Monday, October 12, 2020

Our first tree specific to I-PF4135: our draft tree dated 2020-10-12

Click here to download our 2020-10-12 draft tree for I-PF4135

For reasons of space we have created a tree specific to I-PF4135 which is sometimes nicknamed Isles-A.

The PF4135+ A13665+ branches will be shown on their own tree, click here to download our I-A13665 (Driscoll family) draft tree.

The Y12072+ PF4135- branches will be shown on our I-Y12072 tree.


This I-PF4135 tree shows several updates:

  • in the I-A11115 haplogroup, we show the I-Y63669 branch and the more specific I-Y62883 branch. All known members of I-Y63669 have paternal origin from the Isle of Man. The I-Y62883 branch contains three samples from the Kinley family, the  I-Y63669* sample has a different surname
  • in I-A12075, we show a downstream branch called I-Y128944. One of the members is American with a paternal grandfather born in Germany. I-PF4135 is heavily Irish and British otherwise.
  • also in I-A12075, we show two new branches below I-Y12059 (Munro family)
  • I-BY105765 is a new branch that contains two descendants of the "Old John Hash" family of colonial Pennsylvania/Virginia, USA. It's part of the uncommon I-FGC39003 branch.
  • I-A17708 (also known as I-I-Z45261) contains another large American family (members are named Adkins, Mullins, Sloan etc). We show several new branches.
We also show new Big Y-700 samples in existing branches, and we show new SNP information for many existing branches.

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