Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Again, a Greek Dinaric who's not closely related to other Dinarics: new tree for I-S17250

Click here to download our 2018-12-01 tree for I-S17250

This tree shows a new Big Y result for a man with paternal ancestry from Kythira, an island located between the Greek mainland and Crete. Before this Big Y, Z16971, Y12910, and Y5595/Z16972 were considered to be equivalent SNPs. The new result is Z16971+ and Y12910+ but Y5595-/Z16972-. Now we have a new branch, and once again, there is a Greek Dinaric who is only very distantly related to Dinarics from more northern areas.

This tree also shows two additional Big Y results, they are both I-A815* and they have paternal ancestry from Denmark and Ukraine.

As a reminder, every result on this tree belongs to the Dinaric North cluster. The details about I-PH908 (Dinaric South) are shown on the more specific I-PH908 tree.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-S17250

Click here to find a brief description of the I-S17250 haplogroup


  1. It seems that both mine the Z16971 and the Greeks under A-815 in Z17855 which are both about 2200 years to a tmrca from northern Eastern Europeans definitely seem to suggest arriving to Greece before the Slavic invasions and yet not old enough to be Ancient Greek and also not old enough to be Illyrian say or another native Balkan group.It seems I keep reading time and again that it could be the Bastarnae who originate from that same area- western Ukraine, southern Poland and arrived to the balkans around that suggested timeframe about 2200 years ago or so. Any comments on that from anyone?

  2. Sorry I meant to say the Greeks in the A2512 branch under Z17855.
