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Major update reorganizes entire haplogroup I2 tree

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

A new branch in Disles: July 17, 2018 tree for I-L621

Click here to download our July 17, 2018 tree for I-L621

This I-L621 tree shows the Disles branches: the branches that are L621+ but CTS10228-. There are many different Disles branches, and I am sure we will continue to find more branches. Some branches are found only in Great Britain and Ireland, and some have been found only in continental Europe (Germany, Poland and Sweden).

This update shows a new branch called I-Y50479, it is part of I-CTS4002. The two known members have paternal ancestry from Germany and southern Poland. Their common ancestor lived more than 2000 years ago.

This new I-Y50479  Big Y was funded from our General Fund, which comes from donations from other I-P37 Project members.

This update also shows more details about the SNPs in the I-A17060 branch.

Here is a summary of the known Disles branches:

L621+ A17060+ (CTS10936-): a small group, all known members have ancestry from Britain/Ireland
L621+ CTS10936+ CTS4002-: one Big Y result for a man with western German ancestry, and probably a Swedish family that hasn't done SNP testing
L621+ CTS10936+ CTS4002+ Y50479+: one man with ancestry from Germany, one man from southern Poland
L621 CTS10936+ CTS4002+ FGC20479+: a large group, all known members have ancestry from Britain/Ireland

Almost all known Disles men have ancestry from Britain or Ireland, and they can be placed in I-A17060 or I-FGC20479  based on their Y-DNA STR marker values. There are only a handful of continental European men who are known to belong to Disles, and most of them are listed above. There is one German-American man who is currently doing SNP testing to determine his branch.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-L621

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