Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Both Lindsay branches belong to I-FT11343: 2019-09-02 tree for I-A8462

Click here to download our 2019-09-02 tree for I-A8462

There is a large I-P37 Lindsay family from Scotland, they have already completed more than 25 Big Ys. All of these men belong to the I-L233 "Western" haplogroup, and more specifically to I-A8462 and most specifically to I-A16250.

But the Lindsay men belong to two different branches of I-A16520: more than 20 Big Y samples belong to I-F25958 and 3 samples belong to I-Y138968. These two branches have a most recent common ancestor (MRCA) who lived approximately 1000 years ago according to YFull's calculation. All the men in these two branches are named Lindsay, Lindsey, Lindesay or similar, or they have known Lindsay etc. paternal ancestry, or they belong to downstream branches which gives strong evidence that they have Lindsay etc. paternal ancestry.

There is a third known branch of the I-A16520 haplogroup called I-A16522 which contains men named Morrow, Murray, and Stanley.  But no Lindsays are known to belong to I-A16522.

You can see these branches on our previous tree for I-A8462 (click here).

As mentioned previously on this blog (click here), I could think of three possible explanations for the question, do the I-Y138968 men and the I-F25958 men share a common paternal ancestor named Lindsey? 

1) No, the men share an ancestor who lived before the era of surnames, and it's just a coincidence that they share the same surname and belong to closely related haplogroup branches.

2)Yes, the men share an ancestor named Lindsay, and the I-Y138968 men and the I-F25958 men share a more recent common ancestor with each other compared to the I-A16522 branch. But unfortunately the Big Y-500 didn't detect any SNP which would show the closer relationship of I-Y138968 and I-F25958.

3) Yes, the men share an ancestor named Lindsay, but this common ancestor was also the common ancestor of the I-A16520 branch as a whole. And at some later date the men in the I-A16522 branch adopted different surnames. Therefore, Murray, Morrow, Stanley etc. had a paternal ancestor named Lindsay who lived several hundred years ago.


Luckily the Big Y-700 test has higher resolution because it sequences more regions of the Y chromosome, and several Big Y-700 tests discovered a new SNP called FT11343. As shown on our new tree, the new FT11343 branch contains both Lindsay branches (I-F2595 and I-Y138968) and the  I-A16522 branch which contains no Lindsays is FT11343-. FTDNA has added this branch to their tree and probably YFull will add it soon.

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