Monday, July 16, 2018

A new tree for I-CTS11338/PF4091 (part of I-M26 and I-L160)

Click here to see our first draft tree for I-CTS11338

Our I-L160 tree became too large to fit on one page, so we create a new tree for the more specific I-CTS11338 branch.

For many years I-CTS11338 was much better known than any other part of I-M26. There are two known branches of I-CTS11338: the I-CTS787 branch includes the large I-Z102 haplogroup which is young and usually found in Iberia and France. Some I-Z102 samples were included in the 1000 Genomes project, and some SNPs from these samples were added to the Genographic 2.0 test (original version).

I-CTS787 has not been found in Sardinia, and its overwhelmingly Spanish, Portuguese and French. There are a few I-CTS787 members who were born in England with clear English ancestry, and some Americans with likely German ancestry. This tree shows a new branch for an American family with likely English ancestry.

The second major branch of I-CTS11338 is called I-PF4189. This branch is well known because approximately 75% of I-M26 men in Sardinia belong to I-PF4189, and Francalacci (2013) sequenced the Y chromosomes of approximately 346 men in I-PF4189. Some SNPs from these samples were included added to the Genographic 2.0 test (original version).

There are three known branches of I-PF4189. Two of these branches are known only from Great Britain: I-A19487 and I-A12373. This tree shows new information about both of these branches.

The third branch of I-PF4189 is called I-PF4190 and it includes the 346 men from Sardinia, and some other men who have mostly western German origin. There is only one Big Y sample on this tree for I-PF4190, but we have many project members who belong to this branch, many have recent Sardinian ancestry, others have German ancestry, and other are American of unknown origin.

At this point we haven't found I-PF4189 men from Spain or Portugal. It's interesting that the men who are most closely related to the 346 men living in Sardinia are men from Germany, but their common ancestor lived thousands of years ago.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-L160, which included information on I-CTS11338

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