Monday, December 23, 2019

2019-12-22 draft tree for I-CTS10228

Click here to download our 2019-12-22 draft tree for I-CTS10228

This tree shows the following updates:

  • A new branch called I-Y81696, it contains two Big Y samples, they are the only known CTS10228+ and S20602- men. This update also resolves the position of several SNPs that are equivalent to CTS10228 and S20602, compare to our 2019-10-14 I-CTS10228 tree. The two I-Y81696 men both have paternal ancestry from southwestern Germany/neighboring areas of France, and they share the distinctive marker value DYS565=9 with the I-S20602 men.
  • we have created a new draft tree specifically for the major I-Z17855 branch, click here
  • a new branch called I-Y87441, it's part of the Jewish Dinaric cluster
  • as a reminder, there are only two known I-S20602* men. FTDNA lists a third man (kit 117308) as I-S20602*, but in fact he has Y18331+ results according to his Big Y-500 and his Big Y-700 upgrade. His Big Y-700 reported only 7 reads for Y18331, all 7 reads were positive A+ reads. He has Greek paternal ancestry, like almost all men in I-Y18331

Click here to find our previous draft tree for I-CTS10228
Click here for a brief description of the I-CTS10228 haplogroup


  1. Bernie, the two I-S20602* men that you know of are not the "only 2 known". There are more than ten other men (with ten different surnames) who are YP196/S20602* - mostly Serbs - from Croatia, Serbia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Their results have been confirmed by YSEQ and they are all members of "Srpski DNK projekat" ( ).

  2. thank you, I hope they will do a NGS test and join the YFull tree

  3. All I can say, since I am not a member of the aforementioned project (and I am from MNE), is that their results are real and undoubtful. I will not discuss the reasons why they are not on the YFull.
    However, when it comes to YFull, don't you think that the current "configuration" of the L621 tree (particularly S17250 /"initial branch"/, Z17855, Y18331, and, above all, I-PH908) deserve some re-evaluation of the existing opinion(s) about the origin and development of YP196/S20602 sub-branches?

    1. Hello Georg,
      I see eleven I-YYP196/S20602* results in Poreklo. They have different surnames. Maybe they join I-P37 haplogroup project. As for different I-YP196/S20602 branches it seems like they have different histories and expansion regions. But we should be aware that these results are from the present time. We do not know how haplogroup composition looked like 1000 years ago. Many branches disappeared, some branches profited. Furthermore some regions are underrepresented in testings.

  4. Any updates for Y4460 since Oct-2019?

  5. A few weeks I mentioned some I-Y4460 updates on the Activity Feed at the FTDNA I-P37 project. More recently we have learned about a new branch below I-Y3118, it's called I-FT152146 and the two known members have ancestry from Finland and Turkey. We will update the trees as soon as possible.

  6. Is there any other I2a man left in Poland that hasn't been tested yet?

  7. Of course mr Marković, we cannot exactly tell what happened 1000 years ago, but now, for example, we can see that out of 15-16 I-PH908 "initial" branches (which were formed 1700-1800 years ago) only one has not been found in the Balkans yet, and most of "ours" are not found in the the upper Europe, or are represented with the younger sub-branches. Does that tell us something?
    Đorđe Mitrović, Župa, Nikšići tribe-MNE
