Sunday, July 1, 2018

Isles-D1 can now be called I-A22306: Updated I-Y3723 tree

Click here to download our July 1, 2018 tree for I-Y3723 (part of I-L161 "Isles")

Ken Nordtvedt identified the Isles-C and Isles-D cluster many years ago, based on patterns in Y37 and Y46 tests. Eventually as Y67 tests became more common he was able to identify more specific clusters: first Isles-C1, Isles-C2, Isles-D2, and then Isles-D3/D99. When people did Big Ys, we found SNPs to define the Isles-D2 and Isles-D3 cluster, and we also found a new cluster/branch for the Todd family and their very distant relatives. And we learned that Isles-D2 is most closely related to Isles-C.

All of Isles-C and Isles-D is I-Y3723
More specifically,
I-Y3734 contains all of Isles-C and Isles-D2
I-S7708 contains Isles-D3
I-A10514 contains the Todd Cluster

and everyone who is I-Y3723 but doesn't belong to one of the three more specific branches listed above remains in Isles-D1. Therefore Isles-D1 is a catchall group and is not well defined by STR markers.

There have now been two Big Ys for Isles-D1 and they both share one additional SNP called A22306. The two men are very distantly related so probably many men placed in Isles-D1 belong to I-A22306. And probably some men who are currently placed in our project's Isles-D1 section belong to Isles-D3 or to the Todd cluster, and we might be able to place them in one of these groups if they upgrade to Y67.

This tree also shows more details about the SNPs for the Isles-D3 branches, and it shows a new branch in Isles-C2.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-Y3723

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