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Monday, September 24, 2018

Another branch for the Lindsay family: updated I-L233 tree

Click here to download our September 23, 2018 draft tree for I-L233

This tree shows the new I-BY111085 branch. The Lindsay family now has 5 known branches, and the common ancestor of these Lindsays lived approximately 1000 years ago. Even the more specific branches like I-BY111085 are hundreds of years old.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-L233

Saturday, September 22, 2018

2018-09-21 draft tree for I-CTS10228

Click here to download our 2018-09-21 draft tree for I-CTS10228

I-CTS10228 (more specifically I-YP196/I-S20602 ) has four named branches:
I-Y18331 which contains the better known I-A2512 branch

For more than a year, we have shown I-S17250 in its own tree (click here)
With this update, we have now created a new tree specifically for I-Y4460 (click here)

Now our I-CTS10228 tree gives details only about the I-Y18331 and I-Z17855 branches, and the I-CTS10228* and I-YP196*/I-S20602* samples.

This update also shows a new Big Y result in I-Z17855, it's closely related to a previous result, they belong to the new I-BY66632 branch. This update also shows some new SNP details in various branches.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-CTS10228

first tree specifically for the I-Y4460 haplogroup

Click here to download our first draft tree that's specific to I-Y4460

I-Y4460 is a major branch of I-CTS10228 "Dinaric". I-Y4460 prevails in eastern and northeastern Europe (Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Baltic countries). All persons from this haplogroup are in the Dinaric North cluster. We now have created a new tree specifically for I-Y4460.

This update shows a major new branch called I-Y128456, the two known members are from Lithuania and Ukraine. This branch is not shown at FTDNA or YFull. Maybe FTDNA or YFull will chose another name for this branch.

This update also shows a new branch which FTDNA calls I-BY88077, part of I-SK1241. It's not on the YFull tree.

Click here to see our previous tree for I-CTS10228 which included I-Y4460. In the future our I-CTS10228 trees will not include details about I-Y4460

A fourth named branch of I-S17250: 2018-09-10 draft tree

Click here to download our September 10, 2018 tree for I-S17250

The I-S17250 branch is the most numerious branch below I-CTS10228. It prevails in the "Dinarics" from Central Europe (Poland, Hungary, Germany, Slovakia, Czech Republic, part of Ukraine) and Southeastern Europe. This haplogroup encompasses a part of Dinaric North cluster and the whole Dinaric South cluster.

The I-PH908 branch is equivalent to the Dinaric South cluster, and we recently created a tree specifically for I-PH908 (click here)

With this update we have now created a new tree specifically for the I-Y4882 branch, click here. Everyone in I-Y4882 belongs to Dinaric North.

This update shows a major new branch of I-CTS10228 I-S17250 which FTDNA calls I-BY142076, maybe YFull will choose a new name. The two known members have ancestry from Belarus. They are not closely related, probably their common ancestor lived more than 800 years ago.

This tree also shows a new branch which FTDNA calls I-Y83661 (part of I-BY128), the two members are very closely related.

To summarize, I-S17250 contains the following known branches:
-an unnamed I-S17250* branch (Dinaric North) which contains a single person with ancestry from a Croatian island
-the I-BY142076 branch (Dinaric North) which contains two men from Belarus.
-the I-BY128 branch (Dinaric North) which is large and prevails in Central Europe
the I-Y4882 branch (Dinaric North) which is large and prevails in Central Europe (shown on the more specific I-Y4882 tree)
-the I-PH908 branch (Dinaric South) which is very large and prevails in Southeastern Europe (shown on the more specific I-PH908 tree

Click here to find our previous tree for I-S17250

first tree for the specific I-Y4882 haplogroup

Click here to download our first tree that's specific to I-Y4882

Previously I-Y4882 was shown on the I-S17250 tree, but now we have created a tree specifically for I-Y4882. This group is part of Dinaric North and it prevails in Central Europe.

This update doesn't show any new Big Y results, but it shows new SNP information for many branches.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-S17250 which included I-Y4882

Saturday, September 15, 2018

2 Big Y results and 3 more in progress: 2018-09-10 tree for I-F1295

Click here to download our 2018-09-10 tree for I-F1295

This update shows a new I-F1295* branch, thanks to a Big Y for an English-ancestry man. A second Big Y for this branch is in progress, and we will be able to name this branch soon. There are now 3 basic branches of I-F1295:
--the small new I-F1295* English branch
--the I-Y131800 branch (called I-Y131770 by YFull and called I-BY63857 by FTDNA) which contains a single French Canadian family
--the large I-PF6950 branch (called I-Y21970 by YFull) which contains people from Greece, Sardinia, Sicily, Italy, Spain, Ireland, Germany, etc.

All known I-F1295 men belong to one of these 3 branches.

This tree also shows a new Big Y result for a German-American, he belongs to a new I-PH1671* branch (part of I-PF6950). There are 2 additional Big Ys in progress for I-PF6950 men, one has ancestry from Sicily and the other has ancestry from southern Italy.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-F1295

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Third Big Y for an Isles-B3 family: updated I-L161 tree

Click here to download our 2018-09-12 tree for I-L161

This tree shows a third Big Y result for an American family with roots in colonial Virginia. Two of the men share two SNPs that are absent in the third man. Probably further Big Y tests, and SNP testing by other men, could sort the family into several branches and help find a branch for their STR matches of other surnames, or their matches who lack good information about their ancestors

This family belongs to I-Y24829 (also called I-A8611). This is Ken Nordtvedt's Isles-B3 cluster which has some distinctive marker values including DYS392=12. I think all known members of I-Y24829 have British or Irish paternal ancestry. YFull calls this branch I-BY1236 and only 2 of the 7 Big Ys for this branch are on the YFull tree.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-L161

Fifth Big Y for an American family, second Big Y for a Canadian family: new I-L233 tree

Click here to download our 2018-09-12 draft tree for I-L233

This update shows a fifth Big Y for an American family. Two men belong to the I-BY153263 branch and three men belong to the I-BY172424 branch. But the BY172424 position is poorly covered in Big Ys, and maybe all 5 men are BY172424+. There is a sixth Big Y in progress for this family which might answer this question, or maybe we can ask YSeq to offer BY172424 for individual testing.

This update shows a new I-Y103977 branch which contains two Big Y results for two French Canadian-ancestry men. They have different surnames, but maybe they share a paternal ancestor in the last 400 years. The men share 5 additional SNPs (not shown on tree).

Click here to find our previous tree for I-L233

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

I-A19395 is a large branch of I-M26 in northern Europe: updated I-L160 tree

Click here to download our 2018-09-11 tree for I-L160

When you look at our haplotrees, it's hard to tell which branches are most common. That's especially true because the I-P37 project makes a big effort to organize Big Ys for rarer branches.

If you look at our I-L160 tree, many of the general and specific branches are not very common. But we have learned that the I-A19395 branch is fairly common in northern Europe: Britain, Ireland, Germany, Poland, even one family from Finland. And maybe some Spanish families belong to I-A19395.

This update shows a third Big Y for I-A19395. All three Big Ys are for Irish/British men, but there is also one German/Polish man who received A19395+ results from an individual test at YSeq. And we can predict A19395+ results for many other men:

Most I-M26 men have the marker value DYS450=8 (part of the Y67 test). I-A19395 can be identified by DYS450=9. This DYS450=9 is also found in the related I-L1299 branch which is much less common. And DYS450=9 is also found in the distantly related I-F1295* branch. These other branches can be easily distinguished by other STR marker patterns.

I-A19395 has a MRCA who lived approximately 5000 years ago, and there isn't a strong STR marker pattern for I-A19395, except for the DYS450 value. So we weren't able to identify this branch before these Big Y results.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-L160

Sunday, September 9, 2018

S19848 is below CTS10936 and above CTS4002: 2018-09-08 tree for I-L621

Click here to download our September 9, 2018 tree for I-L621

This tree shows a new Big Y result for an American who has paternal ancestry from Germany or Luxembourg, according to his family's stories. Before this Big Y, CTS10936 was considered phylogenetically equivalent to 5 other SNPs. The new result is derived for CTS10936 and 4 equivalent SNPs, but he is ancestral for S19848.

Thanks to this Big Y, we have a new branch of the tree and we know that S19848 occurred more recently than CTS10936.

This Big Y was partly paid by the I-P37 project General Fund.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-L621

Friday, September 7, 2018

Four Big Ys for an American family: September 7, 2018 I-L233 tree

Click here to download our September 7, 2018 tree for I-L233

This update shows two new Big Ys for an American family, all four men belong to the I-BY55516 haplogroup. There are now two SNP defined branches of this family: two men belong to the I-Y94204 haplogroup and two belong to an unnamed branch defined by the variant hg38:12926290 C to A. Note: the information about this variant is preliminary and needs to be confirmed with further testing or more Big Y results.

If you compare this September 7 tree to our 2018-07-15 tree, you will see how the new Big Y results changed the placement of Y94204 and BY55516 and discovered the new variant at 12926290.

This update also shows an update for another branch of I-L233. Thanks to the YFull analysis we learned that two men share the Y54081 SNP as shown in red. FTDNA refers to this branch as I-BY33207, but BY33207 is found in the DYZ19 repeat region which is sometimes considered unsuitable for phylogeny.

Click here to find our 2018-07-15 tree for I-L233