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Major update reorganizes entire haplogroup I2 tree

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Preliminary update to I-FT14506 haplotree (dated 2021-10-08)

Click here to download our 2021-10-08 haplotree for I-FT14506 (part of I-PH908 "Dinaric South")

(maybe we will make additional updates to this tree soon)

This update shows a major branch immediately below I-FT14506, it's called I-FTA43907. FTDNA has shown this branch for several months, but it doesn't appear on the YFull tree.

FTA43907 is a deletion, it is ChrY (hg38) 12,416,455 T to del. FTA43907 isn't shown in FTDNA's Big Y chromosome browser. But it can be verified searching for the FT195985 SNP which is in the vicinity. Instructions: login to your FTDNA account and click on Big Y Results. Go to the Named Variants tab, change Derived? to Show All, and enter FT195985 in the SNP name box, and click Return (or similar).

The page will refresh, you will probably see a line "FT195985  No(-) Yes G G". Click on the FT195985, this will open the Y chromosome browser, you will see many green and blue bars which represent individual sequencing runs. Scroll to the right until you see 12,416,455 position. If you have the deletion, you will see gray squares at this position, and you are FTA43907+.

The I-FTA43907 haplogroup is part of the DYS557=17 cluster. I-FTA43907 has three branches according to this draft haplotree: I-FT41224, I-Y56203 and I-Y251275. FTDNA's Big Y Block Tree and haplotree shows only two branches: I-FT41224, I-Y56203. FTDNA also shows one Big Y Participant in an unnamed I-FTA43907* branch.

In fact, this Big Y participant belongs to the I-Y251275 branch. You can see the I-Y251275 branch on YFull's tree (live version, click here). At this time, there is only one sample in YFull's  I-Y251275 branch. This person did his test at Dante Lab, the Big Y participant hasn't sent his results to YFull.

This update also shows a new branch called I-FTA57615 and two samples in unnamed I-A13912* branches.