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Major update reorganizes entire haplogroup I2 tree

Monday, May 25, 2020

2020-05-23: Our first tree specific to I-Y3118

Click here to download our 2020-05-23 draft tree for I-Y3118

For reasons of legibility, we have created a new tree specific to I-Y3118

  • I-BY37317 is a new branch immediately below I-Y3118. FTDNA added I-BY37317 to its haplotree recently, but the relevant Big Ys were completed in 2018 and 2019. Two samples: one from Montenegro and one from Syria.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-Y4460 which included information about I-Y3118
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for I-Y3118
Click here for YFull's I-Y3118 tree
Click here for a brief description of the I-Y3118 haplogroup

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Many updates: 2020-05-22 tree for I-Y4460

Click here to download our 2020-05-22 draft tree for I-Y4460

This tree shows several new branches:

  • I-BY37317 
  • I-Y70430 is split into an I-Y70430* branch and a more specific I-Y73542 branch
  • I-BY33671
  • I-BY199341
For reason of legibility we will create a new tree for the large I-Y3118 branch.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-Y4460
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for I-Y4460
Click here for YFull's I-Y4460 tree
Click here for a brief description of the I-Y4460 haplogroup

some SNP blocks split thanks to Big Y-700 tests: 2020-05-20 tree for I-S17250

Click here to download our 2020-05-20 draft tree for I-S17250

I-BY142076 is a branch immediately below I-S17250. There are only three samples in I-BY142076, they have ancestry from Belarus and maybe surrounding areas: a recent Big Y-700 result (not in the I-P37 project) is BY142076+ BY177515+ but he is ancestral for Y40662 and 10 equivalent SNPs. The two members of I-Y40662 have Big Y-500 results only.

I-FT33727 is a new branch immediately below I-A815. I-FT33727 contains two closely related men (Hungarian ancestry) in the more specific I-Y83661 branch, previously they had Big Y-500 results. One of the Hungarian men upgraded to Big Y-700 and he learned that he shared two SNPs  (FT33727 and FT34568) with a Polish-ancestry man who was previously placed in an unnamed I-A815* branch.

I-A16681 contains 4 Big Y samples, one recently upgraded to Big Y-700. Two samples share an additional SNP: BY55257, and we have created a more specific I-BY55257 branch. A third sample has only Big-500 results and BY55257 wasn't sampled. A fourth sample has Big Y-700 results but he's not a member of the I-P37 project.

Click here to find our previous I-S17250 tree
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for I-Y3548 (I-S17250)
Click here for YFull's I-S17250 tree
Click here for a brief description of the I-S17250 haplogroup

Lindsay family details and a comparison of YFull and FTDNA's trees: 2020-05-20 tree for I-FT11343

Click here to download our 2020-05-20 draft tree for I-FT11343

The I-FT11343 haplogroup has a common ancestor who lived approximately 1,000 years ago, and very likely he was named Lindsay. All I-FT11343 men are named Lindsay/Lindsey/Lindesay or similar, or are very likely paternally descended from Lindsay men.

This update shows a new branch called I-BY189035, it's part of I-FT97878. On our previous trees, BY189035 and FT97878 were considered to be equivalent. There are now four I-FT97878 samples, two of them belong to the more specific I-BY189035 haplogroup. All 4 men are American and their Lindsay ancestors have been in the USA since the 1700s, maybe they are all descended from the same immigrant Lindsay ancestor. YFull estimates that their common ancestor lived 400 years ago.

If you look at our tree, you will see that the I-FT97878 and I-BY189035 branches are a small, specific and recent part of I-FT11343. The Lindsay family is large and it has been expanding continuously for approximately 1000 years.

This update also shows some new SNP information for other branches, indicated in red

Click here for YFull's I-Y36039 tree which includes the I-FT113343 haplogroup, but see this note:

There are some important differences between our draft tree/FTDNA's tree and the YFull tree. This is because the YFull tree doesn't contain all the Big Y samples from FTDNA. And some of the samples at YFull are from Big Y-500 tests, in some cases men have completed an update to Big Y-700 but they haven't sent their new BAM file to YFull.

The YFull tree shows a branch called I-Y36039, and YFull shows Y36039, FT113343, A16520, A16521, A16524, Y168200, FGC48786/YP5849 as equivalent SNPs.

In fact A16520, A16521, A16524, Y168200, FGC48786/YP5849 are equivalent (and some new FT series SNPs are also equivalent), but I-Y36039 is a more specific haplogroup, and I-FT113343 is an even more specific haplogroup. You can see these details on our project's I-A8462 tree and on FTDNA's I-A8462 tree, click here for our latest post about I-A8462

When you compare the trees, this I-FT11343 draft tree and FTDNA's I-FT11343 haplotree/Big Y Block tree contain YFull's I-Y138968 branch and YFull's large I-F25958 branch. But YFull's  I-Y36040 branch is in fact FT11343- (and I-Y36040 contains no Lindsay men). Eventually people will send new BAM and VCF files to YFull, and YFull will update its tree.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-FT11343
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for I-FT11343
Click here for a brief description of the I-FT11343 haplogroup

Monday, May 4, 2020

A branch specific to a Scottish family in Isles-B5: 2020-05-02 tree for I-A8742

Click here to download our 2020-05-02 tree for I-A8742

This update shows a new branch called I-FT40017, it's specific to a family with paternal origin from Scotland. I-FT40017 is part of the Isles-B5 cluster (I-BY37270, also called I-BY37269). YFull estimates that the common ancestor of I-BY37269 lived approximately 4300 years ago, and at this point all known I-BY37269 men have British paternal origin.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-A8742
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for I-A8742
Click here for YFull's I-A8742 tree
Click here for a brief description of the I-A8742 haplogroup