Wednesday, April 17, 2019

A new branch in Disles: 2019-04-17 tree for I-L621

Click here to download our 2019-04-17 tree for I-L621

This tree shows a new branch called I-Y85772, it's part of what we nickname "Disles".

Disles includes all of the L621+ but CTS10228- branches, and "Dinaric" includes all of the L621+ and CTS10228+ branches. The name Disles comes from D for Dinaric and Isles for the British Isles. Many of the Disles branches are especially common in Britain and Ireland.

The Y67 marker pattern for Dinaric and Disles is similar but only Dinaric has the very distinctive value DYS565=9. The Disles branches all have DYS565=11 which is typical for all of I-P37.

Each branch of Disles has its own distinctive marker pattern and we can predict that some other people belong to these branches, even if they haven't done SNP testing. At the present time, all known Disles men can be placed in one of the branches on this I-L621 tree based on the pattern of their Y67 markers.

The new I-Y85772 branch contains two families, one from southwestern Germany and one from Sweden. They are not closely related, probably their common ancestor lived more than 2000 years ago.

The I-A17060 branch contains a few families from Britain and one American family which claims southwest German ancestry. This branch is called I-BY37319 at FTDNA and I-Y45825 at YFull.

The I-CTS10936* branch contains only one known family, they are American and believe their ancestor was from Germany or Luxembourg, or an adjacent area.

The I-Y50479 branch contains two families, one from southern Poland and one is American with ancestors from southwestern Germany. This branch is called I-Y44771 at FTDNA and I-Y44940 at YFull.

The I-FGC20479 branch contains 50-100 known families, all from Great Britain and Ireland. There are many known subbranches. Many of these branches are especially typical of the northern part of Ireland and Scotland.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-L621
Click here for a brief description of the I-L621 haplogroup

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