Monday, April 9, 2018

1000 years of the Lindsey family? Updated I-L233 tree

Click here to download our April 8, 2018 draft tree for I-L233 "Western"

7 members of the Lindsey/Lindsay family have completed Big Y tests, and no additional Lindsey Big Ys are in progress. All of these Lindseys belong to the I-A16520 branch. The Lindsey family seems to be very old:

Two Lindsey Big Y results belong to the new I-Y138968 branch.
Five Lindsey Big Y results belong to the I-F25958 branch, which has three known subbranches.

If you count the number of variants, the common ancestor of these men lived a long time ago. For example:
kit 561849 has 8 private variants, and he is Y138968+, and he is also Y138982+ and Y138986+ (these SNPs are currently equivalent to Y138968). 11 SNPs in his line.
kit 229968 has 5 private variants, and he shares Y99301 and 3 additional variants with kit 487350, and he is Y106756+, and he is F25958+. 11 SNPs in his line.

It seems that the I-Y138968 branch is many hundreds of years old, and the I-F25958 branch is many hundreds of years old. Maybe each branch is approximately 1,000 years old. YFull calculates that the I-A16520 branch has a common ancestor who lived approximately 1,000 years ago.

But you can see on the tree that I-A16520 has a third branch called I-A16522 which contains no one named Lindsey, as far as is known.

Here is an interesting question: do the I-Y138968 men and the I-F25958 men share a common paternal ancestor named Lindsey? I can think of three possible answers:

1) No, the men share an ancestor who lived before the era of surnames, and it's just a coincidence that they share the same surname and belong to closely related haplogroup branches.

2)Yes, the men share an ancestor named Lindsey, and the I-Y138968 men and the I-F25958 men share a more recent common ancestor with each other compared to the I-A16522 branch. But unfortunately the Big Y didn't detect any SNP which would show the closer relationship of I-Y138968 and I-F25958.

3) Yes, the men share an ancestor named Lindsey, but this common ancestor was also the common ancestor of the I-A16520 branch as a whole. And at some later date the men in the I-A16522 branch adopted different surnames. Therefore, Murray, Morrow, Stanley etc. had a paternal ancestor named Lindsey who lived several hundred years ago.

This tree also shows a new branch called I-A21933, which contains an American family named Scott. According to Y-DNA STR markers, the Scott family is closely related to an American Nix family and an English Nixey family, but these families have not done a Big Y. The tree shows that the Scott family's closest relative is the Terry family, but based on the high number of SNPs unique to the Scott family, and unique to the Terry family, the Scotts and Terrys have a very distant common ancestor.

Click here to find our previous I-L233 tree

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