Monday, March 18, 2019

A branch parallel to the I-CTS11851 cluster: 2019-03-17 tree for I-L160

Click here to download our 2019-03-17 tree for I-L160

This tree shows a major new branch in I-L160 (which is part of I-M26). It's one of many M26+...L160+ PF4088+ but CTS11338- branches. These PF4088+ CTS11338- branches were poorly known for many years, except for a few STR marker clusters. One of the largest known PF4088+ CTS11338+ branches is I-CTS11851, it was formerly nicknamed the DYS462=13 cluster. The people in I-CTS11851 share a common ancestor who lived approximately 2600 years ago, and they are CTS11851+ Y24017+ Y23154+ CTS2755+ and they share approximately 22 additional equivalent SNPs.

The new Big Y-700 result is Y24017+ Y23154+ CTS2755+ but he is negative for CTS11851 and all of the other SNPs.

He belongs to a cluster of men with distinctive STR marker values, most of these men have paternal ancestry from the 1600s or 1700s in the southeastern USA, and they have many different surnames. But this cluster also includes a man from Australia who has more recent ancestry from England, and he shares a surname with some of the American men. I think these men probably all share a common ancestor who lived in England in the last 350-700 years, and the name of that common ancestor, and the name of the more recent man who crossed the Atlantic and founded the American family is the same as the Australian/American shared surname.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-L160
Click here for a brief description of the I-L160 haplogroup

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