Thursday, May 4, 2017

May 2017 Draft Trees for I-L621 and I-S17250

The I-L621 tree is now quite large and we have created a new tree for the major I-S17250 branch.

The vast majority of men in of I-L621 belong to the very large I-CTS10228 haplogroup which is one of the most common haplogroups in Eastern and Central Europe. This I-CTS10228 haplogroup is nicknamed "Dinaric", and it has a common ancestor who lived approximately 2200 years ago according to's calculations based on more than 75 Big Y BAM files.

But there are some L621+ men who are CTS10228- and these men are shown at the top of the I-L161 tree in the Disles branches. These men mostly have ancestry from Britain and Ireland, and a few from Poland and Germany. Two Big Ys are in progress for Disles, and I expect that soon we will learn about new SNPs and we be able to place most known Disles men into a well defined branch.

I think these trees show that I-S17250 is a very major part of the I-CTS10228 haplogroup. I-S17250 includes all of Dinaric-South and a large part of Dinaric-North. The Dinaric-South group is the same thing as the I-PF908 haplogroup. As described earlier (click here), PF908 is not tested very efficiently by Big Ys, but the evidence from Big Ys and from individual PH908 tests at shows that PF908+ is exactly equivalent to Dinaric-South membership (CTS10228+ S17250+ with STR marker DYS448=19)

The I-S17250 tree shows 18 immediate daughter branches of I-PF908, a very rapid star-like expansion at the earliest stages of the Dinaric-South group. There are also many branches of I-S17250 that are part of Dinaric-North, men in these branches are PF908- and have STR marker DYS448=20.

More than 100 Big Ys have been completed for I-CTS10228, and there have been some additional Y chromosome sequences from scientific studies, and many people have tested individual SNPs or SNP packs or panels, and almost all I-CTS10228 men belong to one of four fundamental branches:
I-S17250 (called I-Y3548 on the FTDNA haplotree)

In fact there is still only one known man who is CTS10228+ S17250- Y4460- Z17855- A2512-, he has paternal ancestry from southeastern Poland.

A Big Y is in progress for a likely CTS10228+ man who has 111 markers somewhat distant from the typical I-CTS10228 values, we will see if he is a second CTS10228+ S17250- Y4460- Z17855- A2512- man.

The I-L621 tree also shows a new branch called I-A14877, part of I-A2512. This new branch contains a man from Greece, as well as a large family from New Mexico, USA. These men are very likely descended from a man named Juan Griego who was born in Greece and who came to New Mexico with the first Spanish expedition in 1598. In fact the entire I-A2512 branch contains only Greek families, the New Mexico families, an old Eastern European Jewish branch (I-A11372), and one puzzling result: an anonymous man from the Chuvash Republic, Russian Federation who was part of a scientific study. The Chuvash man is A7134+ meaning he is distantly related to the New Mexico/Greek I-A14877 branch, and much more distantly related to the Jewish and other Greek branches. There are a few Greek men in our project who belong to I-A2512 and who have not done Big Ys. If these men do Big Ys, I think we will learn about several new branches of I-A2512 and many new SNPs in these branches.

Click here to download a pdf version of the May 2017 haplogroup tree for I-L621.

Click here to download a pdf version of the May 2017 haplogroup tree for I-S17250.

Click here for our earlier I-L621 tree from February 2017.

Update May 17, 2017: The Big Y has been completed, and we now have a second CTS10228+ S17250- Y4460- Z17855- A2512-. One man has paternal ancestry from Alsace (Germany/France border region) and the other has paternal ancestry from southeastern Poland. The two men don't share any novel variants with each other. The man with Alsace ancestry is CTS10228+ and derived for many equivalent SNPs, but some equivalent SNPs were not listed in his Big Y VCF file. We will send his BAM file to YFull for analysis.

1 comment:

  1. " There are a few Greek men in our project who belong to I-A2512 and who have not done Big Ys. If these men do Big Ys, I think we will learn about several new branches of I-A2512 and many new SNPs in these branches."
    I assume this would apply to me but I'm not sure how much more I would get out of the Big-Y. I don't really understand what the Big-Y does in terms of 'new branches' and identifying new SNPs. Could you explain this or is there a link or previous discussion regarding this matter?
