Tuesday, September 24, 2019

FT10545 unites two haplogroups below I-Y3106: 2019-09-24 tree for I-Y4460

Click here to download our  2019-09-24 draft tree for I-Y4460

On our 2019-08-20 draft tree for I-Y4460, we added a new branch below I-Y3106 (click here). The new branch was called I-FT9301 and it contained three samples. All three samples were FT9301+ and FT10545+.

After some new Big Y-700 results,  FT9301 is still found only in these three samples. But FT10545 is found in a wider group: the I-Y91535 haplogroup is also FT10545+.

This updated tree shows I-FT10545 immediately below I-Y3106 (and I-Y3106 is also known as I-B57 because Y3106 and B57 are currently phylogenetically equivalent). And I-FT10545 is the parent of I-Y91535 and I-FT9301.

There are several additional branches of I-Y3106, and at least one member of each branch has FT10545- results. (These branches are I-FT78951, I-Y3118, I-S8201, I-A6106 and I-Y47356)

Note: FT10545 is well sampled in Big Y-700 tests and some Big Y-500 tests contain a few reads of FT10545. As shown on our draft tree, FT10545 occurs at ChrY position (Hg38):17349392 G to A. FTDNA's Big Y Results page doesn't currently display information for FT10545. To see your result for FT10545,  change the Derived? box to "Show All" and enter YP1222 in the SNP name box (YP1222 is a neighboring SNP). When you see YP1222 displayed as a search result, click on YP1222 and you will see FTDNA's chromosome browser which shows the FT10545 position.
Our tree continues to show Y3106 and B57 as equivalent SNPs. We know 4 Big Y-500 results for the I-S8201 branch, none of them have B57 result. We are not aware of any individual B57 test in the I-S8201 haplogroup. There is a Big Y-700 test in progress for someone in I-S8201, maybe this will show a B57 result.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-Y4460
Click here for a brief description of the I-Y4460 haplogroup

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