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Major update reorganizes entire haplogroup I2 tree

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

FTDNA has added 177 branches below I-PF4190, we can show only 12 branches on this 2021-01-27 draft tree

Click here to download our 2021-01-27 draft tree for I-PF4190

Over the past few months, FTDNA has added many new branches to their Haplotree and Big Y Block Tree, these branches are based on public genomes: ancient DNA samples, modern scientific samples etc. At the moment only the branches and SNPs are visible, FTDNA doesn't identify the samples. But we can compare the SNPs to public data and identify the source of FTDNA's updates.

In 2013, Paolo Francalacci published his survey:  Low-Pass DNA Sequencing of 1200 Sardinians Reconstructs European Y-Chromosome Phylogeny (2013). Of the 1200 Sardinian men, 465 (37%) belonged to I-M26. Of the 465 I-M26 men, 346 belonged to I-PF4190 (29% of all men in the study, and 74% of the I-M26 men).

So most I-M26 men in Sardinia belong to I-PF4190, and according to trees based on Francalacci's sequencing, I-PF4190 had a rapid population increase starting at its earliest stages.

FTDNA recently updated its haplotree and Big Y Block tree and added approximately 177 branches below I-PF4190. Almost all of the information came from Francalacci's sequences, and maybe a few Simons Genome Diversity Project (HGDP) samples are included. Some of the SNPs have PF prefixes, these were named by Paolo Francalacci, and other SNPs have Z prefixes, these were named by volunteers using Francalacci's and other public sequences.

There are five branches immediately below I-PF4190. There are now 9 Big Y samples in I-PF4190, and the samples belong to 3 of the 5 branches:
  • This update of our draft tree shows a new sample from Libya in the I-Z26452 branch, he is the only Big Y sample in this branch but it contains 34 samples from Francalacci's study. We have displayed some of Francalacci's samples on our draft tree for greater context.
  • The I-PF4295 (I-PF4294) branch contains 5 Big Y samples, 4 have likely German origin and one is from Tunisia, it also contains 231 samples from Francalacci's study. 
  • The I-Z26532 (I-Z26527) branch contains 3 Big Y samples (French, Czech and German?) and 23 samples from Francalacci's study.
We don't show the other two branches on our tree because they don't contain any Big Y samples. The I-PF4225 branch contains 32 samples from Francalacci's study and the I-PF4241 branch contains 27 Francalacci samples.
This update also shows new branches below I-BY67299, this is the Barclay cluster from Scotland/northern England.

The new I-FT406608 branch is specific to some other families from Scotland (Affleck etc).

I-Y160182 is a new branch below I-CTS787, it contains a Danish sample and an American family of unknown origin. I-Y160182 is parallel to the large I-Z125 branch which contains the large I-Z113 branch from Iberia and France. There is also another I-CTS787* sample from England. Thanks to some recent Big Y-700 results we have been able to determine the placement of some SNPs as equivalent to CTS787 or equivalent to Z125.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-CTS11338
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for I-CTS11338
Click here for YFull's I-CTS11338 (I-Z105) tree
Click here for a brief description of the I-CTS11338 haplogroup

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Our first draft tree specific to I-FT14506 (part of I-PH908 "Dinaric South")

Click here to download our 2021-01-26 draft tree for I-FT14506 

As mentioned in a recent post, I-PH908 (Dinaric South) can be divided into two clusters based on the STR marker DYS561.

Almost all I-PH908 men who have the DYS561=16 value belong to the large I-FT14506 and I-FT16449 branches. We moved I-FT16449 into its own tree several months ago, and now we have created a new tree specific to I-FT14506.

This update shows a new branch:

  • I-FT271768 Apulia (Italy) and Serbia?
The following branches are also shown in red, but they were included in earlier trees. Here are some more details about these branches:
  • I-BY189748 is the parent of I-BY190900. This is based on individual SNP tests at YSeq.net: a BY189748+ man from Serbia is BY190900-, therefore these SNPs aren't equivalent. I-BY189748 also includes samples from Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • I-BY186407 contains samples from Bulgaria and Montenegro.

Many new branches in DYS561=15 cluster: 2021-01-25 draft tree for I-PH908

 Click here to download our 2021-01-25 draft tree for I-PH908

I-PH908 (Dinaric South) can be divided into two clusters based on the STR marker DYS561. This marker is part of the Y68-Y111 marker set at FTDNA. Some I-PH908 men have DYS561=16 which is the typical value for Dinaric as a whole. Almost all of these men belong to the large I-FT14506 and I-FT16449 branches which are especially typical of the former Yugoslavia and adjacent areas, but also Russia, Poland etc. Other I-PH908 men have DYS561=15, and these men belong to several different branches, some of which are found in Central Europe, Germany etc. as well as the former Yugoslavia. Of course there is much geographic overlap: both clusters can be found in all parts of Southeastern Europe, Central Europe and Eastern Europe.

In the DYS561=16 cluster, we have created a new draft tree specifically for the large I-FT14506 branch. I will post a link to this tree soon. The large I-FT16449 branch already has its own draft haplotree, click here to find our latest version.

Our I-PH908 tree now focuses on the DYS561=15 cluster. This update shows several new branches in this cluster:

  • I-FT69508 (Montenegro and "Yugoslavia") is a new branch below I-Z16983
  • I-Y111673 (Finland and Germany?) is a new branch below I-Z16983
  • this update shows some new branches below I-A5913, these branches are based on individual SNP testing at YSeq.net
  • I-BY198275 is immediately below I-PH908, its the parent of two branches. The new I-BY198275 branch contains samples from the Czech Republic and Poland. The I-BY200456 branch contains sample with Bosnia and Herzegovia and unknown origin. BY200456 is equivalent to another SNP called P41.2/M359.2. This SNP has been known for many years and some scientific samples are P41.2/M359.2+. The FTDNA haplotree doesn't include P41.2/M359.2, and the YFull tree doesn't include any of these SNPs currently
  • I-BY93199 (Montenegro) is directly below I-PH908
  • I-FT275645 (Croatia and Serbia) is directly below I-PH908
  • I-FT277965 is directly below I-PH908. It contains a Big Y-700 sample from Macedonia (Albanian ancestry) and two scientific samples from Sardinia (P. Francalacci's 2013 study). The Sardinian samples belong to the more specific I-YP206 haplogroup

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Our first draft tree for I-A7111 (part of I-L233)

 Click here to download our 2021-01-09 draft tree for I-A7111

For reasons of space we have created a new tree that's specific to I-A7111. 

I-A7111 is part of I-L233 "Western". I-A7111 contains the I-Y54081 (I-BY33207) branch that's found in Central Europe, and several small branches that have been found only in Great Britain.

I-A7111 also contains the I-BY63871 branch which is nicknamed "Western-Isles" because all samples seem to have origin from the British Isles, mostly England. I-BY63871 can be identified by the distinctive marker values DYS389=13-29 and Y-GATA-H4=9. This branch has a MRCA who lived 1050 years ago according to YFull's calculation, but it contains men with dozens of different surnames.

This tree shows some minor new branches and samples, indicated in red.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-Y4252 which contained information on I-A7111
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for I-A7111
Click here for YFull's I-A7111 tree