Thursday, April 5, 2018

February 19 draft tree for I-L233

Click here to download the February 19, 2008 draft tree for I-L233

I forgot to post this tree earlier. It shows several new Big Y results in the I-BY33210 branch (Terry family) and in the I-A16520 branch (Lindsay, McCauslin, Morrow, Murray, Stanley families).

Especially interesting: a new Big Y result for a Lindsay (shown in red) is A16520+ but F25958- (and A16522-). Four other Lindsey Big Ys, and a McCauslin Big Y,  are A16520+ F25958+.

There is another Big Y for a Murray which is A16520+ but F25958- A16522- (not shown on this tree). The other Murrays, Morrows, and Stanleys are A16520+ and A16522+.

Do all of the I-A16520 Lindsays share a common ancestor named Lindsay? It's possible. Maybe there is a SNP between A16520 and F25958 which is specific to these Lindsays and to McCauslin. But the Big Ys didn't detect any such SNP. It's possible that an improved Y chromosome test could detect such a SNP. Or maybe there is a STR value specific to all of these Lindsays. It seems that there is a similar situation with the I-A16520 Morrow/Murray family--it's not clear if they all share a common ancestor named Morrow/Murray.

One additional Big Y for I-L233 was completed in early April (not shown on this tree). He is I-Y4252*. The I-Y4252 haplogroup now has 17 immediate child branches.

There are two additional Lindsay Big Ys in progress, but they are not I-P37 project members.

Click here to find our earlier tree for I-L233

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