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Major update reorganizes entire haplogroup I2 tree

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Quick sketch of I-FGC30452 haplogroup (below I-Y4882)

Y3548 (S17250)>Y4882>Y16473>FT66517>FGC30452:

The I-Y4882 haplogroup prevails in Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Germany and Hungary. I-Y4882 has two main branches: the large I-Z16969 branch and the small I-Y16473 branch. I-Y16473 can be found in Poland and eastern Slovakia.

According to FTDNA's haplotree, I-FGC30452 contains two subbranches: I-BY30329 and I-BY212399:


YFull shows three branches below I-FGC30452, and two I-FGC30452* samples


YFull doesn't show the I-BY212399 branch, probably because YFull considers BY212399 to be unreliable. But the I-BY212399 branch is the parent of YFull's I-Y83761 branch, YFull's I-Y419720 branch and YFull sample YF106053 (this is a Big Y sample from FTDNA).

See the combined tree below. Note that the I-FT92965 branch contains a FTDNA sample from Slovakia, and three scientific samples that are shown on the YFull tree: GMP3823, GMP3822, GMP5240 (at least one of these samples is from Poland).

-- FGC30452  -------------------------------------------------------------- YF118814 (Nebula)


                         |-- BY212399 -------------------------------------------

                         |                          |                                

                         |                          |-- ZS9483/Y910 ------------------  Slovakia (FTDNA)

                         |                          |                             |

                         |                          |                             |-- FT92965 -- Slovakia,Poland 

                         |                          |  

                         |                          |-- FT94816 ------------------------- Hungary (FTDNA)

                         |                                                        |

                         |                                                        |-- BY70878 -- Czechia (FTDNA)


                         |-- BY30329 ------------------------------------------


                                                    |-- FT355816 -----------------------  Poland (FTDNA)

                                                    |                            |

                                                    |                            |-- FTE75608 – Poland (FTDNA)


                                                    |-- FGC30465 ----------------------- Poland (FTDNA)

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Preliminary update to I-FT14506 haplotree (dated 2021-10-08)

Click here to download our 2021-10-08 haplotree for I-FT14506 (part of I-PH908 "Dinaric South")

(maybe we will make additional updates to this tree soon)

This update shows a major branch immediately below I-FT14506, it's called I-FTA43907. FTDNA has shown this branch for several months, but it doesn't appear on the YFull tree.

FTA43907 is a deletion, it is ChrY (hg38) 12,416,455 T to del. FTA43907 isn't shown in FTDNA's Big Y chromosome browser. But it can be verified searching for the FT195985 SNP which is in the vicinity. Instructions: login to your FTDNA account and click on Big Y Results. Go to the Named Variants tab, change Derived? to Show All, and enter FT195985 in the SNP name box, and click Return (or similar).

The page will refresh, you will probably see a line "FT195985  No(-) Yes G G". Click on the FT195985, this will open the Y chromosome browser, you will see many green and blue bars which represent individual sequencing runs. Scroll to the right until you see 12,416,455 position. If you have the deletion, you will see gray squares at this position, and you are FTA43907+.

The I-FTA43907 haplogroup is part of the DYS557=17 cluster. I-FTA43907 has three branches according to this draft haplotree: I-FT41224, I-Y56203 and I-Y251275. FTDNA's Big Y Block Tree and haplotree shows only two branches: I-FT41224, I-Y56203. FTDNA also shows one Big Y Participant in an unnamed I-FTA43907* branch.

In fact, this Big Y participant belongs to the I-Y251275 branch. You can see the I-Y251275 branch on YFull's tree (live version, click here). At this time, there is only one sample in YFull's  I-Y251275 branch. This person did his test at Dante Lab, the Big Y participant hasn't sent his results to YFull.

This update also shows a new branch called I-FTA57615 and two samples in unnamed I-A13912* branches.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Several new minor branches: 2021-04-05 tree for I-FT16449

 Click here to download our 2021-04-05 tree for I-FT16449 

This update shows several new branches, but none of these branches are immediately below I-FT16449. Some of these branches were discovered several months ago:

  • branches below I-Y103938: the new I-Y232617 branch from eastern Herzegovina (two Dante Lab results) and the I-Y177549 branch (also Dante lab samples)
  • branches below the I-MF2228 haplogroup: I-A873 and more specific I-FT388108 branch (Montenegro and Serbia)
  • new I-FTA37577 haplogroup (Hungary and Bulgaria)
  • new I-FT448972 branch below I-Y151633 (Ukraine and Bosnia and Herzegovina/Croatia)

Friday, April 2, 2021

A new branch and a new level: 2021-04-02 draft tree for I-Z113

 Click here to download our 2021-04-02 draft tree for I-Z113

This update shows a new branch immediately below I-Z113, it was discovered a few days ago. We call it I-BY68896, but maybe FTDNA and/or YFull will choose different SNPs to name this branch. The two samples have Spanish paternal ancestry.

This update also shows a new level called I-FT217645, this level was discovered several months ago.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-Z113
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for I-Z113
Click here for YFull's I-Z113 tree
Click here for a brief description of the I-Z113 haplogroup

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

New Big Y-700 samples in I-L1294 "France" and I-A8689 "Alpine", and ancient DNA samples: 2021-03-27 tree for I-S21825

 Click here to download our 2021-03-27 draft tree for I-S21825 

I-S21825 contains some of the least common branches in I-P37. All known modern men in I-S21825 belong to one of four branches:

  • I-L1294 "France", this is the group with DYS388=9. Almost all known samples at FTDNA have British/Irish origin, but this group may be more common in France and Spain. 
  • I-M838 also known as I-L880 "Northern France" this is a poorly known group with a MRCA who lived 6400 years ago according to YFull's estimate. There are only two Big Y/NGS samples of modern men for this group, both are Big Y-500 samples
  • I-L233 "Western" which has a MRCA who lived 2100 years ago. There are 193 Big Y samples for I-L233
  • I-A8689 "Alpine" also known as I-Y11949, which has a MRCA who lived 2900 years ago. This group is closely related to I-L233
This I-S21825 tree shows details about all of these branches except I-L233, which has several trees of its own.

This update shows a new branch in I-L1294 thanks to a new Big Y-700 sample. There are now 2 Big Y-700 samples and 5 Big Y-500 samples for I-L1294.

There are now 3 Big Y-700 samples and 1 Big Y-500 sample in I-A8689 "Alpine". One of the Big Y-700 tests was completed in December 2020, he has origin from Turkey according to FTDNA's trees. But he isn't a member of the I-P37 project and we have no way to communicate with him. His result didn't add a new branch to the tree, he belongs to an unnamed I-A8689* branch.

As mentioned, I-M838 contains only two modern samples, one with origin in northwestern France and one with origin in Rheinland-Pfalz in Western Germany. But FTDNA and YFull show an ancient DNA I-M838 sample. This is ERS3968402, from a Wartburg culture collective burial also in Rheinland-Pfalz (approximately 5200 years old). See https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/851188v1  The common ancestor of ERS3968402 and the German Big Y-500 sample lived approximately 5700 years ago, they form the new I-BY73844 branch. We will try to organize Big Y-700 tests for more members of I-M838.

This update also shows major new branches named I-FT344596 and I-FT344600. These are based on ancient DNA samples from Ireland and Sweden as shown on the YFull and FTDNA trees. See https://www.yfull.com/samples-from-paper/443/ and https://www.yfull.com/samples-from-paper/388/ 

There are several additional ancient DNA samples/branches that are shown on FTDNA and YFull's tree, see links below

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Many new branches: 2021-03-27 draft tree for I-Y4882

 Click here to download our 2021-03-27 draft tree for I-Y4882

Our last draft tree update was in March 2021, and this new tree shows many new branches, but some were discovered several months ago. Here are all the new branches on this updated tree:

  • I-Y46518 is included in FTDNA's trees but it's based on only one Big Y Participant. We aren't aware of any other I-Y46518 samples. FTDNA added this branch in January 2021
  • I-FT156638 was discovered in January 2021
  • I-FGC30465 was discovered in July 2020
  • I-FT59351 was discovered in November 2020
  • I-Y40408 contains three samples: one Big Y-700 sample (Poland), one Big Y-500 sample (Serbia), and one Dante Lab sample (Poland). This branch doesn't currently appear on the FTDNA tree, I expect FTDNA will add I-Y40408 soon. 
  • I-FT114748 is below I-Y40408. The Big Y-700 sample (Poland) and the Big Y-500 sample (Serbia) share FT114748 and two other SNPs, the Dante Lab sample (Poland) apparently has negative results for these SNPs. All three men have ordered the YFull analysis, and YFull might add I-FT114748 at a future update.
  • I-FT109194 (samples from Bulgaria and Montenegro, both Big Y-700) was discovered in January 2021, it's part of I-FT109380 which also includes a Big Y-700 sample and a Dante Lab sample (both from BiH)
  • I-FT26700 was discovered in July 2020, it has two Big Y-700 samples, they aren't I-P37 Project members, one has origin from Slovakia and the other doesn't list his origin 

Click here to find our previous tree for I-Y4882
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for I-Y4882
Click here for YFull's I-Y4882 tree
Click here for a brief description of the I-Y4882 haplogroup

Thursday, March 25, 2021

I-Z16973 is an important new level below I-Y3106: 2021-03-25 tree for I-Y4460

 Click here to download our 2021-03-25 draft tree for I-Y4460

Update 2021-03-28: We communicated with YFull, and YFull will add this level to their tree. Click here to see the live version of the YFull I-Y3106 tree.

Our updated I-Y4460 draft tree shows a new level called I-Z16973, it's immediately below I-Y3106.

Four branches of  I-Y3106 have Z16973+ results:

  • I-Y3118
  • I-FT10545
  • I-FT78951
  • I-Y47356 
Three branches of I-Y3106 have Z16973- results:
  • I-A6106
  • I-S8201
  • I-BY53671
Z16973 occurs in the DYZ19 repeat region, and maybe FTDNA won't add it to its tree. But Z16973 gives consistent results.

This update also shows a new branch called I-BY111745, it's part of I-BY53671