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Major update reorganizes entire haplogroup I2 tree

Monday, March 23, 2020

New Hungarian branch: 2020-03-22 tree for I-S17250

Click here to download our 2020-03-22 draft tree for I-S17250

This update shows a new branch called I-BY206162, it's part of I-A2423. There are two samples and they both have Hungarian paternal ancestry, one is from southern Slovakia on the border with Hungary.

This update also shows a sample from southern Poland in I-FT42350 (also part of I-A2423), and a sample from Sweden in I-A815*.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-S17250
Click here for a brief description of the I-S17250 haplogroup

Sunday, March 22, 2020

2 new branches, one thanks to a Dante Labs sample: 2020-03-21 tree for I-Y4882

Click here to download our 2020-03-21 draft tree for I-Y4882

This update shows a new branch called I-FT109380, it's part of I-A1328. There are two known samples in I-FT109380, one did the Big Y-700 at FTDNA and the other did a test at Dante Labs.

This update also shows a new branch called I-FGC64964. There are two known samples, both have paternal ancestry from Slovakia.

This update also shows a new sample in the I-Y100616 branch.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-Y4882
Click here for a brief description of the I-Y882 haplogroup

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

several new branches: 2020-03-18 tree for I-PH908

Click here to download our 2020-03-18 draft tree for I-PH908

This update shows 5 new branches:

  • I-Y45843 Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • I-BY153567 is now the parent of I-BY154460. There is one known I-BY154460* sample, he did individual SNP tests at YSeq and received BY153567+, BY152858-, BY154460- results
  • I-S10860 Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • I-FT36524 (Belarus and Russia ). This is a new haplogroup immediately below I-FT16449.
  • I-FT25907 (Serbia/Montenegro) based on a FTDNA sample and a Dante Lab sample (his origin is unknown to me)
This update also shows a new sample (Germany ancestry) in the I-MF2888 haplogroup, and two closely related samples (Bulgaria ancestry) in the I-FT16449* haplogroup.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-PH908
Click here for a brief description of the I-PH908 haplogroup

I-S20602 now has 5 named branches: 2020-03-18 tree for I-CTS10228

Click here to download our 2020-03-18 tree for I-CTS10228

I-S20602 now has 5 named branches:

  • I-FGC12098 is the newest branch, it is shown on this tree update. There are two known members, one has ancestry from southern Poland and one has paternal ancestry from northeastern Bosnia and Herzegovina. The two men share at least 6 SNPs below I-FGC12098, and maybe FTDNA and YFull will choose different SNPs to name this branch
  • I-S17250 is the most common branch. It prevails in Central Europe (Poland, Hungary, Germany, Slovakia, Czech Republic, part of Ukraine) and Southeastern Europe. This haplogroup encompasses a part of Dinaric North cluster and the whole Dinaric South cluster (which is I-PH908)
  • I-Y4460 prevails in eastern and northeastern Europe (Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Baltic countries). All persons from this haplogroup are in the Dinaric North cluster.
  • I-Z17855 can be found in mostly in Bulgaria, also in Serbia, Greece, Hungary and Ukraine. This haplogroup is also in the Dinaric North cluster.
  • I-Y18331 is mainly found in Greece, it also contains the Jewish diaspora cluster and a small number of additional samples from Chuvashia, Ukraine and elsewhere.
I-S20602 has a sixth branch, but this branch is unnamed because it contains only a single known family with ancestry from Germany.

This update also shows two new samples in the I-Y18331 branch. One is a member of the Jewish Diaspora cluster, and the other belongs to I-Y66192*, he has ancestry from western Macedonia
As a reminder, the Dinaric cluster was initially identified as a pattern of Y-DNA STR markers. If we define this cluster as the group with DYS565=9, then Dinaric is equivalent to I-CTS10228 which has a TMRCA of 3800 years ago according to YFull's estimate. (TMRCA is "time to most recent common ancestor").

But in fact almost all I-CTS10228 men belong to the more specific I-S20602 haplogroup which has a TMRCA of 2100 years ago according to YFull's calculation. So when we are talking about the rapid expansion of the Dinaric group across Eastern and Central Europe, we are talking about I-S20602.

The I-S20602 SNP has another name: YP196, the SNP was given different names by two different labs. S20602 and YP196 both refer to the same mutation at the same Y chromosome position: hg38 Chr Y: 15971418 A to C. We can refer to this SNP as YP196/S20602 and we can refer to this haplogroup as I-YP196/S20602.

There are 5 SNPs that are known to be equivalent to YP196/S20602. These are different mutations that occur at different positions on the Y chromosome. One of these SNPs is Y3120/FGC12085: Chr Y: 21671886 G to A. We call YP196/S20602 equivalent to Y3120/FGC12085 because everyone who has tested both SNPs has exactly the same result for both SNPs: everyone is either positive for both SNPs or negative for both SNPs, no one is positive for one SNP and negative for the other SNP.

YFull refers to the I-S20602 haplogroup by a different name: I-Y3120. As mentioned, S20602 and Y3120 are different SNPs but they are equivalent SNPs.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-CTS10228
Click here for a brief description of the I-CTS10228 haplogroup

Monday, March 9, 2020

New samples and new SNPs in I-CTS11851: 2020-03-08 tree for I-L160

Click here to download our 2020-03-08 draft tree for I-L160

This update shows some new samples and some new SNPs in I-CTS11851 (also known as the DYS462=13 cluster)

Click here to find our previous tree for I-L160
Click here for a brief description of the I-L160 haplogroup

I-A8462 is still strictly British: 2020-03-09 draft tree for I-A8462

Click here to download our 2020-03-09 draft tree for I-A8462

This tree shows additional samples and subbranches in most major branches of I-A8462:

I-BY145783 is a new branch below I-A16520. The two known members of I-BY145783 have Scottish ancestry/surnames. One of them is named Murray, but he's not closely related to Murrays in other branches of I-A16520.

I-Y168200 is a new level in the tree, immediately below I-A16520. I-Y168200 contains the I-A16522 branch and the large I-FT11343 branch (Lindsay/Lindsey family)

I-FT20647 is a new branch below I-A16522. I-FT20647 contains two members of the Stanley family

I-Y87397 is a new branch below I-A14892. All members of I-Y87397 have likely English ancestry.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-A8462
Click here for a brief description of the I-A8462 haplogroup

Saturday, March 7, 2020

More branches with both Continental European and British members: 2020-03-06 tree for I-L233

Click here to download our  2020-03-06 draft tree for I-L233

Most I-L233 men belong to the major I-Y4252 branch which had a rapid "star-like" expansion approximately 1950 years ago, according to YFull's calculation.

Until recently, most of these branches had been found to occur only in Great Britain and sometimes Ireland. But thanks to several recent Big Y tests, we have found that many of the major branches of I-Y4252 contain both British and Continental European members. And as our tree shows, in most cases there are very few downstream SNPs shared by the  British and Continental European members, which means that their most recent common ancestor lived only slightly more recently than the MRCA of I-Y4252 as a whole.

This update shows a new member in the I-FT137092 branch. The I-FT137092 branch now contains members with northern German, Dutch and Newfoundland (likely English?) ancestry.

This update shows a new BY149840 branch, it's part of I-A19485. The I-A19485 branch now contains members with English and Polish ancestry.

This update also a new branch called I-Y33765, it's now the parent of the I-Y33761 branch. The I-Y33765 branch now contains one Swedish family and one English family, and the I-Y33761 branch is specific to the English family.

Finally, this update shows two new I-Y4252* samples, one has ancestry from northern Germany and the other has likely British ancestry.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-L233
Click here for a brief description of the I-L233 haplogroup

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Many updates in Isles-D1, D2, C/D...2020-03-05 tree for I-Y3723

Click here to download our 2020-03-05 tree for I-Y3723

I-Y3723 contains all of the Isles-C and Isles-D clusters. Almost all members of I-Y3723 have British or Irish origin.

This tree shows a new branch called I-BY62644, it's part of the larger I-A22306 haplogroup. I-A22306 is more or less equivalent to the Isles-D1 cluster. There have been only three Big Y results for I-A22306.

This tree shows a new sample in I-S7714, which is the Isles-D3/Isles-D99 cluster.

This tree shows a new branch called I-FT109708, it's part of I-A10514. This branch doesn't have a good nickname, we sometimes call it the "Todd cluster" because many of the first Big Y results were closely related to the Todd family from Northern Ireland.

This tree shows many new branches in Isles-D2 (I-FGC7156/I-Y4665).

As a reminder, the Isles-C branches (I-Y5455) have been moved to their own tree, click here.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-Y3723
Click here for a brief description of the I-Y3723 haplogroup