Wednesday, May 1, 2019

A Frenchman in a downstream branch typical of Sardinia: 2019-05-01 tree for I-CTS11338

Click here to download our 2019-05-01 tree for I-CTS11338

This tree shows three Big Ys that belong to the I-PF4190 haplogroup (part of I-M26). But Paolo Francalacci (2013) sequenced the Y chromosomes of 1200 men living in Sardinia (click here for Dienekes' summary and a link to the paper, free with registration), and found approximately 345 samples that belonged to I-PF4190, and hundreds of branches in the I-PF4190 tree. This draft tree shows only 4 branches in the I-PF4190 tree, because we only show the 3 men in the I-P37 project and a few relevant samples from Francalacci.

There are only 103 Big Y results for all of I-M26 (101 of these men are members of the I-P37 project at FTDNA), and I don't know any samples from similar tests at other companies. In addition to the men in I-PF4190, Francalacci sequenced approximately 119 Y chromosomes from other branches of I-M26.

The archived draft trees on this blog show the progress we've made in the last five years. But there is much more to learn.
I-PF4190 had a rapid expansion at its earliest stages which has continued to the present day, at least in Sardinia. Most I-M26 men from elsewhere in Europe aren't closely related to the I-M26 men from Sardinia. But when we find non-Sardinian I-PF4190 men, they always share many downstream SNPs with men from Francalacci's study.

Many of these I-PF4190 men have German origin, and our draft tree shows two Big Y-500 results in the I-PF4432 branch, they share many SNPs with Francalacci samples 648-689. There are only two Big Ys, but we have individual SNP tests, Genographic 2.0 tests, and STR marker patterns that place several other men in this branch, or in related branches. Again, most of these men have German origin.

This updated tree shows a new Big Y-700 result for a man with French origin, he belongs to a different branch called I-PF4218, which also contains Francalacci samples 435-437. There is a man with Geno 2.0 results who also belongs to this branch, he has paternal ancestry from Malta. FTDNA's haplotree and Big Y Block tree contain some legacy information from before the era of Big Y testing, and these trees have some errors in the I-PF4190 section. I think FTDNA will correct these errors thanks to the new Big Y-700 result.

It's not possible to post all of Francalacci's information here, but click here to see the YFull tree for I-PF4188 which shows all three FTDNA samples, five of Francalacci's samples, and an additional scientific sample. At the moment the new result is only in a preliminary position, but I think YFull will update their tree soon. Click here to see a list of the Sardinian samples, YFull has added only a few of these to their tree.

Note: I-PF4188 is equivalent to I-PF4190, and all of the haplogroups listed in this post are also known by other names.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-CTS11338
Click here for a brief description of the I-CTS11338 haplogroup

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