results has ordered the YFull analysis of his BAM file. Probably YFull will add the upstream branch at position 3272203 at the next update. FTDNA doesn't include the I-BY116090 branch and won't add the upstream branch because FTDNA doesn't include data from Dante Lab samples.

This update also shows three new branches in different parts of the I-Z17855 haplotree.

Click here to find our previous I-Z17855 tree
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for I-Z17855
Click here for YFull's I-Z17855 tree
Click here for a brief description of the I-Z17855 haplogroup

Monday, October 12, 2020

Our first tree specific to the Driscoll family: 2020-10-12 draft tree for I-A13665

Click here to download our 2020-10-12 draft tree for I-A13665

For reasons of space we have created a tree specific to I-A13665. This haplogroup contains a large family named Driscoll/O'Driscoll from southwestern County Cork, Ireland. 

I-A13665 was formerly found on our I-Y12072 tree. In the future our I-Y12072 tree will show only Y12072+ PF4135- branches. 

I-A13665 is part of the I-PF4135 haplogroup which had a large expansion approximately 1700 years ago. All subbranches of I-PF4135 have some members from County Cork, and maybe I-PF4135 originated there. We have created another new tree for the Y12072+ PF4135+ A13665- branches.

I-A13665 had a common ancestor who lived approximately 1300 years ago according to YFull's calculation. In fact, I-A13665 contains two immediate child branches: an unnamed I-A13665* branch  which contains a single sample and the large I-Y31631 branch which contains the large Driscoll family.

The donor of the I-A13665* sample was born in France and he traces his family to the early 1800s in the Indre department in central France.

This update shows several new branches and some new SNP information for existing branches.

Our first tree specific to I-PF4135: our draft tree dated 2020-10-12

Click here to download our 2020-10-12 draft tree for I-PF4135

For reasons of space we have created a tree specific to I-PF4135 which is sometimes nicknamed Isles-A.

The PF4135+ A13665+ branches will be shown on their own tree, click here to download our I-A13665 (Driscoll family) draft tree.

The Y12072+ PF4135- branches will be shown on our I-Y12072 tree.


This I-PF4135 tree shows several updates:

  • in the I-A11115 haplogroup, we show the I-Y63669 branch and the more specific I-Y62883 branch. All known members of I-Y63669 have paternal origin from the Isle of Man. The I-Y62883 branch contains three samples from the Kinley family, the  I-Y63669* sample has a different surname
  • in I-A12075, we show a downstream branch called I-Y128944. One of the members is American with a paternal grandfather born in Germany. I-PF4135 is heavily Irish and British otherwise.
  • also in I-A12075, we show two new branches below I-Y12059 (Munro family)
  • I-BY105765 is a new branch that contains two descendants of the "Old John Hash" family of colonial Pennsylvania/Virginia, USA. It's part of the uncommon I-FGC39003 branch.
  • I-A17708 (also known as I-I-Z45261) contains another large American family (members are named Adkins, Mullins, Sloan etc). We show several new branches.
We also show new Big Y-700 samples in existing branches, and we show new SNP information for many existing branches.