Monday, April 27, 2020

An I-M26 cluster from Turkic Russia: 2020-04-26 tree for I-Y11222

Click here to download our 2020-04-26 draft tree for I-Y11222

This update shows a new branch called I-BY93072, it contains two Big Y samples, one has French Canadian ancestry and the other is from Republic of Bashkortostan (Bashkiria) in the Russian Federation. Their most recent common paternal ancestor lived more than 4000 years ago.

This is a very small haplogroup: there are no known men with STR markers that match the French Canadian man. And the man from Bashkortostan has only two matches, they are from the Chuvash Republic and the Republic of Tatarstan. These men have several differences in their Y37 and Y67 STR markers and their common paternal ancestor lived several hundred years ago. Bashkortostan, Tatarstan and Chuvashia are adjacent republics in the Russian Federation, and at least two of the three men trace their paternal ancestry to Turkic peoples (Bashkirs and Tatars).
In general I-M26 is very typical of Sardinia, Spain, Portugal, France and western Europe. I-M26 is almost unknown in Eastern Europe and most of Central Europe, I am aware of only these I-M26 samples:

  • there is a Jewish branch from Poland, Lithuania, Russia etc, they belong to I-PF6950 
  • there is an anonymous scientific sample from Greece, he also belongs to I-PF6950 but he's not closely related to the Jewish branch
  • there are two samples from Bosnia and Herzegovina, they have Muslim paternal ancestry, maybe they belong to I-PF4190 which probably originated in Sardinia. It's possible that they are from the same family
  • I know only one sample from Hungary/Romania, he believes he has ethnic German paternal ancestry and in fact he probably belongs to the I-Z27416 branch with some men from southwestern Germany (this branch is shown on the I-Y11222 tree linked above)
  • I only know one sample from Austria and one from Bavaria, they are distantly related to each other (MRCA more than 1500 years ago?), they belong to I-BY130413 which is one of the PF4088+ CTS11338- branches
  • there is one man with ethnic German paternal ancestry from Slovakia
  • there is one sample from Finland, others from Poland, and Sweden, they probably all  belong to I-A19395 which is also found in Germany and Great Britain and Ireland. These Finnish, Polish and Swedish men all have ancestry from areas settled by Germans or Swedes, but it's not clear how closely these men are related to each other.
  • there are a few additional I-M26 men from Germany, Poland and Sweden who probably are A19395-
  • Update July 2020: there is man from Serbia with M26+ Z113+ Big Y-700 results. There is another man from western Bulgaria with Z113+ results from an individual SNP test. They aren't closely related according to their Y-STR markers. I-Z113 is the largest recent branch of I-M26, it has a MRCA who lived 1550 years ago according to YFull's calculation, and almost all known I-Z113 samples are from Spain, Portugal and France.
If you draw a line from Venice north to Rostock, Germany, I think these are the only samples I know from more easterly regions. I-M26 is very typical of western Germany and Switzerland and the list of those samples would be very long.
This tree also shows a third sample in I-Y45584 (FTDNA calls this branch I-BY151272). Two of the samples have Big Y-500 results and one has Big Y-700 results, and we didn't find any downstream SNPs shared by only 2 of the 3 men. All three samples have Irish paternal ancestry

I-M26 is very typical of Ireland, I-M26 is much more common in Ireland than in Great Britain. But the I-M26 men in Ireland belong to many different branches of I-M26.  I-Y45584 and its neighbor I-S2699 are probably the largest branches of I-M26 that are found in Ireland, and we can use STR markers to predict that many other Irish-ancestry men belong to I-Y45584 and I-S2699. But many other Irish men belong to other branches of I-M26, for example the I-PF6950, I-PF4190 and I-A19395 branches mentioned above, and many other branches.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-Y11222
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for I-Y11222
Click here for YFull's I-Y11222
Click here for a brief description of the I-Y11222 haplogroup

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Another update for the Barclay cluster: 2020-04-21 tree for I-CTS11338

Click here to download our 2020-04-21 tree for I-CTS11338

I-BY67299 includes many men with Scottish/northern English ancestry, they are named Barclay/Barkley, Williamson, Falconer, McLaughlin, Rose, Gray etc. I-BY67299 isn't closely related to any other branch, as is shown by the large block of SNPs that are equivalent to BY67299.

There have now been six Big Ys for this branch. This I-CTS11338 draft tree now largely agrees with FTDNA's haplotree, for the I-BY67299 section at least.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-CTS11338
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for I-CTS11338
Click here for YFull's I-CTS11338 (I-Z105) tree
Click here for a brief description of the I-CTS11338 haplogroup

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

French-Canadian Big Y match to a Frenchman: 2020-04-13 tree for I-A8742 (Isles-B5)

Click here to download our 2020-04-13 draft tree for I-A8742

This update shows a new branch called I-BY160643. One of the members has French-Canadian paternal ancestry, he did the Big Y-500 test several years ago. Genealogy records in Quebec and in some areas of France are very good, and he was able to trace his paternal line back to France, and he was able to identify a male-line descendant of the same family who was born in France only 20 miles from the town of the ancestor who went to Canada. He arranged for a Y37 test for the Frenchman, and when they matched he arranged for an upgrade to Big Y-700.

The French-Canadian man and the French man have different surnames, it was common in Quebec for surnames to be changed, but these changes were recorded in the baptism, marriage records etc.

These two men have a number of unique variants/SNPs that's consistent with a common ancestor who lived approximately 500 years ago.

At this point all other men in I-A8742 have British paternal ancestry. But I-A8742 is rare and there has been little DNA testing in France.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-A8742
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for I-A8742
Click here for YFull's I-A8742 tree
Click here for a brief description of the I-A8742 haplogroup

Monday, April 13, 2020

Branches from Scotland, Spain and Sardinia? 2020-04-12 tree for I-CTS11338

Click here to download our 2020-04-12 draft tree for I-CTS11338
***Update***Click here to download our 2020-04-13 draft tree for I-CTS11338

This tree shows a new I-FT106773* branch in the Barclay cluster from Scotland. This branch is not shown yet on the FTDNA haplotree.

This tree shows the I-FT107553 branch from Spain, it is parallel to large I-Z113 branch which is found in Spain, Portugal, France and Great Britain.

This tree shows a new Big Y-700 sample in the I-PF4190 branch. The person tested is American with an unknown European country of paternal origin. He belongs to the downstream I-PF4390 branch, and he shares PF4390 and nine equivalent SNPs with Paolo Francalacci's Sardinian samples 576-647, but he doesn't belong to any more specific haplogroup found in Sardinia.
***Update*** As shown on our tree dated 2020-04-13, the new American sample shares two additional SNPs with some of the Sardinian samples, these SNPs are more specific than PF4390

Click here to find our previous tree for I-CTS11338
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for I-CTS11338
Click here for YFull's I-CTS11338 (I-Z105) tree
Click here for a brief description of the I-CTS11338 haplogroup

Friday, April 10, 2020

I-S17250 now has 5 named branches (and one unnamed branch): 2020-04-08 tree for I-S17250

Click here to download our 2020-04-08 draft tree for I-S17250 (I-Y3548)

I-S17250 (I-Y3548) now has 5 named immediate child branches:

  • I-PH908 also known as Dinaric South, a very large branch
  • I-Y4882
  • I-BY128/Y5596
  • I-Y40662 which contains only two known samples
  • I-A26390 which is the newest branch

I-A26390 contains two known samples. One sample has Bosnian Serb paternal ancestry from northeastern Bosnia and Herzegovina, he did the Big Y-700 test at Family Tree DNA and he plans to order the analysis. The second sample has paternal ancestry from southeastern Poland, he tested at another lab ( and he has already completed the YFull analysis. The two men share another SNP named M9313.

There is a sixth unnamed I-S17250* branch. It is unnamed because it contains only a single known sample, this man has ancestry from Korcula island, Croatia.

If you look at the YFull tree you will see another branch immediately below I-S17250, this branch is named I-MF2888 and it contains two samples, one from Montenegro and one from Germany. But in fact the I-MF2888 branch is part of I-PH908. YFull considers that the German sample has ambiguous results for PH908, and the Montenegrin sample is from a Big Y-500 test that didn't sequence the PH908 region. But both samples have received PH908+ results from other tests: the Montenegrin man did the Big Y-700 upgrade but he hasn't sent his new BAM file to YFull, and the German sample has PH908+ results from YSeq

Click here to find our previous I-S17250 tree
Click here for FTDNA's public haplotree for I-Y3548 (I-S17250)
Click here for YFull's I-S17250 tree
Click here for a brief description of the I-S17250 haplogroup

A new sample in Isles-D3/D99: 2020-04-08 tree for I-Y3723

Click here to download our 2020-04-08 draft tree for I-Y3723

This update shows a new sample in Isles-D3/D99 (which is called I-S7708 at FTDNA, and I-Y69224 at YFull). Like all/most I-S7708 men, he has paternal ancestry from Scotland. YFull estimates that the MRCA of this group lived 1550 years ago.

As shown on our tree, the placement of some FT series SNPs is uncertain, because these SNPs occur in regions that weren't sequenced in Big Y-500 tests, and many of the branches of I-S7708 have only Big Y-500 samples.

This update also shows some new SNP information in the I-A22306 (Isles-D1) branch

Click here to find our previous tree for I-Y3723
Click here for a brief description of the I-Y3723 haplogroup

FTDNA has finally added the major I-FT129122 (I-Y137878) branch: 2020-04-08 tree for I-L160

Click here to download our 2020-04-08 draft tree for I-L160

In September 2019 we added the I-Y137878 branch to our draft tree and YFull added it in December 2019. This is one of 3 immediate descendant branches of I-PF4088. But I-Y137878 is quite small and only a few families are known to belong to this branch, they have English and Spanish origin. They all share some distinctive marker values: DYS447=20 or lower, and DYS425=10.

FTDNA placed one of the first samples in an I-PF088* branch, and the other sample in an I-CTS8386 branch below I-PF4088. But now that there are three samples, FTDNA has corrected their haplotree and created a new I-FT129122 branch (this is equivalent to I-Y137878). The two English samples are in the more specific I-CTS8386 branch.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-L160
Click here for a brief description of the I-L160 haplogroup

Friday, April 3, 2020

Major new branch in I-L233 "Western": 2020-04-02 draft tree

Click here to download our 2020-04-02 draft tree for I-L233 

For reasons of space we have created a new tree for the large I-Y4252 branch. We already have a tree for the smaller I-A8462 branch, and additional trees for subbranches of I-Y4252 and I-A8462.
Click here to find our new tree for I-Y4252

This update shows a major discovery in the I-L233 haplogroup. Until now, all known L233+ men have been either A8462+ or Y4252+. But a recent Big Y-700 result was L233+ and A8462- Y4252-. He was also Y4197- FGC56775- FGC80022- Y4258-, previously these SNPs had been considered equivalent to L233. He was derived (positive) for approximately 121 SNPs that are still considered equivalent to L233.

I-L233 now has two child branches: I-Y4197 with 148 Big Y samples and I-L233* with 1 Big Y sample. And I-Y4197 has two child branches: I-A8462 and I-Y4252. Previously I-L233 was the immediate parent of of  I-A8462 and I-Y4252.

The new I-L233* sample has Scottish ancestry and he shares a few distinctive marker values with some other I-L233. They all probably have paternal ancestry from Scotland or northern England

The characteristic marker values of the L233+ Y4197- group are:
Y-GATA-H4=9 (normal value for I-L233 is 10)
DYS464=11-14-15-15 (normal value for I-L233 is 11-14-14-15)
DYF395S1=16-16 (normal value for I-L233 is 16-17)
DYS617=13 (normal value for I-L233 is 14)
DYS434=9 (normal value for I-L233 is 10)

Of course it's possible that there are additional L233+ Y4197- men with different marker patterns. But based on many previous Big Ys, SNP packs, SNP panels, Genographic 2.0 tests, individual SNP tests, almost all L233+ men are Y4197+ and belong to either A8462+ or Y4252+ (most of them belong to Y4252+).

At FTDNA's I-P37 project, you will see some people with I-Y4197 results on our Y-DNA classic and colorized STR results pages, these people did a version of the Genographic 2.0 test that included Y4197.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-L233 which included information on I-Y4252

Click here to for a brief description of the I-L233 haplogroup

Thursday, April 2, 2020

First draft tree specific to I-Y4252 (2020-04-02)

Click here to download our first draft tree specific to I-Y4252

For reasons of space, we have created a new tree specific to I-Y4252.

I-Y4252 contains most of the I-L233 "Western" haplogroup. I-L233 had a MRCA who lived 2000 years ago according to YFull's latest calculation.

At this point, all known L233+ Y4252- men have British paternal origin, while the L233+ Y4252+ group contains men from Great Britain and Ireland, and from Continental Europe and Scandinavia. But maybe this simply reflects the much higher percentage of British origin men who have done Y-DNA tests (L233+ Y4252- is uncommon even in Britain).

This update shows a new branch called I-BY210124, it's found in SE Europe (Croatia and Albania). It's part of the larger I-A10033 branch which is maybe the most common branch of I-L233, and which is nearly always found in Continental Europe and Scandinavia (only 2 British families are known).

This update shows a new level called I-FT94277, it's the parent of the previously known I-A15050 branch.

This tree also shows a new sample in the I-BY160207 "Western-Isles" branch, this branch has exclusively British origin according to current knowledge.

Click here to find our previous tree for I-L233 which included I-Y4252
Click here for a brief description of the I-Y4252 haplogroup