Thursday, November 1, 2018

no new Big Ys but some interesting new SNPs: updated I-Y11222 tree

Click here to download our 2018-11-02 tree for I-Y11222

This tree shows some new SNPs that were confirmed thanks to the analysis. These SNPs are shown in red. Some of these SNPs don't appear on the YFull tree and don't appear on the FTDNA haplotree, because they have few reads or they occur in regions of the Y chromosome that are considered unreliable. But these SNPs give consistent results, and we show them on our draft tree.

One of the new SNPs is called Y73815. There are three Big Y results that are quite closely related, they are all from men with ancestry from the southern USA and I think it's likely that all three men share a paternal ancestor who lived in the 1600s or 1700s. All three men are A19476+ and they share 18 additional SNPs that haven't been found in any other men. Two of the men are Y73815+ and one of them is Y73815-.

The men have different surnames, but it seems most likely that they are all descended from Jacob Flournoy, a Huguenot (French Protestant) who came to Jamestown, Virginia in 1700 from London. They all belong to the I-Y14720 haplogroup which is especially typical of France. But they each have a high number of private SNPs, and YFull calculates that their common ancestor most likely lived 550 years ago. But YFull says that the 95% confidence interval is 225 years to 950 years, and I think it's likely that their common ancestor was Jacob Flournoy.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-Y11222

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