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Major update reorganizes entire haplogroup I2 tree

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Guide to our draft trees for different branches of I-P37

Click here to download our guide tree to our more specific draft trees for different branches of I-P37

Here is a preview of the latest guide tree (dated 2020-02-06)

How to read our guide tree:

The branches highlighted in yellow have their own draft trees, find them in the list at the right side of this blog.

Example: Our I-S21825 draft tree has details about all the branches of I-S21825 except I-L233. You can see details about I-L233 on our more specific I-L233 tree.

20 January 2018 Update: We corrected the guide tree to include our draft tree for I-Y12072 ("Isles-A", below I-L161).

15 June 2018 Update: we have added a new I-Y14612 tree, it is part of I-S2703 (Isles).

16 July 2018 Update: we have added a new I-CTS11338 tree, it is part of I-M26.

2 August 2018 Update: we have added a new I-PH908 tree, it is part of I-S17250 ("Dinaric")

22 September 2018 Update:
we have added a new I-Y4460 tree, it is part of I-CTS10228 ("Dinaric")
we have added a new I-Y4882 tree, it is part of I-S17250 ("Dinaric")

24 December 2018 Update:
we have added a new I-A8462 tree, it is part of I-L233 ("Western")

26 June 2019 Update:
we have added a new I-A2330 tree, it is part of I-L161 ("Isles")

23 August 2019 Update:
we have added a new I-FGC56815 tree, it is part of I-L233 ("Western")

21 September 2019 Update:
we have added a new I-Y5455 tree, it is part of I-L161 "Isles"
(this update isn't yet included in the guide tree above)

29 September 2019 Update:
we have added a new I-A17273 tree, it is part of I-M26
(this update isn't yet included in the guide tree above)

16 October 2019 Update:
we have added a new I-A8742 tree, it is part of I-L161 ("Isles")

22 December 2019 Update:
we have added a new I-A2330 tree, it is part of I-L161 ("Isles")
we have added a new I-Z17855 tree, it is part of I-CTS10228 ("Dinaric")

06 February 2020 Update:
we have added a new I-Z113 tree, it is part of I-M26

Another Big Y, another 10 SNPs: Updated I-L160 tree

Click here to download our January 17. 2017 tree for I-L160 (part of I-M26 "Sardinian")

Thanks to a new Big Y, we now have information about a new branch that's approximately 3,000 years old, it's called I-A20341. In total 9 or 10 SNPs define this branch. Two of them are available for individual testing at YSeq.net: A20341 and A20342. Another SNP occurred independently in the I1 haplogroup: A18076

There have been two Big Ys for I-A20341:
--a Canadian man with paternal ancestry from Portugal, he has no STR marker matches
--an American man with paternal ancestry from southwestern Germany. He has several STR matches who have ancestry from Germany and Switzerland, including some men born in Switzerland

There is also a Mexican-American family with markers that show similarities to the German/Swiss group

Click here to access our previous tree for I-L160

The M26-"France" group with DYS391=9 is complicated: Updated I-Y11222 tree

Click here to download the January 17, 2018 tree for I-Y11222 (part of I-M26 "Sardinian")

More than 10 years ago, Ken Nordtvedt identified a distinctive cluster within M26 that was characterized by the distinctive marker value DYS391=9 (almost everyone in I-M26 has DYS391=10). When 37 and 67 marker tests became more common we learned that this cluster has additional characteristic marker values, especially DYS425=0. He called this cluster M26-"France".

After a few Big Ys and individual SNP tests, we saw this pattern:

I-M26 people with DYS391=10, and DYS425=0 belonged to the I-Y14720 haplogroup

And I-M26 people with DYS391=9, and DYS425=0 belonged to I-Y14720, and also belonged to the more specific I-Y15460 haplogroup.

But now we have a Big Y for someone with DYS391=9, and DYS425=0, and he is Y14720+  Y15460-. He shares 4 SNPs with two previous Big Ys. The new I-Y63435 branch is shown in red on the updated haplotree.

Most I-Y14720 men have DYS391=9 and arY15460+. But this new result shows us that we can't always predict Y15460 results: some I-Y14720 men who have DYS391=9 are Y15460- and Y63435+.

Click here to access our previous tree for I-Y11222

Thursday, January 11, 2018

A fourth branch of I-PF4135: Updated I-Y12072 tree

Click here to download our January 11, 2017 draft tree for I-Y12072

In our last update, we mentioned the first known man with PF4135+ and Y11772-, A11374- and A13665-, Y31631- results.

Now a second man has completed a Big Y and he has the same results. The two man share one additional SNP called FGC39003. (This SNP was found in 2014, it occurred independently in haplogroup G).

We can now name a fourth branch of I-PF4135: I-FGC39003. The two known families in  I-FGC39003 aren't closely related based on the number of variants unique to each family. One of the families is from southern County Tipperary, Ireland, which is consistent with an overall origin of the I-PF4135 haplogroup in the County Cork area of Ireland.

Click here to access our previous tree for I-Y12072

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

A new branch of I-Z113: updated I-L160 tree

Click here to access our January 10, 2018 tree for I-L160

There is one update shown in red:

I-Z113 is one of the largest branches in all of I-M26. I-Z113 is found in Spain, Portugal, France and Britain and it had a common ancestor very recently, approximately 1750 years ago according to YFull's calculation.

There is a new branch of I-Z113 called I-SK678. The two  known families in I-SK678 have ancestry from New Mexico, USA and Mexico but their common ancestor lived over 500 years ago in Spain or elsewhere in Europe.

Click here to access our previous tree for I-L160

23 SNPs resolved thanks to a single Big Y: updated I-S2703 tree

Click here to see our January 10, 2018 tree for I-S2703

You will see two updates highlighted in red:

1) There is a third Big Y for the I-FGC8393 branch, I think they probably all have English paternal ancestry ultimately. Based on two results, YFull calculates that the common ancestor lived 750 years ago. The third result has 15 unique novel variants, which probably means the common ancestor lived even longer ago.

Two of the three results share the A20029 SNP and these two are slightly closer relatives. This SNP is unsuitable for individual testing

2) Until now there was large block of 23 SNPs shared by all members of the "Isles-B1" group. The common ancestor lived 1200 years ago according to YFull's estimate, and known members live in the US, Canada and England.

Now we have a Big Y result for a Swedish-American man. He is derived for 16 of the 23 SNPs, but he is ancestral for 7 others. He has 25 unique novel variants, so he is very distantly related to the English branch.

There are only few known members of I-L161 with paternal origin from outside Great Britain and Ireland (more precisely, the British/Irish haplogroup is I-S2639, which is slightly more specific than I-L161). But when we see I-S2639 men with continental European ancestry, they often are S2703+ S2742+, like the Swedish-American man. (These other European men haven't done Big Y or extensive SNP testing).

Click here to access our previous I-S2703 tree.

A third Big Y for Isles-D3: updated I-Y3723 tree

Click here to download our January 10, 2018 draft tree for I-Y3723 (this is the largest branch of I-L161 "Isles", and especially typical of Ireland and Britain).

There is one new sample shown in red: a third Big Y for Isles-D3. At this point we can't resolve the relationships between the three Big Ys. Maybe his VCF or BAM file will give us more information.

There is another Big Y test in progress for I-Y3723.

Click here to access our previous tree for I-Y3723

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Four updates to I-L233 tree

Click here to download our January 10, 2018 tree for I-L233 "Western"

There are four updates, shown in red:

An American man whose country of origin is unknown (German or Irish?) belongs to I-A7111 and shares a variant with a Polish-American man: 20072181 T to G. However, this variant occurs in a repeat region and it's considered unreliable for phylogeny.

A new Big Y result is FGC56815+ and additionally shares the FGC56855 SNP with a previous Big Y.

On our previous tree we introduced the I-A19384 branch, containing three samples. On this tree we show that two of the samples are additionally Y82374+ and Y90935+. One of these men is Scottish/Irish-American and the other is French Canadian.

Finally we show a third result in the I-F25958 branch, and a more specific I-Y96354 branch. All three men likely have ultimate paternal ancestry from Scotland, and they have two different surnames. The results for Y96354 indicate that one surname is maybe a descendant of the other, with a name change at some point. But the younger surname is not very young--the man who did Big Y has multiple STR marker matches with men of his own surname, representing different immigrant ancestors to the US/Canada.

Click here to access our previous tree for I-L233

I-PF4135* result (updated I-Y12072 draft tree)

Click here to download our January 10 draft tree for I-Y12072 (Isles-A)

There are three main branches in the I-PF4135 haplogroup. But a new Big Y result doesn't belong to any of these branches: he has Y11772-, A11374- and A13665-, Y31631- results. He has paternal ancestry from south County Tipperary, Ireland which is near County Cork. I-Y11772, I-A11374 and I-A13665 (I-Y31631) all contain men with County Cork ancestry.

This tree also shows two new Big Y results for the very old Driscoll family: one is I-Y13664* and the other is I-A14359*.

All of the updates are highlighted in red.

Click here to access our previous I-Y12072 tree

Minor update to I-L160 tree

Click here to download our January 5, 2018 tree for I-L160

There is one small change, indicated in red: we have corrected the Y chromosome position for Z27034

Click here to access our previous I-L160 tree

Sunday, January 7, 2018

I-CTS10228 now has its own draft tree

For better legibility, we have added a draft tree for I-CTS10228:

Click here for our January 1, 2017 draft tree for I-L621, which includes all of I-L621 except I-CTS10228. (There are no important updates to this tree).  This tree includes the "Disles" branches.

Click here for our January 7, 2017 draft tree for I-CTS10228, which includes all of I-CTS10228 except I-S17250. There are some updates which are shown in red. This tree includes part of "Dinaric-North"

Click here for our January 1, 2018 draft tree for I-S17250 (this tree was previously posted). This tree includes part of "Dinaric-North" and all of "Dinaric-South".

Finally, click here for our previous I-L621/I-CTS10228 tree.