Saturday, September 22, 2018

first tree specifically for the I-Y4460 haplogroup

Click here to download our first draft tree that's specific to I-Y4460

I-Y4460 is a major branch of I-CTS10228 "Dinaric". I-Y4460 prevails in eastern and northeastern Europe (Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Baltic countries). All persons from this haplogroup are in the Dinaric North cluster. We now have created a new tree specifically for I-Y4460.

This update shows a major new branch called I-Y128456, the two known members are from Lithuania and Ukraine. This branch is not shown at FTDNA or YFull. Maybe FTDNA or YFull will chose another name for this branch.

This update also shows a new branch which FTDNA calls I-BY88077, part of I-SK1241. It's not on the YFull tree.

Click here to see our previous tree for I-CTS10228 which included I-Y4460. In the future our I-CTS10228 trees will not include details about I-Y4460


  1. This is great :) Thanks @Bernie, @Zdenko for the update.

    I kinda get used, to the fact, that "Dinaric North cluster" is marked with green background. I know, that so far all men in Y4460 are Dinaric North, and not possible to have South, but, I think would be great to remain the same color palette similar as in CTS10228 pdf file.

    Just a minor note, even if you agree, no need to change it right now. Next future change would be ok.

  2. FYI: FTDNA decided to use another SNP name - I-FGC63213

  3. Note: position 20091831 is about SNP BY182167 (according FTDNA new tree). That SNP not yet found in YFULL system. But info about position exists: G=>C.
